BIO 100 Week 4 Discussion Questions Recent

BIO 100 Week 4 Discussion Questions Recent

BIO 100 Week 4 Discussion Questions Recent

Have you ever tried to pack too much into a suitcase? Then, you know what a challenge it can be to fit a large amount of material into a small space. Think about the amazing elegance of the DNA molecule—fitting a blueprint for the entire organism, from the hair color to the code for every single enzyme, into a tiny nucleus.
Resource: Ch. 6 of Bioinquiry
Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum]
Post your response to the following:
o What are some of the benefits of squeezing so much data into virtually every cell in the body?
o Why did humans not evolve with one central repository of DNA rather than having it replicated throughout the body?
o Assume that the hereditary information carried in genes and DNA is responsible for many differences observed in humans and other living things. How could just four different bases in DNA strands be responsible for the almost endless variety found in nature?
4. Discussion Question 2
Resources: Ch. 5 of Bioinquiry and the March of Dimes Foundation Web site
Due Date: Day 4 [Main forum]
Review Ch. 5 of the text and the March of Dimes Foundation Web site at
Choose a chromosomal disorder from the March of Dimes Foundation Web site.
Post your response to the following:
o Identify the disorder and explain how it is expressed in a person and inherited.
o If you were the parent of a child with this disorder, with which question would you be most concerned? How would you find the answer to your question?
o Discuss any personal experiences or news articles related to the disorder.


Assignment: Human System Presentation
Due Date: Day 7 [Individual forum]
Create a 5- to 7-slide presentation on a human organ system.
Select one of the following organ systems:
o Nervous
o Hormonal
o Digestive
o Respiratory
o Cardiovascular
o Circulatory
o Urinary
o Skeletal-Muscular
o Reproduction
o Immune
Address the following points in your presentation:
o What is the purpose of the system?
o What body parts make up the system?
BIO 100—Introduction to Life Science with Lab
Course Syllabus Page 18
o What are the purposes of those parts?
o Select one other organ system: How do the systems interact and support each other?
Include detailed speaker’s notes on each slide.
Format your paper, in-text citations, and references according to APA standards.
attachment.â Post your presentation as a Microsoft® PowerPoint


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