SOC 333 Week 5 The Value of Research in Social Policy

SOC 333 Week 5 The Value of Research in Social Policy

SOC 333 Week 5 The Value of Research in Social Policy

The Value of Research in Social Policy. While research can be interesting in regards to understanding social phenomena, it is also important that research results be used to positively impact positive outcomes in regards to the individuals involved, the societal problems considered, and the programs and policy related to these issues. This discussion presents a real world application of data and will help you understand the value of data on social policy outcomes.


Please watch Crime spotting: Joy of Stats (1/6) and in your initial post, address the following:


How does the City of San Francisco currently use its crime data?


How could the data be used by citizens to influence policy? Provide at least two community advocacy and societal change ideas. Explain them and how they would help citizens.


How could the data be used by the police service? Provide at least two forms of community outreach, policing policy, or program creation, and explain how they would help the police and the citizenry.


How could the data be used by social researchers? What does the data tell them about crime in San Francisco?


Are there wider applications for the data to support policy makers in San Francisco? Explain how.


How has this example changed your thoughts about the use of research and data to support policy? Can you provide another way research could be used to support policy creation or change?


Academic Research Article Critique. The final assignment for this course is an academic research article critique. The purpose of the critique is to ensure that you know how to read and critically assess research for use in your own research, to understand social problems in society, support decision making in public policy, or to influence one’s own individual research approaches.


Reading and critically analyzing academic research reported in journal articles is an important part of learning and applying scholarly research for multiple applications within your discipline. Through the first four weeks of this course, you have become more familiar with the various components of research design. For this final assignment, read and critically review one of the journal articles provided in the list by discipline (below). You may choose from any of the lists, however you will probably find one from your own discipline to be of greater interest to you and more useful for future reference.


1. Choose one article from the list below and read it.


Homeland Security and Emergency Management


Haynes, M. R., & Giblin, M. J. (2014). Homeland security risk and preparedness in police agencies: The insignificance of actual risk factors. Police Quarterly, 17(1), 30-53. doi:10.1177/1098611114526017


Settles, T., & Lindsay, B. R. (2011). Crime in post-Katrina Houston: the effects of moral panic on emergency planning. Disasters, 35(1), 200-219. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7717.2010.01200.x


Steelman, T. A., & Mccaffrey, S. (2013). Best practices in risk and crisis communication: Implications for natural hazards management. Natural Hazards, 65(1), 683-705. doi:


Military Studies


Furia, S. R., & Bielby, D. D. (2009). Bombshells on film: women, military films, and hegemonic gender ideologies. Popular Communication, 7(4), 208-224. doi:10.1080/15405700903046369


McClure, P., & Broughton, W. (2000). Measuring the cohesion of military communities. Armed Forces & Society (0095327X), 26(3), 473-12.


Routon, P. W. (2014). The effect of 21st century military service on civilian labor and educational outcomes. Journal of Labor Research, (1), 15.


Social and Criminal Justice


McDowall, D., Loftin, C., & Pate, M. (2012). Seasonal cycles in crime, and their variability. Journal of Quantitative Criminology, 28(3), 389-410. doi:10.1007/s10940-011-9145-7


Sharpe, G. (2009). The trouble with girls today: Professional perspectives on young women’s offending. Youth Justice, 9(3), 154. doi:10.1177/1473225409345103


Trautner, M. (2011). Tort reform and access to justice: How legal environments shape lawyers’ case selection. Qualitative Sociology, 34(4), 523-538. doi:10.1007/s11133-011-9203-3


Social Science


Charnley, S., & Durham, W. H. (2010). Anthropology and environmental policy: What counts? American Anthropologist, (3), 397. doi:10.1111/j.1548-1433.2010.01248.x


Cohen, A. (2012). Sweating the vote: Heat and abstention in the US House of Representatives. PS: Political Science & Politics, (1),


Fouts, H. N., Hewlett, B. S., & Lamb, M. E. (2012). A biocultural approach to breastfeeding interactions in Central Africa. American Anthropologist, (1), 123. doi:10.1111/j.1548- 1433.2011.01401.x


Fulton, S. A. (2012). Running backwards and in high heels: The gendered quality gap and incumbent electoral success. Political Research Quarterly, (2). 303.



Atkinson, M. (2004). Tattooing and Civilizing Processes: Body Modification as Self-control. Canadian Review of Sociology & Anthropology, 41(2), 125-146.


Glass, P. G. (2012). Doing Scene: Identity, Space, and the Interactional Accomplishment of Youth Culture. Journal of Contemporary Ethnography, 41(6), 695. doi:10.1177/0891241612454104


Oyelere, R., & Oyolola, M. (2012). The role of race and birth place in welfare usage among comparable women: Evidence from the U.S. Review of Black Political Economy, 39(3), 285-297. doi:10.1007/s12114-011-9122-2


Park, J., & Denson, N. (2013). When race and class both matter: The relationship between socioeconomic diversity, racial diversity, and student reports of cross-class interaction. Research in Higher Education, 54(7), 725-745. doi:10.1007/s11162-013-9289-4


2. Read the resource below.


Learning Commons. (2013). Using a scientific journal article to write a critical review. University of Guelph. Retrieved from papers/using-scientific-journal-article-write-critical-review

3. Employ the methods detailed in the Learning Commons resource to critique the article you selected in Step 1. At a minimum, the critique should include the following information:


Introduction (about two pages)

Summarize the article you chose, including discussions surrounding the purpose of the study, the methodology utilized, the results obtained, and the conclusions drawn by the author(s) utilizing questions posed in the reading. Utilize questions posed in the “Analyze the Text” section of the Learning Commons resource to develop this section. You must include the full APA citation for the article in yur references page.


Body (about five pages)

Highlight both the strengths and weaknesses of each section of the paper (i.e., introduction, methods, results, discussion, overview). Use questions posed in the “Evaluate the Text” section of the Learning Commons resource to develop this section.


Conclusion (about three pages)

Discuss the significance of the research. Utilize questions posed in the “Establish the Significance of the Research” section of the Learning Commons resource to develop this section

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