NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection

NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection

NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection

Hello class,

All of you are doing a great job and I have enjoyed the class discussions. Your assignment this week will be similar to last week with two exceptions. You will be using two quantitative articles and the Critique Guideline Part II.


  1. Evaluate the components of quantitative research studies.
  2. Compare different types of quantitative designs.
  3. Contrast levels of control between experimental and nonexperimental research designs.
  4. Describe sampling theory.


  • Use the practice problem you chose and TWO quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this essay assignment.
  • Summarize the two studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.
  • Refer to the resource “Research Critique Guidelines Part II” that is attached to the week three assignment task and this announcement.
  • Use the APA Style Guide and remain within the maximum word count.
  • Headings should be used to organize your writing.
  • There should only be TWO references, which will be the articles you are critiquing unless you would like to add a different article as a source for your introduction.

Please review the rubric and syllabus before beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.



Courtney Wells 

1 posts

Re: Topic 3 DQ 1

There are 2 types of quantitative, experimental research designs. The first is experimental studies, which is a randomly assigned, highly controlled study of cause and effect with dependent and independent variables (McNiff & Petrick, 2018). Quasi-Experimental Studies is another type of experimental study that studies cause and effect, but is done in a semi-controlled environment.  The independent variable is not controlled in quasi-experimental study, unlike an experimental study.  The hypothesis for both of these studies will be specific and testable.

A type of nonexperimental research design is a descriptive study.  The researcher will observe and describe a topic where there is little known.  This is the least controlled of all the qualitative designs. Many times, a hypothesis is formed after analyzing the data for upcoming research.  Another example of a nonexperimental  research design is a correlational study.   This study helps identify the relationship between 2 or more variables.  A correlational hypothesis will try to forecast the connection between the independent and dependent variables.



McNiff, P. & Petrick, M. (2018). Quantitative Research: Ethics, Theory, and Research. Retrieved from





Elizabeth Rowland 

1 posts

Re: Topic 3 DQ 1

Experimental and nonexperimental research designs are differentiated by intent, environment, degree of manipulation, bias and is chosen by the researcher to determine the specific intent of the study (McNiff and Petrick, 2018). Descriptive and correlational designs are both nonexperimental with quasi-experimental and experimental of course being experimental designs. Descriptive designs are used for describing a situation, subject, behavior or phenomenon through observations in various settings. There is no manipulation or control and is room for bias (McNiff and Petrick, 2018). Correlational designs measure the statistical degree of the relationship between two or more variables in various settings. This design also has no control/manipulation with room for bias (McNiff and Petrick, 2018).

Quasi- experimental is similar in determining the degree of the relationship between two variables, however an intervention is conducted on a specific population. The environment is semi-controlled with an intervention performed on the independent variables that is controlled with decreased chance of bias (McNiff and Petrick, 2018). Experimental involves the most manipulation and control of all the research designs. The researcher manipulates one or more variables to determine the effect on other variables using a random sample (McNiff and Petrick, 2018).

NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection

MnNiff, P., Petrick, M. (2018). Nursing Research: Understanding Methods For Best Practice. Retrieved from:





Kellie Blackwelder 

1 posts

Re: Topic 3 DQ 1

According to McNiff and Petrick, “Experimental research design is the most highly controlled quantitative design. Experimental research is where the most manipulation occurs to have the most reliable outcomes and the most definitive answers on what factors truly influence others and how. The highest degree of control would occur in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. This type of study would result in the least amount of bias because the participants are randomly selected for the treatment/intervention, and neither the patients nor the researcher would know if they were receiving the treatment/intervention or placebo” (McNiff & Petrick, 2018). Non-experimental research would be quasi-experimental is usually done in a semi-controlled environment while experimental is usually done in a very controlled environment. Experimental research is capable of preforming studies on people while manipulating predictable variables. Examples of Experimental research include placebo experiments such as testing a new drug effect on the public. Experimental explains why something happens.


Non-experimental is usually given to a research when the researcher cannot control, manipulate, or alter the variables of the research study. The results are usually collected by survey, correlations, or case studies. According to Formplus, “Non-experimental research is the type of research that does not involve the manipulation of control or independent variable. In non-experimental research, researchers measure variables as they naturally occur without any further manipulation. This type of research is used when the researcher has no specific research question about a causal relationship between 2 different variables, and manipulation of the independent variable is impossible” (Formplus Blog, 2020). Non-experimental explains more descriptive nature of what rather than why something happens. A census would be an example of a non-experimental research because it examines a large population without controlled variables.

Formplus Blog. (2020, January 24). Experimental Vs Non-Experimental Research: 15 Key Differences. Retrieved from Formplus:

McNiff, P., & Petrick, M. (2018). Quantitative Research: Ethics, Theory, and Research. In A. Falkner, Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice. Grand Canyon University.

NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection




Moses Etemesi 

1 posts

Re: Topic 3 DQ 1

In case of nonexperimental research design, the data is collected without making variations or introduction treatments. Here the variables are not manipulated. The purpose of this study is to observe things as they occur in nature. Hence such a study does not find cause and effect relationship. So, there are no treatments and no controls. Does not involve manipulation of the situation, circumstances, or experience of the participants. There are three types.

. Relational (or correction) studies-simply identify co-movements of variables.

. Comparative- compare 2 or more groups on one or more variables (example-gender and driving safety).

. Longitudinal -examines variables such as performance exhibited by a group over time.

In experimental research, we have true experiments in which the researcher manipulates one variable and relates with control of the rest of the variables. Experimental design is a way to carefully design experiments in advance so that results are both objective and valid. An experimental design should.

. Describe how participants will be randomly selected to experimental groups.

. Minimize or eliminate confounding variables.

. Allow for interference about independent and dependent variables.

. Reduce variability.

Experimental designs are the most rigorous of all research designs and are considered the “gold standard” against which all other research designs are judged.

An example is, if we study the effect of insulin on our body, the experimental group will be diverse doses of insulin and the control will be no insulin (negative control) or an insulin agonist (positive control).


Burns, N., & Grove, S. (2011). Understanding Nursing Research (5th ed.). Maryland Heights,

MO: Elsevier.

Sousa, V.D., Driessnack, M., & Menders. (2011). An overview of Research Designs Relevant to Nursing: part 1: Qualitative Research Designs.


NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection



Francis Njinga Njinga 

4 posts

Re: Topic 3 DQ 1

Quantitative research designs generally fall under one of the 2 umbrellas: experimental and non-experimental research. Experimental research is the most powerful quantitative method. It has a rigorous control and manipulation of the variables. It is an objective, systematic, and highly controlled investigation conducted for predicting and controlling phenomena (Grove, 2017). During the experimental design, the researcher uses random assignment. They also manipulate an independent variable around a controlled variable. In a true experimental design, there must be randomization, a control group, and manipulation of a variable while examining the direct cause or predicted relationships between variables.

Non- experimental research is research that lacks the manipulation of an independent variable, random assignment of participants to conditions or orders of conditions or both. It is usually descriptive or correlational, which means that you are either describing a situation or phenomenon simply as it stands, or you are describing a relationship between 2 or more variables, without any interference from the researcher. It focuses on examining variables as they would naturally occur. Some of the examples of the experimental research are: survey, case studies, comparative studies, and descriptive studies. These research design has no random assignments, no control groups, and no manipulation of variables. The research method is observation only.

Experimental research provides convincing evidence that changes with an independent variable. Thus, it results in the differences in a dependent variable. On the other hand, non-experimental research does not cause any change in the independent variables.


Grove, S., Gray, J., & Burns, N. (2017). Understanding Nursing Research, 6th Edition.

Saunders, 092014. VitalBook file.


NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection



Kellie Blackwelder 

1 posts

Re: Topic 3 DQ 2

There are two types of sampling theories. Probability sampling is when all of the participants’ in the targeted population have equal chances of being selected in the sample. Non-probability sampling is when the sampling population is selected in a non-systematic approach which does not provide equal chances of being selected for sample. There are four types of probability sampling including simple random sampling, stratified sampling, systematic, and clustered random. Simple random when the whole population is accessible. Stratified sampling is a modified version of simple sampling when the whole population is divided into subgroups based on demographics such as age, religion, gender, or education. Systematic sampling is when the researcher selects subjects to be in the sample based on systemic rule, using a fixed interval. Clustered random is used when creating a sampling frame is impossible due to the large size of the population. Three types of non-probability sampling include convenience sampling, judgmental sampling, and snowball sampling. Convenience sampling is when researchers enroll people by accessibility and availability. This method is usually quick and inexpensive. Judgmental sampling is when subjects are picked by the researcher’s choice. Snowball method is when the subjects cannot be located in a specific location, making it difficult to access the population. (Elfil & Negida, 2017)

According to Hydrocephalus Association Website, “generalizability is a measure of how useful the results of a study are for a broader group of people or situations. If the results of a study are broadly applicable to many different types of people or situations, the study is said to have good generalizability. If the results can only be applied to a very narrow population or in a very specific situation, the results have poor generalizability” (Hydrocephalus Association, 2019). We strive for good generalizability when it comes to nursing research because we want the results to be applied to a large group of the population opposed to a narrow groups of people. When the results could be applied to a large group they can be utilized with best evidence-based practice for nurses. This makes them more susceptible of being placed as standards in practice for all nurses. Bad generalizability does not necessarily mean we don’t care to use it but we must understand that only a small group will benefit from the results.


Elfil, M., & Negida, A. (2017). Sampling methods in Clinical Research; an Educational Review. Emerg.

Hydrocephalus Association. (2019). Research 101: Generalizability. Retrieved from Hydrocephalus Association:


NRS 433V Experimental & Research Designs Data Collection

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