BIO 1012 Assignment 2 Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses

BIO 1012 Assignment 2 Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses

BIO 1012 Assignment 2 Neurophysiology of Nerve Impulses


1.       To define the following terms:irritability, conductivity, resting membrane potential, polarized, sodium-potassium pump, threshold stimulus, depo- larization, action potential, repolarization, hyperpolarization, absolute refractory period, relative refractory period, nerve impulse, compound nerve action potential, and conduction velocity.

2.       To list at least four different stimuli capable of generating an action potential.

3.       To list at least two agents capable of inhibiting an action potential.

4.       To describe the relationship between nerve size and conduction velocity.

5.       To describe the relationship between nerve myelination and conduction velocity.



1. To define these terms used in describing muscle physiology: multiple motor unit summation, maximal stimulus, treppe, wave summation, and tetanus.

2.       To identify two ways that the mode of stimulation can affect muscle force production.

3.       To plot a graph relating stimulus strength and twitch force to illustrate graded muscle response.

4.       To explain how slow, smooth, sustained contraction is possible in a skeletal muscle.

5.       To graphically understand the relationships between passive, active, and total forces.

6.       To identify the conditions under which muscle contraction is isometric or isotonic.

7.       To describe in terms of length and force the transitions between isomet- ric and isotonic conditions during a single muscle twitch.

8.       To describe the effects of resistance and starting length on the initial velocity of shortening.

9.       To explain why muscle force remains constant during isotonic shortening.

10.   To explain experimental results in terms of muscle structure.

Match each of the following descriptions with a key equivalent, and record the key letter or term in front of the description.
Indicate the following body areas on the accompanying diagram by placing the correct key letter at the end of each line.

Classify each of the terms in the key of question 2 above into one of the large body regions indicated below. Insert the appropriate key letters on the answer blanks.

Describe completely the standard human anatomical position


Several incomplete statements are listed below. Correctly complete each statement by choosing the appropriate anatomical term from the key. Record the key letters and/or terms on the correspondingly numbered blanks below.

Correctly identify each of the body planes by inserting the appropriate term for each on the answer line below the drawing.

Name each of the three different planes represented by the drawings of the sectioned kidney.

Correctly identify each of the nine areas of the abdominal surface by inserting the appropriate term for each of the letters indicated in the drawing.

Which body cavity would have to be opened for the following types of surgery or procedures? (Insert letter of key choice in same-numbered blank. More than one choice may apply.)

Name the muscle that subdivides the ventral body cavity

Which organ system would not be represented in any of the body cavities?

What are the bony landmarks of the abdominopelvic cavity?

Which body cavity affords the least protection to its internal structures?
What is the function of the serous membranes of the body?
Using the key choices, identify the small body cavities described below.
On the incomplete flowchart provided below:
Fill in the cavity names as appropriate to boxes 3–8.
Then, using either the name of the cavity or the box numbers, identify the descriptions in the list that follows.


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