Analyze Childhood Malnutrition in Children Aged 2 to 5 Years

Analyze Childhood Malnutrition in Children Aged 2 to 5 Years

Analyze Childhood Malnutrition in Children Aged 2 to 5 Years


ASSESSMENT#3: Intervention Proposal

Due: Monday November 8 11 AM via Turnitin on Blackboard


The aim of this assessment task is to apply the knowledge and skills covered in all modules of the course to develop a proposal for a specific public health nutrition project designed to address a nutrition problem of importance to community health. This is an individual task. Analyze Childhood Malnutrition in Children Aged 2 to 5 Years

Elements: Detail:
Purpose To develop an intervention proposal for a project to address a public health nutrition problem in a community.
Text type Project Proposal

Audience and your role Your role:  Public Health Nutritionist


Audience: Funding agency

Conditions Report Word count: 2500 words (10% allowance; over this will not be read or marked)

Font: 12 point, Times New Roman only

Margins: At least 2.0cm

Line spacing: 1.5 line spacing

Tables and figures: Tables and figures can be included as appropriate (and are not included in word count)

Referencing style: Vancouver or APA

Submission: Turnitin link on Blackboard. The SPH coversheet does not need to be included with your assessment. The student declaration has been included in the Turnitin submission link.

Submission of your assessment will serve as your agreement with this declaration.   Please note that Turnitin assigned marks may be manually overridden to reflect your performance within the range of marks in each grade category more accurately.


Learning objectives       1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7                

Getting started

Choose a public health nutrition problem in a community:    

  • childhood obesity
  • childhood malnutrition
  • improvement of breastfeeding
  • iron deficiency anaemia
  • food security
  • other area of interest (subject to approval)


Select a location/community similar to the examples from the list below:  

  • A small rural town in Australia e.g., Kingaroy QLD or Bowral NSW   An urban centre in Australia e.g., Brisbane North
  • A rural village in a developing country e.g. Dacitan village in China
  • An urban centre in a developing country e.g., Chennai in urban India

Please do not choose an entire country or state. Please remember to make sure that your intervention is context and community specific. Please ensure that strategies/interventions are nutrition-based. You are allowed to focus on a broad approach if appropriate. Proposals that focus heavily on physical activity, alcohol, tobacco or clinical measures etc., are not appropriate.

Choose a target group:

This will be largely influenced by the public health nutrition problem you choose e.g. childhood obesity- children aged from (A-B years), women of reproductive age etc.

Guidelines for the presentation and written report: it is recommended that you structure your proposal as below. ***Please note that word count recommendations are a guide only***


Introduction: (600 -700 words)

Intervention summary statement: One sentence

Brief statement of proposal, including geographic area and specific population group(s) to be targeted.





Time frame?

Community and Problem analysis

This is in order to justify the topic as a priority health topic. Provide a summary description of the problem this intervention plan relates to. Include a description of:

  • The nature, severity and scale of the issue/problem in your chosen community if available (or similar)
  • The distribution (prevalence) of the problem

Provide a summary description of the community this intervention plan relates to.

Include references to literature, statistics, other relevant data to provide background and support your proposal, for example from authoritative sources such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics, the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare, Demographic and Health Surveys, country reports, etc. You may discuss cultural characteristics, diversity etc here.

Determinant analysis

Determinants must relate to your chosen community

  • What are the main determinants of the problem within the community/geographic location that you have chosen? This has to be specific to the context you have chosen.
  • What are the determinants which are amenable to change?
  • How have the determinants been selected for change?

Stakeholder analysis

Provide a summary description of the major stakeholders related to and who will be involved in the issue being addressed.

Note that this will be guided by your reading of the literature around this area. We would highly recommend that you construct a stakeholder grid with relevant stakeholders and their role/motivations.

Mandates for action

Provide a brief summary of one or more current mandates for action that support investment in your intervention. (Short section).

Aims and objectives of the project (100 words): List clearly, and remember to use SMART

Evidence of intervention research (800-1000 words)

Provide a detailed summary of successful interventions that have informed your approach. This can be from anywhere in the world of a similar context. This section should be based on evidence and written as a critical review and involve a summary of the literature and interventions you will use as a rationale for your strategy mix. The aim is to be as creative as possible and not just implement an already designed intervention. Analyze Childhood Malnutrition in Children Aged 2 to 5 Years

Intervention plan (800 words)

Proposed strategy

Outline the proposed strategy, actions and activities, with brief statement to justify them in terms of linkage with the rationale provided in previous section, and a justification for your selection.  You are required to develop a logic model for your project.

Evaluation plan

A short description of how you would propose to conduct an evaluation of the intervention and including process, impact and outcome evaluation. You may wish to insert a table, but this is not compulsory.

Project sustainability

A short paragraph of the steps you would take to increase the likelihood of project sustainability or scaling-up.


Note 1:  Budget, detailed activity plan, Gantt charts etc are not required


Note 2: Although in the real world, more than one strategy may be used to tackle this problem, you are asked to focus this proposal on one major strategy only.


Be as creative and innovative as you like. The broad headings in your proposal should be introduction, aims and objectives, evidence and intervention plan. Please use subheadings.


Criteria 85-100 75-84.9 65-74.9 50-64.9 40-49.9 30-39.9 0-29.9
Structure 15%

Clear title

Logical flow of ideas

Clear and coherent structure

Presented in a neat and professional format

Excellent, professional structure and format, adheres to word count Very good structure and format, adheres to word count Good structure and format, largely adheres to word count Adequate structure and format, adheres to word count No clear structure and format, considerably above or below word count Poorly structured, unacceptably short or long Poorly  structured
Content and Synthesis 60%

Summary statement Introduction and background

Problem: justification Target group

Determinant and stakeholder analysis


Aims and objectives

Clearly justified intervention plan and strategy

Evaluation plan

Expert and critical understanding of concepts and issues. Insightful reflection Critical evidencebased understanding of concept and issues. Deep and thoughtful interpretations Considered evidence-based understanding of evidence-based information. Identifies concepts and implications; Evidence of some

thought when reflecting

Attempts to identify concepts and implications; reflections narrow and not always relevant Inability to concepts and implications; limited reflection Poor understanding of concepts and inadequate reflection
Communication and Grammar 10% Clear communication at the expert level; excellent grammar and writing skills; inclusive and respectful language used consistently Clear

communication at the professional level; very good grammar and writing skills; inclusive and respectful language used


communication at an effective level;

good grammar and

writing skills; inclusive and respectful language  used mostly

Communicates appropriately; use of colloquial terms and language; inclusive and respectful language occasionally Communicates information or ideas with limited clarity; inclusive and respectful language sometimes Analyze Childhood Malnutrition in Children Aged 2 to 5 Years Room for improvement in communication skills; very little inclusive and respectful language used Poor writing skills   inclusive

and respectful

language conventions ignored

Research and referencing 15% Well-judged selection of an extensive selection of sources; all appropriately acknowledged with consistent & accurate referencing.


Substantial number & range of

sources; appropriately acknowledged with

a high level of accuracy in referencing.


Significant number and range of sources; appropriately

acknowledged with

minor inaccuracies

in referencing


Adequate number and range of sources; sources acknowledged with some minor inaccuracies in referencing.


Adequate number and range of sources; sources acknowledged with some minor inaccuracies in referencing.


Very limited to no sources presented; many sources not acknowledged with major inaccuracies in referencing.


Poor quality references, and incorrect referencing style

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CRICOS Provider 00025B


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