BIO 350 Basic Chemistry for Investigating Living Systems

BIO 350 Basic Chemistry for Investigating Living Systems

BIO 350 Basic Chemistry for Investigating Living Systems

Analyze at least three different applications of genetically engineered products that involve microbes.
Select three microbes, two that are genetically engineered and one that is not, and explain their effect on humans and the environment.
Analyze the importance of genetic information in the function of microorganisms, in general.
Describe the role genetics concepts play in human society.
Describe how microbial genetics affects human society and how it differs from and compares with human genetics. Include the following terms:
o Genes
o Chromosomes
o Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)
o Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
o Plasmids
o Mutation
o Transcription
o Transduction
o Transformation
o Conjugation
o Genotype
o Phenotype


Review the Recombinant DNA and Ethics activity.
Complete all four sections.
Determine, in each section, whether the items in the presentation are applications of recombinant DNA technology.
Click on items in each section.
A pop-up box will appear, asking you whether or not this item is an application of recombinant DNA technology.
If you click yes, a notepad appears allowing you to type notes about the application and in what way it is used.
Include any ethical issues that arise out of this application.
A Microsoft® Word document, containing all of your notes, is generated at the end of the activity when you click Print at the bottom of the notepad.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word article based on your notes. Include the following:
An introduction
A summary of the applications you found
A discussion about the ethical, legal, and social issues (ELSI) related to the use of recombinant DNA technology
Briefly describes four scenes on map
Scene(s) identified that represent an application of DNA technology
Identifies ethical concerns arising from applications of DNA technology
Identifies legal concerns arising from applications of DNA technology
Identifies social concerns arising from applications of DNA technology
A conclusion

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