Analysis of Technology/system Application

Analysis of Technology/system Application

Analysis of Technology/system Application

You will be required to conduct analysis of a technology/system application and write a formal paper.Must be in APA format 5-6 pages with a conclusion not including the title page and reference. The analysis need to be of an application technology used in either (a) a clinical setting for managing health data, patient care, etc or (b) educational setting for improvement of teaching and learning of students, patients, etc.

The Technology Application Analysis will be an independent activity for each student to be completed using resources available in your agency, IT department, on the internet, sales materials and/or brochures, and publications.



  1. All paper assignment must be written in APA format (click here for sample APA paper: Sample_APA__Paper.pdf).Which means, you must have a cover page, title on the first page, introduction in the first page, at least level-one headings, summary/conclusion paragraph, and a reference page.
  2. When you are writing your paper, remember your paper assignments are formal/professional/scholarly paper. So, you shouldNOTuse the first-person language (or use minimally when appropriate if the assignment is asking for your opinion or reflection paper). Please do not use I, I am, me, my, mine, we, us, him, our, etc…, instead, use a third-person or, for example, you can say “the organization”, “the nurses”, “the unit manager”, etc…
  3. You must use headings for EACH main criteria to clearly articulate and communicate to the reader the focus of the discussion in the paper. Without heading, the reader will be guessing where and if you addressed certain topics/required assignment criteria.
  4. Any assignment/paper with a similarity score of more than 20%WILL NOTbe accepted if the high score similarity is not due for a match for the reference page. You MUST re-write the paper and paraphrase it until you get a score of 20% or less. In my experience, majority of assignments score less than 6% and the remaining between 6-10%.
  • When you upload the paper, it automatically goes into SafeAssign and you can view it in the area where you uploaded the assignment. If you see that the results are too high, you can click start over, fix the paper and reload the assignment.
  1. You shouldnotsubmit work that was previously submitted to another class or another paper. Each assignment must be your original and new synthesis. No previous paper will be accepted to avoid plagiarism issues.
  2. You must have at least 5 credible referencesincluding journal articles for each professional/scholarly paper. Your references must come from credible resources such as journal articles and reference books. Please do not use magazines or unsupported .com or wikisresources. Also, minimize the use of only online websites.
  3. Please support your arguments in your papers with providingin-text citationof your resources/references. Often students fall into stating some important facts and sometime state their professional opinion. In this case, you must cite the facts and support your professional opinion by citing some relevant or similar literature that supports your stand. You need to support each paragraph/criteria with at least one credible reference.
  4. APA highly discouragesthe use of direct quotation, use sparely. It is better to synthesize/paraphrase your own text and still cite your original source.

I hope this sets the expectations and standards for professional papers for the entire course.









This week (Week 6), you will learn how to formulate a research question in nursing using the PICOT model, how to conduct a systematic literature search on a research topic using search engines, and discuss translation of research to generate evidence in practice.



Please use main headings for each main key element in the discussion question, make your heading bold and centered.



You will be required to conduct analysis of a technology/system application and write a formal paper. The analysis need to be of an application technology used in either (a) a clinical setting for managing health data, patient care, etc or (b) educational setting for improvement of teaching and learning of students, patients, etc.

The Technology Application Analysis will be an independent activity for each student to be completed using resources available in your agency, IT department, on the internet, sales materials and/or brochures, and publications.

Criteria Possible Points Earned Points/Comments
Analysis and description of the technology system is clearly communicated in the paper addressing the following areas:  




·         What system is used

·         Description of the Setting and Who will use the technology or system

·         Description of the patient/client population to be served

·         What are the benefits of the system

·         What are the strengths and weaknesses of the current system

·         What implementation challenges exists for the system.

·         What kind of training requirement and how easy its usability-include time required, content outline for training and identification of who should conduct the training.

·         Who are the individuals involved in the use of this technology/system (nurses, physicians, pharmacists, educators, QA&QC department etc…).

·         Possible disruption or impact of implementation on usual workflow of the setting.

Describe the measures and strategies would you tame to evaluate the effectiveness of the technology system. 10  
Describe the impact of using the technology system on the quality and safety of the outcomes (care, education, or teaching). 10  
References/Citation/Literature support:

·         Support the paper with literature and use at least 5 scholarly references of which at least 3 journal articles.

·         Provide citations throughout the paper.

Writing style is neat and consistent with the Herzing University “grading rubric for written assignment” as described in this syllabus. 5  
-Follow APA format

-5-6 pages excluding, cover page, and reference page.

-No abstract needed

Total  (125 points) /125



Your assignment should be around 5-6 pages and follow APA style.


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