Assignment: Conflict Negotiation – Lab Simulation

Assignment: Conflict Negotiation – Lab Simulation

Assignment: Conflict Negotiation – Lab Simulation

***Assignment: Each student will submit a written conflict scenario utilizing the Rubric highlighted in Course Syllabus. Please ensure that you review the Rubric as it will be utilize to grade your assignment. Your assignment must show the agreed upon solution.



As a nurse manager/leaderyou will be confronted with conflict situations with team members, physicians, patients and families. The nurse manager is often required to respond to critical incidents among employees or to make a decision about a difficult disciplinary situation. Through role-play and discussion, this lab simulation will help students practice problem solving skills, communication techniques and effective conflict resolution management. Submit a write-up of the scenario with at least one peer-reviewed reference that supports conflict resolution method(s) utilized in the simulation.


Example of Conflict Scenario (THIS IS AN EXAMPLE AND CAN NOT BE USED)

Four nurses are assigned to write a new policy together. It soon becomes obvious that one team member has not been doing his/her part of the assignment due to increasing work demands. One of the members has called this meeting to discuss and resolve the situation.

Conflict Management Rubric











Excellent      (30 Points) Average   (16-29) Poor   ( 0-15 Points) Total
Uses past knowledge to successfully resolve a conflict, collect facts and data, determine available options, pick a solution and implement, and modify or change if required.


Uses past knowledge, collects facts and data, no available options identified, solution not determined No past knowledge used, no facts or data collected, no available options identified, no solution and no modification or changes.  
      of 30
Uses therapeutic communication techniques, active listening, open ended questions, reflecting, summarizing etc. Uses some therapeutic techniques, unaware of non verbal communication techniques. Makes accusations Does not use any therapeutic communication skills, does not allow other party to present their argument, use of defensive body language, non verbal cues that are threatening.  
      of 30
Review the agreements made for the project by all parties.  Review the roles of each team member and responsibilities of each member.  Review discussions for potential issues and agreements made Reviews the roles but not responsibilities.  Due dates not clearly established.  Team members unclear of their participation in the project. Argumentative with responsible party, no discussion was established prior to start of the project of each member’s role and responsibility and need for assistance in light of potential issues.  
      of 40
    Total for project of 100



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