BIO 330 Week 3 Parasitic and Nonparasitic Organisms

BIO 330 Week 3 Parasitic and Nonparasitic Organisms

BIO 330 Week 3 Parasitic and Nonparasitic Organisms

Select one parasitic worm and one nonparasitic worm.
Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper that incorporates the following elements:
Describe how each organism functions, its host, and its transmission.
Discuss any current research about the organisms you selected. What control methods are in place? What medications are available, if any, to treat the host organism?
Describe the problems in the host that are associated with this particular parasite.
Discuss any benefits associated with these worms.
Explain how beneficial nematodes affect the worms’ environment.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.


Select one class of the phylum Arthropoda, and obtain faculty approval for the class you selected.
Obtain at least five pictures of some of the arthropods in the class you selected.
Develop an 8- to 10-slide Microsoft®PowerPoint® presentation.
For assistance with this type of assignment, review theseresources.
Create a virtual collection of the pictures you selected.
Address the following in your presentation:
How the class compares to other classes in the phylum Arthropoda – Include the estimated number of species in this class and how the class compares to all other arthropods.How humans have affected the survival of this class of arthropods
How humans have affected the survival of this class of arthropods
Technological or medical breakthroughs humans have made because of this class of arthropods
Interesting facts regarding some of the species in this class of arthropods
List the basic characteristics of the class you selected. Include detailed explanations in the speaker notes section that correlate to each point.
Format your presentation consistent with APA guidelines.
Cite the source of each image on a references slide at the end of the presentation.
Submit the Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation assignment.

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