Application: Identify Theft Assignment

Application: Identify Theft Assignment

Application: Identify Theft Assignment

The impacts of identity theft on victims can be devastating, including emotional, behavioral, and financial short- and long-term effects. Despite being victims of identity theft, some argue that victims in some way contributed to the crimes committed against them. This may be due to a lack of safety precautions with their personal information or not utilizing security features on personal computers. Others argue that regardless of their vulnerability to identity theft, these victims are not responsible for their victimization.

For this assignment, think about the effects of identity theft on victims. Consider whether the victim might be in any way accountable for identify theft. Then complete the interactive assessment “Vulnerability to Identity Theft.” Based on your results, think about your current level of vulnerability to identity theft and how this might affect protective measures you are currently taking or might take in the future.

The Assignment (2–3 pages)

  • Explain two possible short-term effects and two possible long-term effects of identity theft on victims.
  • Explain the degree to which all parties involved might be held accountable when identity theft occurs.
  • Based on the interactive assessment, explain your current level of vulnerability to identity theft.
  • Describe some of the protective measures you might be currently taking, or may implement in the future, to reduce your risk of becoming a victim of identity theft.

Support your Application Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in the Learning Resources for this course.

Submit your Assignment by Day 7.


  • Course Text: Taylor, R. W., Fritsch, E. J., & Liederbach, J. (2015). Digital crime and digital terrorism.(3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
    • Chapter 4, “Hackers”
    • Chapter 12, “The Investigation of Computer-Related Crime”
  • Article: Anderson, K. B., Durbin, E., & Salinger, M. A. (2008). Identity theft. Journal of Economic Perspectives, 22(2), 171–192.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database.
  • Article: Gilman, N. (2009). Hacking goes pro. Engineering & Technology, 4(3), 26–29.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Haney, M. (2010). Triptech: Is it safe to surf? Condé Nast’s Traveler, 45(4), 50.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Kanable, R. (2009). The face of identity theft. Law Enforcement Technology, 36(4), 28–33.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the ProQuest Central database.
  • Article: Kirchheimer, S. (2011). “They stole my name!” The Saturday Evening Post, 283(1), 32–35.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Academic Search Complete database.
  • Article: Pilcher, J. (2010). Growing use of Twitter raises customer security concerns. ABA Banking Journal, 102(1), 27–28.
    Retrieved from the Walden Library using the Business Source Complete database.