Best Practice for Preventive Care Research

 Best Practice for Preventive Care Research

Best Practice for Preventive Care Research

Assignment due date is 01/9/21 at 11pm Eastern time USA. I attaching the articles from module 2 and 3. Please include an introduction and conclusion for each part.

  • Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and the four systematic reviews (or other filtered high- level evidence) you selected in Module 3.
  • Reflect on the four peer-reviewed articles you selected in Module 2 and analyzed in Module 3.
  • Review and download the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template provided in the Resources.



The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)

Part 3A: Critical Appraisal of Research

Conduct a critical appraisal of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected by completing the Evaluation Table within the Critical Appraisal Tool Worksheet Template. Choose a total of four peer- reviewed articles that you selected related to your clinical topic of interest in Module 2 and Module 3.

Note: You can choose any combination of articles from Modules 2 and 3 for your Critical Appraisal. For example, you may choose two unfiltered research articles from Module 2 and two filtered research articles (systematic reviews) from Module 3 or one article from Module 2 and three articles from Module 3. You can choose any combination of articles from the prior Module Assignments as long as both modules and types of studies are represented.

Part 3B: Critical Appraisal of Research

Based on your appraisal, in a 1-2-page critical appraisal, suggest a best practice that emerges from the research you reviewed. Briefly explain the best practice, justifying your proposal with APA citations of the research.

MODULE #3 Articles USED

Bailey, J. M., Bartlem, K. M., Wiggers, J. H., Wye, P. M., Stockings, E., Hodder, R. K., Metse, A. P., Regan, T. W., Clancy, R., Dray, J. A., Tremain, D. L., Bradley, T., & Bowman, J. A. (2019). Systematic review and meta-analysis of the provision of preventive care for modifiable chronic disease risk behaviors by mental health services. Preventive medicine reports, 16, 100969.

Leach, M. J., Eaton, H., Agnew, T., Thakkar, M., & Wiese, M. (2019). The effectiveness of integrative healthcare for chronic disease: A systematic review. International journal of clinical practice, 73(4), e13321.

Tummalapalli, S. L., & Keyhani, S. (2020). Changes in Preventative Health Care After Medicaid Expansion. Medical care, 58(6), 549–556.

Wang, A., Pollack, T., Kadziel, L. A., Ross, S. M., McHugh, M., Jordan, N., & Kho, A. N. (2018). Impact of Practice Facilitation in Primary Care on Chronic Disease Care Processes and Outcomes: a Systematic Review. Journal of general internal medicine, 33(11), 1968–1977.


Morefield, B., Tomai, L., Slanchev, V., Klemes, A. (2020). Payer Effects of Personalized Preventive Care for Patients With

Diabetes. The American Journal of Managed Care, 26(3):e70-e75.


Musich, S., Wang, S., Hawkins, K., & Klemes, A. (2016). The Impact of Personalized Preventive Care on Health Care

Quality, Utilization, and Expenditures. Population health management, 19(6), 389–397.


Sá, L., Ribeiro, O., Azevedo L., Couto, L., Costa-Pereira, A., Hespanhol, A., Santos, P., Martins, C. (2016). Patients’

estimations of the importance of preventive health services: a nationwide, population-based cross-sectional study in

      Portugal BMJ Open 6:e011755. https:// doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2016-011755


Tam, D.Y.S., Lo, Y.Y.C. & Tsui, W. (2018). Knowledge, practices, and expectations of preventive care: a qualitative study of

patients attending government general outpatient clinics in Hong Kong. BMC Fam Pract 19, 58).




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