Learning Resources
Required Readings
Warner, R. M. (2013). Applied statistics: From bivariate through multivariate techniques (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications.
- Chapter 19, “Multivariate Analysis of Variance” (pp. 778–828)
This chapter builds on what you have learned in previous weeks about various forms of ANOVA, specifically about analyzing the relationship between several variables on one quantitative outcome variable. Your reading this week will explain how mean scores on multiple quantitative outcome variables are compared for participants across two or more groups.
In this course, your instructor will provide you with one dataset (Guided Sample Dataset: Statistics Anxiety) that will be used in several of the tutorial videos. You are encouraged to reproduce the analyses performed in the video using this dataset so you can compare your answers and check your understanding of how to do each analysis in SPSS. You will also be provided with three large datasets for you to use in application of the statistics you’re learning each week. The Statistics Anxiety dataset is not for use in your weekly Assignments. Your instructor may also recommend using a different dataset from the ones we have provided here, which is fine. Your instructor will share these datasets in the Doc Sharing section of the classroom and as an Announcement.
In this course, your instructor will provide you with one dataset (Guided Sample Dataset: Statistics Anxiety) that will be used in several of the tutorial videos. You are encouraged to reproduce the analyses performed in the video using this dataset so you can compare your answers and check your understanding of how to do each analysis in SPSS. You will also be provided with three large datasets for you to use in application of the statistics you’re learning each week. The Statistics Anxiety dataset is not for use in your weekly Assignments. Your instructor may also recommend using a different dataset from the ones we have provided here, which is fine. Your instructor will share these datasets in the Doc Sharing section of the classroom and as an Announcement.
Required Media
Laureate Education (Producer). (2017o). Introduction to multivariate analysis of variance [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes 15 seconds.
Begin each week of the course by viewing the Weekly Introduction video, in which experienced statistics Instructors, Dr. Matt Jones and Dr. Annie Pezalla, provide context for new learning, explain statistical methods in easy-to-understand language, and describe the learning activities you will need to complete.
Laureate Education (Producer). (2017q). MANOVA [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.
Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes 15 seconds.
This video provides step-by-step instructions that explain how to perform the statistical test required in Assignment 1.