NRS 493 90% Goal of Technology Use in Health Discussion

NRS 493  90% Goal of Technology Use in Health Discussion

NRS 493 90% Goal of Technology Use in Health Discussion

The Institute of Medicine has stated a goal that 90% of practice be evidence-based by 2020. According to, the United States is currently at approximately 15%. Discuss two barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal and suggest ways in which identified barriers may be addressed.

Identify two GCU Library scholarly databases that will help you find the best research articles to support your capstone project change proposal. Discuss why these two databases are better than Google Scholar or a general Internet search. NRS 493 90% Goal of Technology Use in Health Discussion


NRS 493 GCU Nursing Capstone Project Change Proposal

Create a proposal inclusive of sections for each content focus area in the course. For this project, the student will apply evidence-based research steps and processes required as the foundation to address a clinically oriented problem or issue in future practice.

Develop a written project that includes the following information as it applies to the problem, issue, suggestion, initiative, or educational need profiled in the capstone change proposal:

  1. Background
  2. Clinical problem statement.
  3. Purpose of the change proposal in relation to providing patient care in the changing health care system.
  4. PICOT question.
  5. Literature search strategy employed.
  6. Evaluation of the literature.
  7. Applicable change or nursing theory utilized.
  8. Proposed implementation plan with outcome measures.
  9. Discussion of how evidence-based practice was used in creating the intervention plan.
  10. Plan for evaluating the proposed nursing intervention.
  11. Identification of potential barriers to plan implementation, and a discussion of how these could be overcome.

PICOT Question Sample Paper

Evidence-based practice (EBP) enlists a PICOT question to highlight the main issue and proposed evidence-based solution. The identified nursing issue is the lack of updated training and techniques to promote nurses’ practice. Based on this problem and proposed solution, the PICOT question formulated is: Among nurses working in primary care settings (P), what is the impact of training in updated techniques and procedures (I) compared to standard practice (C) on the patients-perceived quality of care (O) within three months of intervention (T)?

Evidence-Based Solution

The evidence-based recommendation is to provide nurses with current training in nursing care practices. These methods and practices emphasize safeguards, avoidance, and bettering patient outcomes (Chaghari et al., 2017). It is intended that after receiving training in these methods and procedures, nurses will deliver higher-quality care. Patients’ subjective perceptions of quality will be used to evaluate this. With the overarching goal of raising the standard of care, the solution will work to enhance the way that care is now provided by incorporating trends in disease prevention, safety, and patient health outcomes.

Nursing Intervention

Nursing interventions expected from the project are an improvement of current nursing practices based on training provided to nurses on current healthcare quality and improvement. Nurses will independently implement healthcare interventions to improve patient safety. These interventions are varied but essentially, they will be implementing the EBP process. In EBP, nurses access evidence on practice, use their clinical expertise, and integrate patient preferences in clinical decision-making (Horntvedt et al., 2018). This may apply to many healthcare interventions including researching new nursing models and interventions to reduce patient safety incidents. Nevertheless, the nursing intervention to be implemented will be training in new techniques and procedures.

Patient Care

The impact of the proposed solution on patient care is positive and it is anticipated that there will be an improvement in patient care processes. Primarily, the intervention will enable nurses to implement updated EBP in the care for their patients. Patient care will be influenced by the knowledge and skills gained from the training intervention. The care process will include evidence-based interventions which will assist the nurses in improving health outcomes of their patients through adaptable care processes. Therefore, the expected outcome is that patient care processes will be informed by EBP and consequently lead to improved health outcomes for the patients.

Health Care Agency

The main health care agency involved in improving nursing education and the proposed solution is the US Department of Education. This agency defines the curriculum and regulations for different nursing programs and licensure requirements. The agency defines the minimum program requirements and hence is in control of nursing curricula (National Council of States Boards of Nursing, n.d.). Findings from the capstone project can be shared with the Department of Education to promote knowledge on necessary areas for revising to enhance education standards. Collaborating with the department can also enhance educational standards in all nursing programs as well as training for certain licensure requirements to ensure high levels of health standards are upheld throughout.

Nursing Practice

Lastly, the solution will improve nursing practice in general by providing the education, knowledge, and competence needed for high quality of care. The proposed solution trains nurses to improve their approach to patient care and adopt evidence-based practice in dealing with patients. This training improves the standards of nursing by first recognizing diverse means of approaching nursing challenges in care. It also improves the profession by focusing on continuous improvement of nurses’ abilities and professionalism. Generally, the evidence-based solution has a positive impact on nurses’ work as well as care provided to patients.


Chaghari, M., Saffari, M., Ebadi, A., & Ameryoun, A. (2017). Empowering education: A new model for in-service training of nursing staff. Journal of Advances in Medical Education & Professionalism, 5(1), 26.

Horntvedt, M. E. T., Nordsteien, A., Fermann, T., & Severinsson, E. (2018). Strategies for teaching evidence-based practice in nursing education: A thematic literature review. BMC Medical Education, 18(1), 1-11.

National Council of States Boards of Nursing. (n.d.). Education initiatives.

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