Assignment: EBP/Best Practices PowerPoint Presentation

Assignment: EBP/Best Practices PowerPoint Presentation

Assignment: EBP/Best Practices PowerPoint Presentation


  • Points 200
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload


This is part 4 of your evidence-based practice project (EBP).

In this assignment, you will refer back to assignment you completed in previous weeks, as this assignment will build upon it. You’ll be providing a solution to a clinical problem using the EBP process.



For this assignment, you will create a 13-16 slide PowerPoint, excluding the title and reference slides, covering the items below. This should be a high-level overview of what you’ve already discussed in your papers. Be sure to summarize your information (do not simply copy and paste).

  • Describe the select EBP problem
  • List the created PICOT question
  • Provide a high-level overview of the articles you found, organizing them by design (i.e.; qualitative, quantitative, mixed methods)
  • Summarize the search strategy you used to locate the articles.
  • Discuss what changes could be made as a result of these findings
  • Describe strategies and resources you would use to implement a change based on these findings
  • Describe areas of opportunity for future research and EBP related to your topic
  • Provide a conclusion and discussion of next steps

This should be a high-level overview of what you’ve already discussed in your papers. Be sure to summarize your information (do not simply copy and paste from previous papers). Your PowerPoint slides should be bullet points and/or images and not paragraphs of text. Descriptions and explanations will be written in the “speaker notes” section of the PowerPoint slides. In other words, use the “notes” section to write out what you would say if you were presenting the slides to a live audience.

You will be graded on presentation and layout. Be sure to not overcrowd your slides (follow the 7×7 Rule- No more than 7 bullet points per slide and no more than 7 words per bullet point). Finally, your background should be consistent throughout, and ensure your slides are readable. Do not use too many graphics either.

In addition, you must follow APA guidelines, providing a title slide, reference slide, and in-text citations.

Please review the rubric to ensure that your assignment meets criteria.

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