PSY 220 Week 4 CheckPoint Intelligence vs. Wisdom

PSY 220 Week 4 CheckPoint Intelligence vs. Wisdom

PSY 220 Week 4 CheckPoint Intelligence vs. Wisdom

Examples of the difference between intelligence and wisdom are generally easy to find in the news. Find an example of an intelligent person who acted unwisely and had to pay the consequences such as fines or jail time. You can choose a business person, celebrity, government official, or anyone who has acted unwisely and otherwise seems intelligent.

Choose a public figure who has acted unwisely.

Describe if it was a lack of emotional intelligence, successful intelligence, or both that caused his or her lack in judgment. What aspects of wisdom was this person lacking that contributed to his or her lack of judgment?


Post your response in 200 to 300 words.


Commitment does not come easy; it takes hard work and a desire to overcome adversity. Whether that commitment is to a person, a goal, or an activity, it has to be nurtured and re-examined periodically. Psychological research suggests specific steps to nurture commitment.
Review pp. 112-116 of the text.

Choose a personal goal.

Describe how the suggestions for fostering commitment listed in your text can be applied to your goal. How might these suggestions refocus your commitment? Do you have to rethink any areas of your goals? Explain your answer.Post your response in 200 to 300 words.

Explain your answer.Post your response in 200 to 300 words.You have made a life changing decision of earning a degree. It may change your opportunities in life and your ability to earn and obtain the career you want, but it takes a significant commitment. What is the level of commitment to your goal? How has, or may this commitment to your goal help you in difficult times? What specific changes have you made in your life to ensure that you will complete this commitment to yourself?

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