Publications on Nursing Task

Publications on Nursing Task

Publications on Nursing Task

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Ashley Gipe

When looking for scholarly articles throughout this course, the GCU library offers varying databases that will help us find up-to-date, relevant articles to support our capstone change proposals. Two databases found in the GCU library that will aid in finding the best research articles for this project include Academic Search Complete and CINAHL complete. The reason I chose both of these databases is due to their articles having information related to the nursing profession. The  Academic Search Complete database is more of a multidisciplinary database offering 7,900 full text journals and articles that cover every area of academia including nursing and health sciences (GCU, 2022). The CINAHL complete database is geared more towards nursing as well as other allied health professionals (GCU, 2022). In addition, many of the articles on the CINAHL database include evidence-based research as well as continuing education modules (GCU, 2022).Publications on Nursing Task

It is important to note that these two databases are better than Google scholar or a general internet search as they are from credible/reliable sources and have the option to be peer-reviewed. These types of resources are typically known as scholarly resources which are intended for an academic audience and written by an expert within that field (GCU, 2022). When an article is peer-reviewed that means another expert in the field has evaluated the information, proving it to be “academically rigorous” (GCU, 2022). In addition, these databases have speciality features such as having a focused search by subject as well as reference ranges for the date to find the most relevant data. In summary, these databases are offering high-quality, reliable information compared to non-academic information that can be found outside of databases.

,Richard CervantesPublications on Nursing Task

The GCU library offers a wide variety of databases for research articles. CINAHL Complete is a database offered, which is geared towards nursing and allied health professionals. The database provides articles from nursing journals with more than 50 nursing specialties covered. PubMed’s database offers more than 30 million citations for published articles in biomed and health. They include articles from the National Institutes of Health and National Center for Biotechnology Information. These two databases offer credible research that has been peer-reviewed.

The biggest advantage of using CINAHL Complete or PubMed over a Google Scholar or general internet search are the filters which can be applied. You can filter your results to only include peer reviewed articles, select authors to include a nurse or select the journal subset such as nursing, allied health or biomedical. The ability to refine your search very specifically is key to finding the specific research needed for support of capstone project change proposals.

The work is also credible, whereas a general internet search does not necessarily lead you to credible sources. Usually, the first source that will generate in a general search is a Wikipedia page, which are not credible to use in our research work. Credible sources offer information consistent with the best scientific evidence, reduce conflict of interest, promote both transparency and accountability (Kington et al., 2021). When a source is viewed as credible, the consumer is more likely to accept the message (Roth-Cohen et al., 2021). When we use the GCU database, we know we are utilizing work that is trustworthy and accurate.

,Margaret Machua

Scholarly databases include the academic or peer-reviewed sources written by experts in a given field of study to keep the field up to date with the current research, findings, and news (Gies, 2018). The GCU library offers some scholarly databases like PubMed and Science Direct to be used in evidence-based research because these require one to use the university library and not online searches like Google. They also have various advantages over Google Scholar in various waysPublications on Nursing Task

Pub Med is advantageous, especially in the health science field because it is a free source supporting the search and retrieval of biomedical and life sciences literature that aims at improving health at the local and global level (Williamson & Minter, 2019). It delivers a readily available search interface not only for MEDLINE but also other NLM resources thus it becomes the premier source for biomedical literature and one of the most widely accessible resources worldwide (Williamson & Minter, 2019). The PubMed database has millions of citations and abstracts of biomedical literature that originates from the biomedicine and health fields and other related disciplines (Williamson & Minter, 2019).

ScienceDirect is also advantageous over Google Scholar, especially in the medical field and other fields because it combines authoritative, full-text scientific, technical, and health publications with smart, intuitive functionality so that users can stay informed in their fields and can work more effectively and efficiently (Gies, 2018). The ScienceDirect website provides access to a large bibliographic database of scientific and medical publications and is founded on a wide range of trusted, high-quality, interdisciplinary research and literature.


