PSY 303 Final Paper Psychological Report Recent

PSY 303 Final Paper Psychological Report Recent

PSY 303 Final Paper Psychological Report Recent

Focus of the Final Paper

For your Final Paper, you will demonstrate your knowledge of psychopathology and apply your skills to a realistic scenario. Throughout this course, you have developed unique knowledge and skill sets that will allow you to critically analyze depictions of psychopathology in popular media and historical case examples from an informed point of view.

Your Final Paper will be a psychological report that may be based on a character from a movie or a historical case study. Review the provided lists of movies and historical case studies that are approved for use in this assignment. You must choose from these lists. You may not use examples from your personal life in the psychological report since doing so would be unethical (see Standards 2.04 and 9.01a in the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct).



As you create this report, you will be taking on the role of a clinician who is conducting an assessment and providing treatment recommendations for a patient (a character from your selected film or historical case study). Please note that a psychological report does not follow the same structure for reports you may have used in other courses. Your report must follow the format below and it must include each of the sections and their headings listed in this order:

1. Identifying Information

Within this section, you will record basic information on your patient, including the person’s name, sex, gender, sexual orientation, age, race, occupation, and location of residence (country, state, region).

Chief Complaint/Presenting Problem

Within this section, you will include the patient’s primary complaint verbatim to identify the main source of his or her distress and/or concerns. If there is no verbatim complaint, include observable information to create an overall picture of the presenting problem.

Typically, this section within a psychological report seeks to address the following question (further elaboration within this section is encouraged where possible):

III. Symptoms

IV. Personal History

V. Family History

VI. Therapy History

VII. Medical Conditions

VIII. Substance Use

IX. Collateral

X. Results of Evaluation

XI. Diagnostic Impression With Differential Justification

XII. Recommendations

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