BIOS 251 Lab Exercise Tissues and Integumentary System
BIOS 251 Lab Exercise Tissues and Integumentary System
Tissues and Integumentary System
1.Describe the characteristics of epithelial tissue. (5 points)
2.Describe the characteristics of connective tissue. (5 points)
3.Describe the characteristics of nervous tissue. (5 points)
4.Describe the various appendages of the skin and their structure. (5 points)
5.Identify some of the common disorders of the skin. (5 points)
6.Why are there no skin cancers that originate from stratum corneum cells? (5 points)
1. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased, or did not change minute ventilation from normal.
2. What is the minute ventilation when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
3. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased, or did not change arterial pCO2from normal.
4. What is the arterial pCO2 when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
5. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased, or did not change arterial pO2from normal.
6. What is the arterial pO2 when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
7. State whether increasing the amount of carbon dioxide in inhaled air increased, decreased, or did not change plasma pH from normal.
8. What is the arterial blood pH when inhaled air contains 5% carbon dioxide?
9. State whether increasing the amount of oxygen in inhaled airincreased, decreased, or did not change minute ventilation from normal.
10. What is the minute ventilation when inhaled air contains 16% oxygen?
16. What is the arterial pH when inhaled air contains 16% oxygen?
1. Discuss the relationship between CO2 and pH and their effect on minute ventilation.
2. Discuss how inhaling increased amounts of CO2 affects pulmonary ventilation.
3. Discuss how inhaling decreased amounts of O2 affects pulmonary ventilation.
4. Discuss how plasma pH affects the hemoglobin saturation curves and the amount of oxygen delivered to the tissues.
5. Restate your predictions that were correct, and give data from your experiment that support them. Restate your predictions that were not correct, and correct them with supporting data from your experiment.
1. Explain how the child’s blood carbon dioxide, hydrogen ions, and bicarbonate ions levels change during breath holding.
2. If she continues to hold her breath, will she pass out? Explain.