SOC 331 Week 5 Quiz Essay

SOC 331 Week 5 Quiz Essay

SOC 331 Week 5 Quiz Essay

Question :

According to the FBI, hate crimes in the U.S. in 2010 based on a bias against race were committed largely against which of the following?

Student Answer:






Question :

Which of the following is NOT true of solitary confinement in U. S. prisons?

Student Answer:

It is fifty percent less costly than non-solitary confinement.

There are fewer than 200,000 prisoners in solitary confinement in the U.S.

The United States has more prisoners in solitary confinement than does any other democratic nation.

Some people believe it may rehabilitate bad behavior.


Question : What prompted the North Carolina’s Racial Justice Act of 2005?


Student Answer:

White criminals seeking presidential pardons were four times as likely as minorities to receive such pardons.

Prosecutors eliminated prospective Black jurors from juries at more than twice the rate of White jurors in death penalty cases.

Judges had to change a penalty of death to life without parole if race played a key role in the death sentence.

There were pronounced racial disparities in hate crimes in which Whites were less apt to be victims than members of other races.


Question : Which of the following most closely corresponds to the type of justice that South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission seeks?

Student Answer:






Question : What is one purpose for which the International Criminal Court’s Trust Fund for Victims exists?

Student Answer:

To fine nations that violate international law.

To take cases of alleged abuse of human rights.

To ensure payment of court-ordered reparations.

To provide rehabilitation to perpetrators of crimes within the jurisdiction of the ICC.


Question : What is Bulubulu?

Student Answer:

A South African principle that promotes corrective justice through apology and recompense or reconciliation.

A Fijian principle that allows an alleged rapist to avoid retributive justice through apology and recompense or reconciliation.

A Fijian principle that requires corporal punishment as a means of apology and recompense or reconciliation.

A South African principle that allows political leaders to avoid conviction for genocide through apology and recompense or reconciliation.


Question : Approximately what percentage of homicide victims in the United States are 65 years old or older?

Student Answer:






Question : A bond that is put up by a third party to guarantee a bail amount in return for fee is called a __________

Student Answer:

Surety bond.

Municipal bind.

Punitive bind.

Requisite bond.


Question : What was the U. S. Supreme Court’s decision in Morse v. Frederick?

Student Answer:

Frederick had the right to express the sentiment “Bong hits 4 Jesus” on a banner.

The school district was to pay Frederick $45,000 for violating his right to free speech.

The school had the right to regulate speech promoting drug use.

The Constitution of Alaska protected Frederick’s right to free speech.


Question : Which of the following would NOT make corrective justice easy to implement?

Student Answer:

Knowing who did the damage that requires correction.

Knowing what it would take to restore to the perpetrator what he lost.

Knowing who suffered the damage that requires correction.

Knowing what it take to restore to the victim what he lost.

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