Assignment: Tesla Motors Stakeholder Analysis

Assignment: Tesla Motors Stakeholder Analysis

Assignment: Tesla Motors Stakeholder Analysis

Think of yourself as a paid consultant who is tasked with the responsibility of diagnosing long-term and/or cross-functional problems in organizational performance, identifying long-term opportunities, and recommending solutions and strategic pathways to improve long-term organizational health.



Remember, your opinion as a consultant doesn’t matter! You would be paid based on an integrated, documented, and strong analysis that offers diagnosis based on the application of relevant information.

It is important that you put together a cogent, clear analysis for each case that can help you explain the root causes of the problems and propose solutions, using concepts from the documents provided and other relevant concepts based on the knowledge you reference to support your arguments.

Complete your Situational Analysis Portfolio as follows:

This assessment has eight parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment.

I will post the first 4 parts, and will send another question for the second part.


Review the following:

Review all of the documents and videos provided for Case Study #1.

  • “Supplemental Briefing Notes to Prepare for Effective Strategic Thinking”
  • “” and keep detailed notes. You can, and should, scan it multiple times.
  • All relevant readings from the “Walden MBA Capstone Bibliography.”

Write a polished analysis by responding to the prompts below.

  1. What do you think are the strategic strengths and weaknesses of the institutional set-up between Google and If you were a major shareholder in Google, would you continue to support Google’s strategy to both philanthropy and Why, or why not? Be specific.
  2. In Exhibit 8 of the case, Megan Smith is promoted to take over the day-to-day management of One of the first things she is asked to do is “focus on how can best achieve its mission.” Imagine for a moment that you are Ms. Smith. What should do to focus its mission? Why? How? Be specific, and go well beyond simplistic recommendations, such as “hire a consultant” or “do a marketing study.”
  3. Do you think that “good intentions” are enough to sustain, despite their apparent lack of focus and strategy? How should non-profits be assessed and disciplined, if profit is not the primary feedback mechanism?

In your response, be sure to integrate concepts and quotes from appropriate academic frameworks and best practices in strategic management. You must also integrate at least two resources from the “Walden MBA Capstone Bibliography.”

Your overall response should be approximately 500 words total, single spaced.


Review the following:

  • “James Houghton and Signature Theater” and keep detailed notes. You can, and should, scan it multiple times.
  • “A Playbook for Strategy: The Five Essential Questions at the Heart of any Winning Strategy.”
  • Review “Mapping, Measurement and Alignment of Strategy Using the Balanced Scorecard: The Tata Steel Case.”
  • All relevant readings from the “Walden MBA Capstone Bibliography.”

Write a polished analysis responding to the prompts below.

  1. How would you explain the success of James Houghton and the Signature Theater, using the five-question strategy playbook and Wolfe’s Living Organization as your frames of reference? Be specific.
  2. Using the strategy map illustrated on page 122 of “Mapping, Measurement and Alignment of Strategy Using the Balanced Scorecard: The Tata Steel Case” as a guide, create a similar strategy map for Signature Theater (circa 2014).
  3. Based on your strategy map and earlier response, what should Houghton do in the future? Why? How?

Be sure to integrate concepts and quotes from appropriate academic frameworks and best practices in strategic management. You must also integrate at least two resources from the “Walden MBA Capstone Bibliography.”

Your overall response should be approximately 500 words total, single spaced, and you should have your Strategy Map in the form of a diagram.


Review the following:

  • Read “Trader Joe’s” and keep detailed notes. You can, and should, scan it multiple times.
  • All relevant readings from the “Walden MBA Capstone Bibliography.”

Use information in the case study and other basic industry research data you can find in the Walden Library. (Hoover’s database would be a good place to start, as would Business Source Complete.)

Note: You will have to search for information on the most relevant of Trader Joe’s competitors, as well as Trader Joe’s to be able to make an appropriate relative ranking of resources.

Write a polished analysis that responds to the prompts below.

  1. Create a detailed and specific “Value Chain of Activities” at Trader Joe’s that identifies all the primary skills, competencies, and capabilities within the company, and orders them within a “Value Chain” logic. Note: This table should be in Word document format.
  2. Use your best judgment, based on the information in the case, and your research, and rate Trader Joe’s current profile of skills, competencies, and capabilities, as identified in the detailed “Value Chain” in the case supplemental document. Use the following scale to rate:
    • If the skill, competency, or capability is “World Class” (clearly best in industry and could be benchmark for other industries), rate the item a 10.
    • If the skill, competency, or capability is “Industry Best” (clearly number one or two in the industry), rate the item an 8.
    • If the skill, competency, or capability is “Industry Average,” rate the item a 5.
    • If the skill, competency, or capability “Needs Improvement,” rate the item a 3.
    • If the skill, competency, or capability is a “Critical Deficiency,” rate the item a 1.
  3. What is your average rating (which assumes that all the skills, competencies, and capabilities in the value chain were equally important)? What does this average tell you?
  4. What three skills, competencies, or capabilities—across all categories—do you think are strategically the most important in the industry? Why?
  5. Based on your responses above, does Trader Joe’s have the capabilities in place to win? To continue to win? Why?
  6. What should Trader Joe’s do right now to leverage its competitive strengths and mitigate or improve upon competitive weaknesses?

