SOC 490 Week 5 DQ 1 Final Reflection
SOC 490 Week 5 DQ 1 Final Reflection
This is the final discussion, and because there is only one this week, there will be many tasks. However, they should be quite enjoyable for most of you. In the following discussion, you will reflect on your overall academic experience. Remember that your answers will in no way influence your grade. Instead, they will be used as engines for reflection on what professors and course designers can do to strengthen this program and the components of this program. Please answer the following questions:
•What was the most useful or enjoyable class that was part of your major course curriculum (the courses in your major that are not general education courses)? Why was it the most useful or enjoyable?
•What was your least useful or enjoyable class that was part of your major course curriculum (the courses in your major that are not general education courses)? Why was it the least useful or enjoyable?
•What was the most important thing (concept, theory, idea, behavior) that you learned from your academic studies in the Social Science program? Why?
•What was the least important thing (concept, theory, idea behavior) that you learned from your academic studies in the Social Science program? Why?
•How do you plan on utilizing what you have learned in your personal or professional life? (Please be extremely specific.)
•If there was one piece of advice that you could give to someone who is thinking about giving up before reaching his or her de
The purpose of this assignment is to explore stratification and prejudice in current events. Despite great advances towards equality between the races and genders, racial and gender discrimination, as well as class stratification remain serious social problems. To conclude this course, you will use the news media to discover current social issues with regards to race and gender.
To complete this assignment, perform the following tasks:
• Using newspapers, news websites, or news magazines, select three current events (within the last six months) that reflect our studies on stratification. One event should represent racial issues, one gender issues, and one class issues. All three should demonstrate discrimination and/or stratification in American society.
• Using your research, describe the current events and how they are reflective of your studies on racial, gender, and class discrimination and/or stratification.
• Analyze the events and apply the lecture and text to the news articles. What theories of stratification apply? Are the current events representative of the historical trends of racial, gender, and class discrimination and or/stratification? What solutions, if any, should be applied to these current events?
• In your discussion, apply your personal experiences and observations to the current events.
• How do you feel that the media perpetuates discrimination and/or stratification based on race, gender, and class? Support your ideas with concepts from the text and/or appropriate outside resources.
Provide a minimum of three references and apply the correct APA standards in the format of text, citations, and references. Your paper should include a title page and reference. Your paper should be at least five pages in length, not including the title and reference pages