Application: Evaluating Assessment Instruments

Application: Evaluating Assessment Instruments

Application: Evaluating Assessment Instruments

For this Assignment, you will select a construct such as anger, depression, IQ, mania, suicidal tendencies, developmental delays, and or educational concern and discuss the symptoms and characteristics of the selected construct. You will then select and evaluate the technical considerations of an assessment instrument that measures the chosen construct. Be sure to evaluate the reliability, validity and practicality of using the selected instrument.



The Assignment: (2–3 pages)

  • Select a construct that can be assessed (e.g., anger, depression, anxiety).
  • Go to the library databases in the Walden Library and select assessment databases (e.g., Mental Measurements Yearbook (MMY), Psyc TEST, Health and Psychosocial Instruments).
  • Search for assessment instruments that evaluate the construct you selected.
  • Select one assessment instrument (e.g. rating scale, personality inventory, achievement, etc.) that measures the construct you selected.
  • Provide identifying information for the assessment instrument, including but not limited to: test publisher, date of publication, costs, length of time needed to administer, and description of the test items.
  • Report the reliability and validity information as well as the usefulness of this assessment instrument in measuring the identified construct.
  • Finally, describe how the results of this assessment instrument will be useful in formulating a diagnosis and treatment plan for your client.

Support your Assignment with specific references to all resources used in its preparation. You are required to provide a reference list and to appropriately cite, in APA style, all references used within your Assignment.

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