Nursing Communication and Collaboration Task

Nursing Communication and Collaboration Task

Nursing Communication and Collaboration Task

Communication and collaboration are also PHN standards (11 and 13), as well as aspects of leadership (Standard 12). The advanced PHN within this setting must communicate and collaborate with other health educators within the program to ensure a unified approach to population education using evidence-based curriculum. Additionally, the PHN must communicate well with professionals operating SOR in other locations to understand the needs and happenings within the many different geographical locations in which SOR has been implemented. Finally, the advanced PHN must communicate and collaborate with interdisciplinary professionals across the state when discussing public health issues and policies and advocating for the health needs of pregnant and parenting youth.


A great focus of the advanced PHN within this role is grant writing and securing funding. As a non-profit, AZYP and SOR rely solely on grants and donations to continue their services, which play a critical role in advancing the health of this underserved population, particularly in rural communities. Grant writing is an example of PHN leadership (Standard 12), in that it supports the organization, facilitates the development of organizational plans, and requires teamwork. It additionally requires excellent written communication skills (Standard 11), thorough planning (Standard 4), and regular evaluation (Standard 6) (ANA, 2013).

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