BIO 100 Week 4 CheckPoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance

BIO 100 Week 4 CheckPoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance

BIO 100 Week 4 CheckPoint: Mendel on Patterns of Inheritance

Resources: Ch. 3 of Bioinquiry
BIO 100—Introduction to Life Science with Lab
Course Syllabus Page 16
Due Date: Day 5 [Individual forum]
Review Ch. 3 of Bioinquiry.
Post a 300- to 500-word response to the following:
o How did Mendel’s approach to answering scientific questions differ from that of his contemporaries?
o How did his novel approach contribute to his success in describing how traits are inherited?
o What advantages did he enjoy by choosing to study the garden pea?
o Piecing It Together on p. 78 of the text describes the six major concluding principles Mendel hypothesized from his work. Describe three of them.


Due Date: Day 2 [Main forum]
Post your response to the following: Choose one theory—spontaneous generation theory or cell theory—and select one statement that corresponds to the theory you want to refute or support:
o Spontaneous generation theory
1. Frogs come from muddy soil because they always appear in that environment.
2. Flies come from rotten meat because they always appear where meat is rotting.
o Cell theory
1. Without the invention of the microscope, the cell theory would not have been possible.
2. All living things are made up of cells.
Provide evidence for or against the statement you chose.
Include proper APA citation of outside sources if applicable.
Read another student’s post and provide another piece of evidence for his or her claim.
3. Discussion Question 2
Resources: Ch. 4 of Bioinquiry and the Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes activity
Due Date: Day 4 [Main forum]
· Review Ch. 4  pp. 98-105) and the Prokaryotes vs. Eukaryotes activity at
· Post your response to the following: Describe two similarities and two differences between eukaryotic cells and prokaryotic cells. Why do you think eukaryotic cells developed? Describe how eukaryotic cells are similar to a production line.

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