Assignment on disaster preparedness concept map.

Assignment on disaster preparedness concept map.

Assignment on disaster preparedness concept map.

NURS 492

Community Health Nursing

Disaster Preparedness Concept Map

Purpose:  The purpose of this assignment is to allow students the opportunity to address disaster preparedness in a scenario that requires primary, secondary and tertiary interventions.  This is an independent assignment.



Task:  Students are expected to identify a disaster scenario and develop primary interventions (prior to disaster-think prevention of loss or mitigating adverse effects), secondary interventions (activities during the disaster that may help mitigate adverse events) and tertiary interventions (return to normal post event). Please use adequate and appropriate resources (at least three not including your text for a minimum total of four) to support your discussion/interventions.


Criteria Poor Novice Proficient
–          Introduction (10) Disaster is not well identified or defined.


Disaster identified but scope and implications for community not discussed. (4-7) Discusses disaster scenario with implications for community and offers a clear, accurate and concise statement of purpose.  (8-10)
–          Conclusion (10)








Conclusion does not summarize or vaguely summarizes salient points of exercise. (0-3) Conclusion offers summary of exercise but lacks statement of conclusion. (4-7) Conclusion summarizes salient points of paper and offers clear, accurate and concise statement of conclusion (8-10)
Primary (20) Less than three primary interventions identified. No EBP support for planned interventions. (0-5) Three-five primary interventions identified.  No or minimal EBP support for planned interventions. (6-14) Three-five primary interventions identified and supported with EBP. (15-20)
Secondary (20) Less than three  secondary interventions identified. No EBP support for planned interventions. (0-5) Three-five secondary interventions identified.  No or minimal EBP support for planned interventions. (6-14) Three-five secondary interventions identified and supported with EBP. (15-20)
Tertiary (20) Less than three  tertiary interventions identified. No EBP support for planned interventions. (0-5) Three-five tertiary interventions identified.  No or minimal EBP support for planned interventions. (6-14) Three-five tertiary interventions identified and supported with EBP. (15-20)
Format (10)

APA, Spelling, Grammar

Greater than 5 errors.


4-5 errors


0-3 errors


Personal Preparedness Plan attached as an appendix (10) Not included


Included (10)


Disaster Preparedness

Concept Mapping


Step 1


Choose Disaster Scenario-Mass Casualty-Explosioin, Bioterrrorism event or Tornado.  As you read the scenarios, think about the nurses’ role and scope of the event on available resources.  Focus on Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Prevention measures (Text pp 88-92).



Step 2


  • Center box: Aggregate (School or ED)
  • Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Intervention Boxes



Step 3

Inside each box/for each problem/area of concern

  • Assessment needs/data
  • Interventions-attempt to establish 3-5 interventions for each section.

Please have at least three resources in addition to your text (total 4) with at least one of the three (preferably more) being a research article.  All should support your EBP interventions.


Cite your resources in your concept map and provide a reference list.  Include an introduction and conclusion.


You may make the boxes any size or place them as you choose.  This is a template only for conceptualization. Please be as creative as you choose within the guidelines of the assignment.


Please use assignment rubric as a guideline for your assignment.


Disaster Preparedness







Primary Interventions






Proactive measures


Secondary Interventions


Manage injuries

Disruption of service/ADLs/IADLs



(School, hospital, etc)

Tertiary Interventions


Manage potential long term complications





Management of healthcare


Return to normal










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