NRS 430V Plagiarism in Nursing Profession

NRS 430V Plagiarism in Nursing Profession

NRS 430V Plagiarism in Nursing Profession

Plagiarism can be defined as “to steal and pass off ideas or words of another as one’s own” (Meriam-Webster 2020). The three common examples of plagiarism are summarizing, paraphrasing and direct quotation of someone’s work without proper citation. Plagiarism affects the integrity of the baccalaureate degree in that if a student is willing to cheat on their assignments that can also mean, in the future, according to Falkner, there could be falsification of professional documents (Falkner, 2018).

Plagiarism may taint this view of nursing as a profession and even as individuals. Nurses are trusted to provide accurate and true information. Failure of citing sources and giving credit where it is due may cause others to question the ethics of the profession.


The public view of nursing according to “Dynamics of Nursing,” is that “it has been ranked number 1 as the most trusted profession” (Falkner, 2018), meaning that nurses are one of the most reliable healthcare professionals in medicine. To plagiarize works during and after the baccalaureate gives the impression that not only nurses can’t be trusted, but it gives nurses an unethical and immoral reputation which can follow the profession years after.NRS 430V Plagiarism in Nursing Profession

As I progress in this program, I plan to make us of LopesWrite as many times as possible to help dictate any indications of plagiarizing and ensure I have accurately given credit where it is due. I will also make use of other resources that can help me format all citations, such as Chegg or Son of Citation Machine, or even GCUs APA citation guide. In the GCU video “Plagiarism Tutorial,” it states, “it’s much better to cite too much than to lack citation at all” (Academics, 2015).

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