Be sure to integrate concepts and quotes from appropriate academic frameworks and best practices in strategic management. You must also integrate at least two resources from the “Walden MBA Capstone Bibliography.”

Your overall response should be approximately 500 words total, single spaced, and you should also have your completed, and rated “Value Chain of Activities” table.


Review the following:

  • “Tesla Motor (in 2013): Will Sparks Fly in the Automobile Industry?” Keep detailed notes. You can, and should, scan it multiple times.
  • All relevant readings from the Walden MBA Capstone Program Bibliography.

Part IV- A: P.E.S.T. Assessment of the Global Automobile Industry and Tesla Motors

Complete Part IV-A of this Assignment, using the following steps:

  1. Examine each element listed below, and related others that you identify. Then, do brief online research to help you document and analyze how each force in question is changing in any significant manner and how it might impact the automobile industry and Tesla Motors in particular.
    • Political (Legislative) and Legal Elements: Regulatory environment, market access, technology regulation, zoning restrictions, industry specific, or company specific legislation, anti-trust laws, insurance/liability requirements, safety regulations, child workforce protection laws, immigration laws, etc.
    • Economic Elements: Interest rate and equity market movements, capital liquidity, inflation prospects, exchange rate movements, workforce availability, discretionary income levels, etc.
    • Societal Values and Ethics: Risk-taking propensity, family dynamics and behavior, cultural “in” behaviors, taboo activities, media focus, religious behaviors, ethical limitations on business, etc.
    • Technology Elements: Materials technology advances, electronics advances, communications advances, infrastructure access (communication, electricity, etc.), energy advances, etc.
    • Demographic Changes: An important—and too often forgotten—element that includes age distribution and trend, absolute population size and trend, birth and death rates, gender proportion and trend, ethnic mix and trend, location/mobility, and trends
  2. After you’ve done basic research on these general elements, identify what you think are the major implications of your work. So, for example, if U.S. interest rates are beginning to rise, what are the strategic implications of this for the automobile industry? For Tesla Motors? Will they have to change their marketing strategies, their pricing, etc.?

You don’t have to address each sub-item, but you should have a short implications summary for each of the five major subject areas, plus any other strategic implications based on very specific items that stand out as most important to the industry and Tesla. Remember to support your conclusions with appropriate references using proper APA formatting.

Your response for Part-A should be approximately 200–300 words. Please title Part-A “P.E.S.T. Analysis for the Global Automobile Industry and Tesla Motors” in your response.

Assignment: Tesla Motors Stakeholder Analysis

Part IV- B: Stakeholder Analysis of Tesla Motors

Another way to obtain a more comprehensive perspective of the general ecosystem that a company like Tesla Motors works within, is to identify, as explicitly as possible, all the stakeholders that have an interest in a given business.

You might want to think about this by thinking “outside-in.” That is, given each of the major P.E.S.T + forces, who are the people (stakeholders) behind each major force? So, for example, it is clear that international and national political figures may be relevant stakeholders in any given case—as would government regulators at local, regional, national, or international levels.

For example, you can’t change a local, regional, or national/international regulation directly—you have to know who to see, and the action occurs among people—so a stakeholder analysis is, in many ways, a “personified” version of your P.E.S.T analysis.

Complete Part-B of this Assignment, using the following steps:

  1. Identify, as explicitly as possible, all the relevant stakeholders that have an interest in Tesla Motors.
  2. Research your stakeholder list initially this way, to ensure complete coverage:
    • General Ecosystem Stakeholders: Those behind the specific P.E.S.T. + influences (includes the press, interest groups, the public at large, communities, shareholders, etc.)
    • Industry Level Stakeholders: Direct local competitors, potential substitute companies, other competitors or potential competitors outside your current markets, lenders, alliance or potential alliance partners, trade associations, suppliers in the entire supply chain, customers and their end-users, potential customers or end users, etc.
    • Internal Stakeholders: Those who influence the company from inside, including the board of directors, senior leadership, management, skilled employees at any level, other employees, contract workforce, outsourced workforce, potential new recruits, etc.
    • Potential New Stakeholders: Those at any level, but which may become stakeholders as you consider new strategic actions and activities
  3. Re-order and rank the stakeholder list in order of “influence priority,” where stakeholders at the top of the prioritized list require more of Tesla Motor’s attention because they can/will influence your strategic choices for the future the most.
  4. Using your prioritized list of stakeholders, write a summary of your stakeholder analysis that explains who the key stakeholders are that Tesla Motors must pay attention to, and why; and then offer specific strategies for how Tesla must seek to manage or otherwise, legally and ethically, influence these stakeholders.

Your response to Part-B of this Assignment should be approximately 300–400 words. Please title Part-B, “Stakeholder Analysis for Tesla Motors” in your response.

Be sure to integrate concepts and quotes from appropriate academic frameworks and best practices in strategic management. To obtain an exemplary assessment, you must also integrate at least two resources from the “Walden MBA Capstone Bibliography,” as well.

Assignment: Tesla Motors Stakeholder Analysis

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