NRS 428VN Psychological and Physical Realms

NRS 428VN Psychological and Physical Realms

NRS 428VN Psychological and Physical Realms

Major disasters throughout North America over the past several decades have highlighted the need to care for people beyond the physical and psychosocial realms. Disaster impacts lives and the dimensions that express life – the physical, (a destroyed home, bodily injury), the social (disrupted relationships and routines), the psychological (intellectual and emotional) and spiritual (searching for meaning and connectedness). When the beliefs and values held dear to an individual or community are severely challenged, this is when psychospiritual care becomes distinct from psychosocial care (CDR, 2019).


The community health nurse assist in the spiritual care of the individual are called upon daily to apply skills, concepts, and theory to various situations. The core essence of the nursing profession mandates that they assist with basic physical, emotional, and spiritual human needs. Throughout their career they develop helping, trusting, and caring relationships with patients and families.NRS 428VN Psychological and Physical Realms
Nurses are expected to create a healing environment for the physical and spiritual self, which respects human dignity. Nurses are empathetic to a family member who has suffered the loss of a loved one, and as they routinely perform their jobs, they work to instill faith, hope, and honor in others. During other times, they must step into the shoes of the other person in an authentic manner. Not only must they promote and accept both positive and negative feelings as they genuinely listen to another’s story, but they are called upon to use creative scientific problem-solving methods for caring decision making. They are required by their code of ethics to share teaching and learning that addresses the individual needs and comprehension styles. The tasks they perform will eventually open avenues of promise and change (SPC, 2015).

Christian Disaster Response. (2019). Providing disaster assistance locally and worldwide. Retrieved
August 6, 2019, from

Springer Publish Company. (2015, April 13). Caring for Communities After Disaster. Retrieved August 6, 2019, from




Kendra Marquez 

1 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

Because the world is currently in the midst of a pandemic we can see the effects on mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health all first. When the pandemic began many people were still going to church functions. As a nurse it was a difficult balance between having respect for patients religious freedom all while promoting social distancing. It is recommended that people are allowed to pray, practice, or worship however they choose as long as it is not effecting their health or the health of others (Falkner, 2018). That being said, we had an instance in my community where the pastor contracted Covid-19 and it was quickly spread amongst the church members with many being hospitalized. I have strong feelings that as a priest, pastor, bishop, or church leader in any sense, they should set a good example to the members of their church. Implementation of online services have greatly improved the spread while still allowing members of their church to be able to receive messages and worship. NRS 428VN Psychological and Physical Realms

As a nurse my job, first and foremost, is the health and safety of my patient. Taking that in to consideration, I must also remember their mental and spiritual health needs as well. By encouraging my patient to worship from home, whether via television or online, or even just with family, I am protecting their physical health while promoting their mental health. During these times of crisis when most patients are not allowed visitors I can take the time to pray with my patient, possibly bring them in religious items pending facility policies, and facilitate facetime calls with their family, friends, or religious leaders. It is important to remember these patients are scared and these may be some of their last moments.


Falkner, A. (2018). Disaster Management. Community and public health: The future of health care. Retrieved from /nrs427vn/community-and-public-health-the-future-of-health-care/v1.1/#/chapter/5.



Samantha Clervil 

4 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

A disaster is a sudden event affecting the life of a community socially, physically, economically and emotionally which can be man-made or natural (Falkner, 2018). A man-made disaster includes examples such as bridge collapses or terrorist attacks while a natural one can refer to events such as hurricanes or tornadoes. Regardless of the type of disasters, the effects on the human life can be detrimental. Often, the approach to manage a disaster effects lacks focus on the spiritual and emotional distress one can experience after the impact. Unfortunately, healthcare providers are not immune against these emotional stresses and them as well need help.NRS 428VN Psychological and Physical Realms

Recently, terrorism attacks to Muslim churches around the U.S. brought terror and deaths among communities and sadden the whole world. Many families lost their loved ones; some must live with physical and emotional impact these events brought to their lives. Most of these churches closed for a while until the community started to feel safe again to continue their worship rituals. During these times, communities gather in vigil prayers in the name of the victims and lost lives.

The community nurse needs to be culturally competent in the event of a disaster to better assist the population because response to stress differ from one culture to the other. While working with the victims, the PHN needs to offer spiritual help and guidance by locating chaplain services to provide comfort for the ones in need including self and colleagues (Faulkner, 2018).

Although disasters bring stress, sadness and destabilization among communities, belief in an higher power can bring hope and might help populations to cope with their new situation.


