PSY 304 The Energized Babies For Survival Recent

PSY 304 The Energized Babies For Survival Recent

PSY 304 The Energized Babies For Survival Recent

Lifespan Development Topic Two. Examine a topic of lifespan development connecting research and life. Below is a list of options from which you are to select a topic for the Week Three assignment. Make sure that the topic you select for this assignment is different from the topic you selected for the Week Two assignment and the topic you plan to utilize for your Final Paper (including its outline).
• What do twin and adoption studies tell us about the effects of nature (i.e., genetic influences) and nurture (i.e., environmental influences) on human development? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (i.e., physical, cognitive, or social-emotional).


• How much credit or blame do parents deserve for the way we are? Select at least one of the main domains of human development (physical, cognitive, or social-emotional) for your answer.
• To what extent are the lives of adolescents and young adults shaped by parental and peer influences?
• Why do we have a need to belong (to affiliate with others)?
• How do our bodies and minds change from early to late adulthood?
• What are the factors that affect our well-being as middle aged and older adults?
• Why are some people attracted to members of their own sex whereas others are attracted to members of the opposite sex?
• How do memory and intelligence change as we age?
• Does an infant’s temperament shape his/her cognitive and socio-emotional development?
• Are babies pre-wired for survival?
• Are adolescents more likely to engage in risk-taking behavior than older adults?
• Can physical exercise affect cognitive performance in old age? Consider the time of occurrence of
physical exercise (i.e., earlier in life or during old age) in your answer.
• Are there personality traits related to longevity?
• Does bilingualism improve brain functioning?
• Why do students in the United States tend to under-perform in math and science?
Once you have chosen your topic, examine the various theories of human development learned in the course, and
choose one or two that best assist you to understand the issues involved in your topic. For this assignment address the following:
• Examine various theories of human development, describing relevant terminology, and addressing how the theory assists in the understanding of issues involved in the selected topic.
• Identify and describe at least two domains of human development (physical, biological emotional, cognitive, and/or social) and how they are impacted by the chosen topic.
• Identify and describe the stages of development that are affected by the chosen topic.
• Describe the cultural and historical perspectives of the chosen topic, demonstrating an understanding of
how the topic has been perceived over time and by other cultures. Provide relevant examples.
Writing the Assignment
The Assignment:
1. Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (excluding title and reference pages), and formatted
according to the APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
2. Must include a title page with the following:
1. Title of paper
2. Student’s name
3. Course name and number
4. Instructor’s name
5. Date submitted
3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement.
1. Begin with an introduction to the selected topic in which you define all concepts that will be
discussed in the paper.
2. For example, if you select “How do memory and intelligence change as we age?” as your topic,
you will need to define the terms memory, intelligence and aging.
4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
5. Must end with a conclusion that reaffirms your thesis.
1. Conclude with an answer to the selected question. Did the evidence you surveyed answer the
question satisfactorily? Include your analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the available
2. If possible, suggest the course that future research should take if answers to the selected question
are less than conclusive.
6. Must use at least two scholarly sources, all of which must come from the Ashford University Library or
Google Scholar.
1. It is important that you ask yourself if the articles specifically address the selected topic. It is not
always easy to find the right articles. Thus, give yourself some time to search before you finalize
your selection.
2. You may reference your textbook and other required materials from the course; however, these
will not fulfill the resource requirements.
7. Must briefly summarize each article including the purpose of the investigation, its methodology, and
1. If possible, select peer-reviewed articles that summarize the evidence available in a given field of
study (e.g., meta-analyses combine the findings of different studies to uncover trends,
commonalities and differences).
2. Order the articles in the way you think you will discuss them in your paper. Then develop a
summary of the scientific evidence that answers the question you selected.
8. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
9. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford
Writing Center.
a. The reference section will be the final page of the paper.

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