Assignment: Define Bandura’s model of observational learning of aggression

Assignment: Define Bandura’s model of observational learning of aggression

Assignment: Define Bandura’s model of observational learning of aggression


  • There are two parts to this assignment answer questions and reply to two of my classmates
  • 1st part
  • Define Bandura’s model of observational learning of aggression
  • Relate the ways that violence in the media influences the behaviors of people.
  • Has the media ever had an adverse effect on you or your friend? Explain.

second part

I have to reply to two of my classmates

Albert Bandura designed a model of observational learning which involves an individual continually learns desirable and undesirable behavior.  Environment, cognition, and behavior come together here and factor into how an individual learns to be.  If a child is put into an aggressive environment, the child according to Bandura will pick up on this and learn to be aggressive.  Those that are not in an aggressive environment will hardly show any type of aggression. Assignment: Define Bandura’s model of observational learning of aggression

Media can influence the behaviors of people and especially these days with screens all around us this can lead to the development of new behaviors.  Violent video games involving the usage of guns and combat in order to win, advance, or beat the game may lead to the accumulation of aggressive behaviors overtime and lead to individuals becoming prone to being involved in violent situations.  Violent TV shows or shows with conflict may lead to people believing this aggressive behavior is okay since these people are being paid to act this way (or in the case of reality TV, being paid to showcase their poor behavior).  Repeated exposure would most likely lead to these behaviors being engrained, leading to aggressive and conflictive personalities developing.

Media has impacted my life.  In specific I use various social media platforms and sometimes I would rather be on my phone to avoid doing work and to socialize and see if my friends are doing anything.  I have sometimes experienced FOMO when I have seen people having fun and going out while I was stuck studying for physiology and physics exams that landed on the same day.  I remember one day I was studying for a physiology exam and was Snapchatting all of my friends and viewing Snapchat stories of people having gone out enjoying their day and I realized I was getting absolutely nothing done and I ended up deleting my account completely.  Having detached from one social media outlet allowed me to carve out more time for me to get things done and if my friends had to really urgently get in contact with me they can call or text.  I have had friends get into heated arguments with people on the Internet over political issues on social media and due to the election I was caught up in a rift where my friend unfollowed people who supported the opposite political party that my other friend supported and I had both of them texting me about it all.  I supported my friend’s decision to do that but my other friend was unfollowed after an Instagram story post clearly expressing opposite views but my friend who made the post felt that it was unfair.  I am definitely not the only one who has been impacted by various forms of media and with social media being at our fingertips and in our control myself and my friends have been impacted by the media.

Burger, J.M. Personality (9th edition). Cengage Learning, 2015.

Example of reply

Hi Nicholas, I enjoyed reading your post. Great point bringing up reality tv– it is so true that people watch this (many times) atrocious behavior, which can lead to them acting aggressive, or thinking that this behavior is acceptable. In addition, kudos to you for recognizing the negative impact social media was having on you, and being able to delete it. There have been so many times I have wanted to delete it, but still haven’t…  Lastly, I can totally sympathize with you being caught up in a rift between friends over politics, the same thing happened within my family which I mentioned in my post as well. Nice post!

2. Bandura’s model of observational learning of aggression looks at how people learn through observation, and then in turn will imitate what they have witnessed. Bandura’s model of aggression was built around four steps that must take place, which leads individuals to act aggressively. For observational learning to take place, the first step is that people must attend to the aggressions, meaning they need to be paying attention to what they are seeing, and remain focused on what they are observing. The second step is that they must remember and retain the information about the behavior they are witnessing. The third step is that individuals must reenact what they have seen, in other words, they must replicate the behavior. The final step requires individuals to expect the aggressive act will lead to rewards and not punishment. If the observer is aware that punishment may follow, they will be less likely to engage.  (Burger, 2015, p. 390).

Violence in the media influences the behaviors of people by fueling aggression within people. Research has shown that there is a link that viewing aggression increases the likelihood that one will act aggressively (Burger, 2015, p. 390). From shootings, to stabbings, to murders, they are all constantly being shown on television. In addition, there are the many violent movies, television shows, and video games that people are exposed to which puts individuals at risk for imitation of such acts. Although this may not influence all people to act aggressively, it is still harmful for those it is impacting and those who are on the receiving end of this aggression.

The media has most definitely had an adverse effect on me, and as a result has pushed to the point where I just don’t pay close attention to it anymore, it is simply too stressful. In addition, the media over the last few years, but especially this last year had an adverse effect on those in my family. In fact, during the election, due to the media and the polarized news, my family who were always so close, were at odds with each other, and constantly arguing over everything that was being published and shown. Whether it was arguing on social media or when they saw each other, it was constant, and was absolutely fueled by what was being presented in the media on both sides. Assignment: Define Bandura’s model of observational learning of aggression


Burger, J. M. (2015). Personality. Cengage.

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