BIO 1014 Assignment 2 Interactive Physiology Worksheet

BIO 1014 Assignment 2 Interactive Physiology Worksheet

BIO 1014 Assignment 2 Interactive Physiology Worksheet

Digestive System: Anatomy Review

Digestive System: Control of the Digestive System

Digestive System: Motility


                                          This Tutorial contains 2 Set of Answers

Mitosis: Cell Phases
The phases of mitosis can be observed by staining cells of rapidly growing tissue so the chromosomes can be seen. You have read about each phase separately, but remember that mitosis is a continuous process and that the phases (designated by human observers for your convenience) really merge from one to the next.
Review the phases of mitosis in your text. Pay particular attention to the photographs of real cells undergoing mitosis.
Complete the table with the following:
• For each phase, in 40–60 words, describe in your own words (paraphrase) the major events that occur in the cell. What would you expect the cell or nucleus to look like in each phase? Could you see the chromosomes and the nuclear membrane? If you could see the chromosomes, how would you expect them to be arranged?
• Provide a drawing that you create of what the cell would look like in each phase (Suggestion – take pictures and upload the pictures and imbed them here).
• Include your references and in-text citations. APA formatted references should go at the end of this document and each response should have an in-text citation.

What is the interdependent relationship between mitochondria and other organelles?

What are similarities and differences between the Golgi apparatus and the large central vacuole?

What is the function of chloroplast? Include functions of stroma and grana.

Explain the function of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rough endoplasmic reticulum. How are their functions similar to the nucleus’? How are they different?

Provide three unique chemical or physical properties of water. How are these properties useful to water movement in plant cells?

Discuss similarities and differences between bulk flow and diffusion. What are driving forces behind each process?

Describe Fick’s law. How might this law be applied to osmosis? Explain how osmosis is a special case of diffusion.

What role does solute concentration play in osmosis? How does water’s chemical potential influence osmosis? What role do water properties play in diffusion?

Distinguish between osmotic pressure and potential. What organelle is related to osmotic potential?

What role do aquaporins play in cell membrane permeability? What controls the gating of aquaporins?


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