BIO 315 Concept Brochure Recent

BIO 315  Concept Brochure Recent

BIO 315  Concept Brochure Recent

Resource: Tri-Fold Pamphlet Guide
Choose one objective from the class, and create a brochure demonstrating the concepts in this objective.
Imagine you are creating a brochure for a future BIO/315 student to explain one topic that will be covered in the class.
Include the following:

·         Clearly state your chosen objective.
·         Identify three concepts needed to master this objective.
·         Summarize each concept with words, pictures or both.
Include photographs, as appropriate.
Include at least two sources in addition to your text.


Write an 750- to 1,050-word, two-part paper discussing plant and animal adaptations.
Part 1
·         Choose one plant and one animal living within 40 miles of your current residence. Briefly describe your environment including temperature and precipitation. Identify the biome in which you live.
·         Describe how your chosen plant has adapted to its current environment. Does the plant use photosynthesis? Does it compete with other plants? How does the plant adjust to temperature extremes? Describe specifically how the plant has adapted.
·         Describe how your chosen animal has adapted to its current environment. How does it obtain food? How does the animal compensate for temperature extremes? Describe specifically how the animal has adapted.
Part 2
In Part 2, you will transport your chosen plant and animal from Part 1 into a different biome. You may choose any other biome you wish.
·         Briefly describe the new biome, including temperature and precipitation averages.
·         Describe how your chosen plant will have to adapt to its new environment. Identify the primary challenges the plant will face. What will be the biggest threats to its survival? What trade-offs would you expect as a result of the new adaptations?
·         Describe how your chosen animal will have to adapt to its new environment. Identify the primary challenges the animal will face. What will be the biggest threats to its survival? What trade-offs would you expect as a result of the new adaptations?
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

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