PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection Recent

PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection Recent

PSY 110 Week 2 Learning Style Reflection Recent

Learning Style Reflection

This assignment will allow you to reflect on the information you learned in the section “Discovering Your Learning Styles” in Ch. 1 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning. 


•        If you have a read/write learning style, consider the written reflection.

•        If you have a visual/graphic learning style, consider the presentation option.

•        If you have an auditory/verbal style, be sure to include some audio, either in the notes or in the body of the slides.

Discover more about your Learning Style by completing this week’s recommended Connect Activities.

Select and complete one of the following assignment options. If you have a read/write learning style, consider the written reflection. If you have a visual/graphic learning style, consider the presentation option. If you have an auditory/verbal style, be sure to include some audio, either in the notes or in the body of the slides.

Written Reflection


 Write a 700- to 1,050-word response to the following questions:


1. What learning style are you?

2. What factors led you to that decision?

3. How are learning styles associated with successful adult learning?

4. How do learners’ needs impact motivation to learn in both academic and professional settings?

5. Knowing your learning style, what can you do to ensure academic success? For example, what can you do to take better notes? How can you prepare for tests?

6. How can understanding growth and fixed mindsets impact your learning?

7. How can understanding the field of psychology help you with your behavior and mental processes?

Applying Positive Habits

This week’s assignment offers you the opportunity to think of developing study habits that can guide success in your studies and in your career. You read about how to take notes and process information in Ch. 3 of P.O.W.E.R. Learning.
Next, Ch. 7, reinforces some of this information as you read about how to better use technology and sort through information.
Imagine now that you are working part-time at the university’s student resource center. It is your turn to provide advice to a student who is asking for help.

Applying Positive Habits                              

Select Option A,  as a refresher to this week’s readings, consider learning more about making a commitment to learn and apply positive habits by completing this week’s recommended Connect Activities.

Option A: E-Mail

Write a 350- to 700-word e-mail in Microsoft Word© to a student that discusses the strategies you are learning about this week. Ensure you include answers to the following:

•        What are some notetaking strategies?

•        What are some tips to sort through vast amounts of information on the web? How do you ensure you are finding authoritative information?

•        How can developing good habits, such as notetaking and information competency, help avoid ethical dilemmas in future studies or in the workplace?

Tip: When writing your e-mail, review the sections in Chapter 7 titled, “Writing Effective e-mail Messages” and “Netiquette: Showing Civility on the Web.” 

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