PSY 105 Quiz 5 (2) Recent

PSY 105 Quiz 5 (2) Recent

PSY 105 Quiz 5 (2) Recent

  • Question 1


Which of the following speakers is most likely to change the attitudes of members of an audience?
  • Question 2


The term __________ refers to the fact that close neighbors are more likely to like each other.
  • Question 3


Advertisements that are designed to sell by having a “star” endorse the products are using the __________ route to persuasion.
  • Question 4


An effort to increase your appeal to a target person before you ask that person to grant a request is called
  • Question 5


The central route to persuasion refers to
  • Question 6


The topics of attribution, prejudice, social influence, and love are most likely to be studied by __________ psychologists.
  • Question 7


A type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes or behavior in order to adhere to existing social norms is known as
  • Question 8


Suppose you see a mother grab her child and pull him back sharply. If you decide the mother has done this to protect the child from a passing car, you have made a(n) __________ attribution.
  • Question 9


Cognitive frameworks consisting of knowledge and beliefs about specific social groups  frameworks suggesting that by and large, all members of these groups possess certain traits  are called
  • Question 10


According to realistic conflict theory, prejudice
  • Question 11


Cognitive rules-of-thumb we create for making judgments or decisions very quickly are called
  • Question 12


The correspondence bias is the tendency to explain the behavior of others in terms of __________ causes.
  • Question 13


Milgram’s studies of obedience indicate that in response to an order to harm another person,
  • Question 14


Serious errors in group decision making that result from a lack of dissent in the group is known as __________.
  • Question 15


The tendency of a supervisor to give an employee lower ratings than their performance deserves is termed the __________.
  • Question 16


Research on group processes suggests that a group decision made in the absence of group dissent
  • Question 17


Charisma is a characteristic of transformational leadership that involves __________ self-confidence and __________ vision.
  • Question 18


Which of the following is a reason as to why the assessment center method is not used to select all employees?
  • Question 19


Which of the following occupations were shown through job analysis to have similar job dimensions to that of “homemaker”?


A goal of industrial/organizational psychology is to
  • Question 21


You notice that a coworker at the desk next to you is always late and often steals items from work. You would expect this person to be
  • Question 22


A person analysis assesses
  • Question 23


Social loafing __________ as the team grows bigger in size.
  • Question 24


Positive work behaviors, including helping coworkers and volunteering for extra assignments are also known as __________.
  • Question 25


An employee about to have a performance appraisal would hope for a supervisor who shows the __________ and hope to avoid one who shows the __________.
  • Question 26


Which of the following is an example of utility?
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