,,Nargiza Navruzova

Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) are essential in improving patient health outcomes. According to Lopez and Cleary (2019), EBP involves using current research, clinical experience, and patient values in making healthcare decisions. EBPs play a significant role in improving healthcare quality. They also help to improve safety and lower the costs of healthcare.

Most healthcare organizations have not yet implemented EBPs despite their numerous benefits to the healthcare system. The lack of human resources has been a challenge in implementing EBPs in the United States. The American healthcare system faces a severe nursing shortage, making it very challenging to implement EBPs (Haddad et al., 2020). The nursing shortage results in nurses getting overworked, leaving them with limited time for research. The lack of knowledge on EBP has also been a challenge in implementing EBPs (Li et al., 2019). Most healthcare providers do not have adequate knowledge of conducting research. This makes it very challenging for them to implement EBPs. The lack of knowledge may also result in some healthcare professionals developing a negative attitude towards implementing EBP. Other challenges that hinder the implementation of EBP include the lack of research articles and the lack of support by organizations.

Various strategies can help eliminate the barriers of EBP. Hiring more nurses can help reduce the nursing shortage. It will then help reduce the nurse workloads, thus leaving nurses with more time to research and implement EBPs. Teaching EBPs in nursing education programs can also be an essential strategy to help improve the implementation of EBP. This will help ensure that nurses have adequate skills and knowledge on EBPs. It will also help to change their attitude towards implementing EBPs.Publications on Nursing Task


,Nicole GreenPublications on Nursing Task

The Institute of Medicine set a goal that by 2020, 90% of clinical decisions will be supported by accurate, timely and up-to-date clinical information and will reflect the best available evidence to achieve the best patient outcomes (Lehane et. al., 2018). To achieve this goal, it is essential for healthcare professionals to effectively put into practice the knowledge and skill using evidence-based practice not only on the jobs but in health care education in colleges and universities. Evidence-based practice (EBP) is a problem-solving approach to patient care based on the best available and valid evidence that leads to enhanced quality to care and reducing cost. It is proven to be the best way for patients to receive the best care possible, achieving positive outcomes.

Some barriers that might hold nursing practice from achieving this goal can be lack of cooperation among nurses and lack of access to rich library with nursing journals. A lack of cooperation among nurses can hinder implementing evidence-base practice which can be due to age difference among nurses, level of education, job experiences, and position held. A lack of access to rich library with nursing journal is detrimental to implementing evidence-based practice. By empowering nurses to hold a bachelor’s degree in nursing is one way to overcome barriers. It is through higher learning that help nurses to provide the highest care using evidence-based practice. Since EBP is a critical and important issue in nursing, nurses should increase their knowledge and attitude about EBP and use it for better delivery services (Khammarnia et. al., 2015). Also, if all colleges and universities that offers health care programs should have a rich library of nursing and allied health journals, as well as all health care institutions for ongoing education. These ae a few ways to overcome barrier of achieving evidence-base practice.

,,Rie Everheart

According to Majid et al. (2011), the lack of time and the lack of understanding or inadequate knowledge to understand statistical terms and jargon used in research articles can be the main barriers to practice by evidence-based practice. One of the significant factors that the nurses are lacking time is caused by nurse shortage and increased amount of workload. Moreover, a study conducted by Majid et al. (2011) concluded that another barrier is “identified by more than 47% of the nurses, were their inability to understand statistical terms, inadequate understanding of technical jargon used in research articles, and difficulty in judging the quality of research articles and reports” (Barriers to adopting EBP, para. 1).

Ways to intervene in this issue is to encourage nurses to have a spirit of inquiry and supportive culture (Stillwell et al. 2010). Stillwell et al. (2010) define a spirit of inquiry is to have the ongoing curiosity to utilize the best evidence-based practice to improve patient outcomes. In addition, supportive organizational culture can be the key for the nurses to incorporate the best evidence-based practice into daily practice. Organizations can externally motivate nurses to utilize the best evidence-based practice such as rewarding nurses who suggest and integrate the EBP, furthermore, organizations should organize training classes to enrich the knowledge of nurses to boost their spirit of inquiry and the significance of utilizing EBP for optimum patient outcomes.Publications on Nursing Task

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