PSY 2007 Assignment 2 ANOVA With Post Hoc Test

PSY 2007 Assignment 2 ANOVA With Post Hoc Test

PSY 2007 Assignment 2 ANOVA With Post Hoc Test

Addressed the following:

Determined whether an individual’s satisfaction with the economy differs across the various political affiliations, using the levels of Republican, Democrat, and others (e.g., Independents and undeclared).
Used the proper df and provided all the steps of the calculations.
Included an explanation of how to determine the critical value. Interpreted the results based on the comparison of the test statistic to the critical value. Interpreted the significance of the results and explained whether an individual’s satisfaction with the economy depends on his or her political affiliation.
Conducted a post hoc analysis to determine which comparisons contributed to the results. Explained which post hoc test you chose and why and provided all the steps of the calculations.
Interpreted the use of an ANOVA with a post hoc test compared to the use of multiple t-tests. Explained which would have been more appropriate in this situation and why.


Determined whether the variable hours worked per week by an individual is correlated to the variable the individual’s satisfaction with his or her job. Used the proper df and provided all the steps of the calculations. Included an explanation of how the critical value was determined. Interpreted the results in light of the hypothesis that the variable number of hours worked is related to the variable the satisfaction one feels about his or her job.

Added two extreme outliers to each of the variables. Recalculated the correlation coefficient and determined whether the variable hours worked per week is still correlated with the variable satisfaction with the job. Used the proper df and provided all the steps of the calculations, including determination of the critical value. Interpreted the new results in light of the hypothesis. Interpreted the effect of outliers on correlation coefficients.  Did not interpret the effect of outliers on correlation coefficients.

Explained what happens to the magnitude of the correlation with a sample size of 1000, and why that would be important if there are outliers in the data.


Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution of sources (i.e., APA format); and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

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