
Popular Culture and Identity Discussion

Popular Culture and Identity Discussion Popular Culture and Identity Discussion   Discussion: Popular Culture and Identity Think of a piece of music that has helped you through a trying or joyful time. You probably identify with the music—it speaks to you, gives voice to your emotions, or reminds you of something in your past. You…

Humor and Sleep Hygiene’s Potential Benefits for Stress and Immunity

Humor and Sleep Hygiene’s Potential Benefits for Stress and Immunity Humor and Sleep Hygiene’s Potential Benefits for Stress and Immunity A clown is like an aspirin, only he works twice as fast. – Groucho Marx Take rest; a field that has rested gives a bountiful crop. – Ovid Have you ever noticed that no matter…

Being in the Moment With Mindfulness

Being in the Moment With Mindfulness Being in the Moment With Mindfulness When was the last time you took a bath or a shower without feeling pressured to get your day started? The next time you take a shower (or bath) practice being mindful. Stop for a moment and smell the shampoo. Feel the water…

Discussion: Cultural Competence in Public Administration

Discussion: Cultural Competence in Public Administration Discussion: Cultural Competence in Public Administration Working with external groups is often a central responsibility of managers and leaders in public and nonprofit organizations. This responsibility takes diplomacy, relationship management skills, and cultural competency to be able to communicate effectively with diverse groups that exist within networked governance structures.…

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