PSY 310 Week 1 Discussion Question 1

PSY 310 Week 1 Discussion Question 1

PSY 310 Week 1 Discussion Question 1

The statement “know thy self” is attributed to the early Greek philosopher Socrates.  How does this statement serve as a “seed” for the development of psychology as a formal discipline some 2,400 years later?

How does the rise of human interest in the nature and structure of the physical body relate to the eventual rise of psychology as a formal discipline?

Respond to the following questions in 100 words or less: How did clocks influence the world when they were introduced? Why was Descartes so important to the development of psychology? What did he contribute? In your opinion, who contributed the most to empiricism? Why?

Respond to the following questions in 100 words or less: Which method of brain mapping do you believe was considered the most accurate during that time period? Why? Why was Hermann von Helmholtz considered to be one of the greatest scientists of his time? 

Respond to the following questions in 100 words or less: Wilhelm Wundt is credited with founding psychology as a science. What were his specific contributions to this foundation? What did Hermann Ebbinghaus contribute to the science of psychology?


 What were the characteristics of the “mental health reform” movement? Who were the identifiable leaders of this movement?

How did the formulation of “evolution theory” impact the development of psychology as a formal discipline? 

This Tutorial contains 2 Different Papers

Select a man or woman who made significant contributions to this era of early psychology.
Write a 750- to 1,000-word paper in which you describe the person’s background, psychological perspective, and the contribution he or she made to the field of psychology.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. – site your sources

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