Bacterial Infection of the Joints and Skin Tissues Report Paper

Bacterial Infection of the Joints and Skin Tissues Report Paper

Bacterial Infection of the Joints and Skin Tissues Report Paper

Please fill out the nursing process sheet; Please use the narrator’s talk of his symptoms to answer the process sheet questions. I understand you are not going to have all the information in the clip to answer all of the questions. Where the question is not applicable, please indicate N/A; where you’re unable to assess (substance use, maybe medications, pt’s mood) please indicate UTA (unable to assess). Typed submissions only. You should have at least 1-2 nursing dxs (can be at-risk or actual). Anticipate you’re the nurse assessing/caring for this pt. You do not have to do the D-A-R portion. Thank you!


Student Name:                                                                                                                  ___________ Date:                          


Client History:

Name (initials only):______ Age: _____ Gender: _____ Unit: _____ Date of Admission: _________________


Current Legal Status (Vol., 5150, 5250, Conservatorship, T-Con):


5150 Advisement (quote):




Psychiatric Diagnosis:




Medical and (or) physical problems:




Psychosocial and Environmental Problems:

(problems with primary support group, education, occupational, housing, economic, access to health care)



Presenting Problem


Reason for hospitalization (Client’s own words):



Current stressors:



Mental Status Examination

Appearance (e.g. showered & groomed, wearing clean clothes, bizarre, inappropriate, disheveled, heavy makeup):



Behavior & Motor Activity (Calm, hyperactive, bizarre gestures, mannerisms, tics, tremors, psychomotor retardation, restlessness, repetitive behavior, other):




Attitude (cooperative, uncooperative, friendly, hostile, guarded, suspicious, belligerent):




Affect (blunted, flat, guarded, labile, expansive, sad, or other):




Mood (euthymic, angry, anxious, expansive, euphoric, irritable, apathetic, sad, or other):




Speech (normal rate, rhythm & tone, slowed, prolonged, speech latency, soft, loud, spontaneous, slurred, pressured, or other):




Thought Content:

Suicide Ideation (plan and/or intent):


Homicidal Ideation (plan and/or intent):


Hallucinations (auditory, visual, olfactory, gustatory, tactile):


Delusions (bizarre, jealous, somatic, persecutory, paranoid, control, grandiose, religious, erotomania):  ­­



Perception (ideas of reference, ideas of influence, thought insertion, thought withdrawal, thought broadcasting, depersonalization, phobias, illusions, other):



Thought Process (logical, coherent, goal directed, illogical, circumstantial, tangential, flight of ideas, loose association, preservation, rumination, confabulations, confusion, other):



Cognition (orientation, memory recall, concentration, attention span):



Insight:                                                                                  Judgment:



Coordination/gait/notable movement:



Cultural issues, familial concerns and religious affiliation that may affect his/her care:



Support System:



Current Physical Health:

Vital Signs – T:               P:                   R:                 BP:               /                Pulse Oximeter reading:



Pain (Numeric 1-10):                          Location:                                       Character:



How would you describe your health:     Excellent            Average                    Good                              Poor


Nutritional Status:

Diet:                                  Feeding supplement:                                      Swallowing / Chewing difficulty:



Elimination Pattern:



Activity-Exercise-Sleep-Rest Pattern:



Group Attendance and Level of Participation:


Substance Abuse:

Substance Amount / Frequency Duration Last Used


Withdrawal symptoms:

Other Addictions (gambling, sex, internet, shopping, internet, etc.):



Discharge Plans:



Potential Nursing Diagnosis (Risk / Actual):







Planning (patient goals):





Nursing Interventions (include patient education):





Evaluation (patient response to interventions and teachings):





(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction


Purpose / Rationale for the Patient





(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction


Purpose / Rationale for the Patient  



(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction


Purpose / Rationale for the Patient





(Generic / Trade)

Dose / Route / Frequency / Range

Side Effects

Food and Drug Interaction

Purpose / Rationale for the Patient  





Laboratory Report:




Hour Focus / Nursing Diagnosis                      D – Data          A – Action         R – Response



  West Coast 



Patient Care Notes

Patient Identification


Student Daily Journal

Personal goals for the day:







Experience and activities of the day:








Thoughts about your experience today: (How did you meet your goal?)







Your feelings about today: (How can you utilize your experience in the future?)










× How can I help you?