Falkner A. (2018). Community & public health: The future of health care





Victoria Snider 

3 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

During and after a disaster people can have different emotional reactions (GCU, 2018) and their individual spiritual beliefs and practices can be beneficial and comforting during times of crises. A nurse or even a chaplain who is providing spiritual care to someone does not refer to a particular faith or religion, but can include aspects of compassion, empathy, support, and encouragement. Disasters affect individuals, families, neighbors and even health care providers in a variety of different ways.

The current Covid situation is not really affecting children in the aspect that they are not in the population most affected (medically), or at risk for this disease. However, many of their parents are out of work, struggling financially, and schools are closed down. So children, are being affected in many different ways even though they aren’t in the higher risk category for coming down with this disease. Health care providers, in some cases, are more emotionally and physically drained during the Covid situation. They are having to be flexible as policy changes are made daily (if not more often) in most medical facilities and with all the fear associated with this disease, they are having to provide more emotional support than normal as families are constantly calling with questions and concerns regarding their loved ones (whom are not allowed visitors to decrease transmission). Community health nurses need to focus on self-care first so that they are capable of providing care to others. Taking time to meditate or pray prior to going into work, offering prayer and support to other colleagues is essential. The community nurse needs to listen to individuals as they share their own personal struggles helps them to feel they have a voice or some control over the situation and can be therapeutic for them. Giving them reassurance and understanding along with empathy for what they are going through can also help provide healing and comfort.

Grand Canyon University. (Ed.). (2018). Community and public health: The future of health care. Retrieved from





Ursula Porter 

2 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 2-Earthquake in Haiti 2010

The assessment of essential supplies needed before arriving in Haiti would be an example of primary intervention. A plan of action to strategize the needs, roles, and tasks required to assist at the disaster site (American Nurses Association, n.d.). This initial phase requires assessment to ensure all the necessary supplies are at hand before arriving at the site. Health facilities donate medical supplies to assist, and ministries donate funds to procure supplies. Online certifications from accredited nursing organizations offer competency trainings to prepare professionally prior to arriving at the disaster site.

Secondary prevention would be triage to determine those individuals in imminent danger. In this instance, surveying the disaster area to ensure no one was in immediate danger from being close to an insecure structure. Within this phase, the emphasis is on saving lives and ensuring the individual is safe from harm. After earthquakes, there are often aftershocks that further shift debris and continue to pose threats of burial and injury to the survivors. Evaluating individuals to ensure active bleeding is stopped and life-threatening injuries addressed. Military members are trained to assist in securing safety for areas liable to be within the vicinity of threat.

Tertiary prevention would be assisting with the recovery once an individual’s health stabilized. Assisting with wound care and antibiotic administration would be a crucial third step. Once the proverbial dust has settled, this phase requires rebuilding and seeking support for maintaining the life rescued from harm. The drive now would be the establishment of shelter, food, and water to sustain life. FEMA is a federal organization that partners with local and state organizations in providing relief funds and supplies in times of crisis. During Hurricane Katrina, FEMA provided affected residents with funds to relocate after the decimation of homes and communities. Local churches are often willing to provide temporary shelter during disasters.


American Nurses Association. (n.d.) Disaster preparedness. Retrieved from





Samantha Clervil 

2 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 2


An earthquake is a disaster that cannot be predicted but if the region is known to be vulnerable to it, preparedness plans should be part of the primary prevention nurses should implement in the population. Teaching the community on how to get prepared in case of an earthquake falls into the preimpact phase. Preimpact phase consists in getting all the necessary ready such as drills in schools and sensitization of the population about the danger of the disaster.

A secondary prevention would be research for survivors during the actual disaster to save as many lives as possible. The secondary prevention falls in the impact phase which is where first responders go around to rescue for potential survivors. Once survivors are brought to rescue, appropriate triage is made to proper treat them according to their injuries (Falkner, 2018).

A tertiary measure would imply the necessity to recover from the disaster. The survivors will receive care and hope. That corresponds to the postimpact phase where other rescue teams from over the world come to help. From food to medical supplies arriving, PHN nurses can coordinate with agencies to assure that things like food distributions go to the ones in need.

Community Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) conduct trainings for the population in regards of preparedness for a disaster (Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), 2015). I would see myself working with them to help prepare myself and the community I live in in the case of a disaster.


Falkner A. (2018). Community & public health: The future of health care

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). (2015). Community emergency response team (CERT) dataset.

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