PSY 100 quiz 3 (1) Recent

PSY 100 quiz 3 (1) Recent

PSY 100 quiz 3 (1) Recent

  • Question 1


____________ is defined as a response made by individuals to threatening events that tax their ability to cope?

  • Question 2

_______________ is the belief that you can master a situation and produce positive outcomes.

  • Question 3


_______________ is the tendency to assume that your own behaviors are responsible for whatever happens to you.

  • Question 4

The segregation practiced in areas of the United States until the 1960s as well as apartheid, that was policy in South Africa until recent times, would be extreme examples of the cultural adaptation of:

  • Question 5

Which of the following is the BEST summary of the relationship between stress and the immune system functioning?

  • Question 6

In ____________, individuals evaluate their resources and determine how effectively they can be used to cope with the event.

  • Question 7

__________ occurs when stimuli become so intense that one can no longer cope with them.

  • Question 8


According to the findings of the Chicago Stress Project, the high-stress business executives who had high levels of hardiness, exercise, and social support were:

  • Question 9

The general adaptation syndrome was developed by ___________ to describe the common effects on the body when stressors persist.

  • Question 10

__________ occurs when one must decide between two or more incompatible options.


Assignment 2: Adjustment Case Study

Go to NPR’s StoryCorps Website, located at Read two (2) articles that were published within the last two (2) months that focus on individuals with major adjustment issues.

Next, use the textbook and / or Strayer Library to research evidence-based strategies to help with adjustment. Consider strategies that relate to stress and coping, gender, stages of life, cultural and social issues, and health.Go to NPR’s StoryCorps Website, located at Read two (2) articles that were published within the last two (2) months that focus on individuals with major adjustment issues.

Next, use the textbook and / or Strayer Library to research evidence-based strategies to help with adjustment. Consider strategies that relate to stress and coping, gender, stages of life, cultural and social issues, and health.
When referencing the selected stories, please use this format:

Standard Format:
Title of the story [Audio file]. (Year, Month Day). Retrieved from website url.

A homeless teen finds solace in a teacher and a recording [Audio file]. (2014, March 7). Retrieved from
In-Text Citation Format:
The in-text citation for a selected story is an abbreviated version of the title and the year of publication. The abbreviation contains the first three words of the title.

(“A homeless teen,” 2014).

Textbook Citation Format:
Author’s Name. (Date of publication). Title of the resource. Publisher information.

Santrock, J. (2006). Human adjustment: 2007 custom edition. Boston, MA: McGraw-Hill.

Write a three to six (3-6) page paper in which you:

Summarize the two (2) articles you selected from the NPR Website.
Describe the major adjustment issues discussed in each story.
Examine at least three (3) evidence-based strategies from the selected articles that could help the individuals enhance their adjustment skills.
Recommend the evidence-based strategy that is best suited for the people in the selected articles. Provide a rationale for your response.
Use at least four (4) quality academic resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; Since the only resources you will be using for this assignment are the article and your textbook, you need not include a reference page. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required assignment page length.

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