PHI 413N Nursing Correlation with Christianity
PHI 413N Nursing Correlation with Christianity
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1 – As a Christian, I fall under what is referred to as the Theist worldview. There are many variations of the Christian worldview, yet despite the variations, this worldview is founded on common core values. Our worldview is constructed by various components such as; the reality, the nature of the universe, who we are as humans, knowledge, ethics, and the basis for our existence (GCU, 2019). These components address many of the fundamental and core questions every individual considers, including their view on the existence of a greater being and/or creator. This then flows into one’s religion. While religion and spirituality are not interchangeable, they are typically connected. “Spirituality is an aspect of humanity that refers to the way individuals seek and express meaning and purpose, and the way they experience their connectedness to the moment, to self, to others, to nature, and to the significant or sacred” (as stated by Puchalski et al. and quoted by (GCU, 2019). Using this definition of spirituality and relating it to my specific worldview, spirituality becomes my own personal connection and relationship with God—the deity who I recognized as my Lord and Savior, creator of the universe, and the one and only God. The Bible talks about God’s character, His expectations of us, and how we are to lives as Christians. He is a relational God, and this relationship is how spirituality is manifested.
Throughout history medicine and religion where commonly interwoven and only as of the nineteenth century where the two separated. This occurred as the medical community began to recognize the physical, biological factors of medicine and disregarded the religious aspects stating, “medicine is secular; religion is sacred and private” (Orr, 2015). As time passed, the healthcare community recognized the value of treating the whole person, which includes biological, psychological, social, and spiritual aspects (Orr, 2015). Therefore, since we must acknowledge that spirituality has a place in medicine, it is important for us as caregivers to understand what we believe and understand how our worldview and religious beliefs, or lack thereof influence us as professionals and how it can help us connect with our patients. By recognizing your own beliefs, we can incorporate them into how we care for all patients, and even relate and help certain patients that share our beliefs. In cases where your patient has extremely different views from your own, the fact that you as an individual and professional are aware of your own beliefs and understand the value of this knowledge, you can work with your patient to help them. This can aid you in providing patient-centered care.
2 – Although nurses may differ in their beliefs about how involved they should become in meeting patient’s spiritual needs, it is impossible to nurse patients well, while ignoring the spiritual dimensions of health. Spirituality in my worldview is anything that pertains to a person’s relationship with nonmaterial life force or higher power. It is also seen as experiences with unifying force, life principle and essence of being. While analyzing concepts of spirituality through a review of related literature, nurse scholar Bernice Golberg (1998) identified the following phenomena: meaning, presencing (standing in the presence of another consciously believing in-and affirming-his or her capacity for wholeness), empathy/compassion, giving hope, love religion/transcendence, and touch and healing. All appears to be a product of relationship, some physical and others emotional. Golberg combined these and gave spirituality the label “connection” (1998, p. 836).
Paying attention to the spiritual dimension of health and well-being is integral to holistic person-centered care. Patient facing the losses and limits related to injury, disease, or aging begin to evaluate what is important in life, and often ask the “big questions”: is there a God or transcendent being? Does life have meaning and purpose? Am I dying? Is there anyone I can trust to be with me during these hard times? Nurses skilled in spiritual health can identify and elicit the inner resources of patients and family caregivers to promote health and healing with sensitivity to such questions. Spirituality is an element that influence our everyday living and health and illness; and is important concept to understand when caring for patients.
3 – I was borned and raised as a catholic into a christian family, to be a catholice one most validly baptized with the form and matter of baptism as subscribed by Jesus Christ. Believing and professing the required teachings of the Catholic Church on Faith and Morals. Participating in the Communion of the Church by Living a Sacramental Life of Obedience of the Faith in God I have three children whom I’m also raising in the catholic faith. Spirituality means knowing that our lives have significance in a context beyond a mundane everyday existence at the level of biological needs that drive selfishness and aggression. It means knowing that we are a significant part of a purposeful unfolding of Life in our universe.
Spirituality in health care is “that part of person that gives meaning and purpose to the person’s life. Belief in a higher power that may inspire hope, seek resolution, and transcend physical and conscious constraints.” Spiritual care in nursing is an important part of overall healthcare.
Similarly to other caring activities and procedures, spiritual care improves patients spiritual well-being and performance as well as the quality of their spiritual life. Nurses’ practice patterns in the area of spiritual care can be grouped into two categories including religious and nonreligious interventions. Individuals who are spiritual also, according to Pulchalski, tend to have a more positive outlook and a better quality of life. Spiritual beliefs help people to cope with disease and to face death. As I mentioned before I’m a christian borned catholic, but everyone has different beliefs, not everyone is a christian but as nurses we have to respect and accept every patient the way they are and treat each one of them with dignity. I will choose the intervention that is religious and nonreligious to make sure my patients get the best spiritual needs available to feel better. “The religious leader’s role is to provide the client with faith-based incentives to initiate and maintain changes in their health behaviors, and perhaps to provide resources for the individual to pursue an action plan” (Anshel, M. H. 2010).
Spiritual interventions are approaches that involve religious or existential aspects such as finding meaning and purpose in life. Spiritual interventions may include activities such as spiritual counseling, meaning-focused meditation, or psychotherapy. I will use the one that is appropriate for my patients, the one that will give them purpose and meaning to their life, a sense of hope.
4 – Everyone’s worldview will be different. It develops from their own experiences and the society they are exposed to. What a person experiences or sees in life is then interpreted as their worldview. I would say that I fall under Pantheism. I believe that spirituality can be found in nature. It is more than one single entity; it is a combination of things that include nature. All things happen for a reason. The world, including people and nature, are constantly evolving. “According to pantheism, mountains, trees, rivers, and anything one may encounter in nature are deities” (2020, Bogue and Hogan).
In my nursing career I have had the opportunity to take care of patients with different spiritual beliefs. I have not always agreed with some of the practices but being a professional nurse, I have always respected them. My conception of spirituality allows me to maintain an open mind. I care for my patients with empathy knowing that each person’s struggle is more than a medical condition. I seek to know them as an individual and treat more than their physical ailments. In getting to know my patients, I can reach out to my interdisciplinary team for help. We can collectively give the patient the best care.PHI 413N Nursing Correlation with Christianity
5.2 – Reading through the first few chapters of Called to Care: A Christian Worldview for Nursing, it was both fascinating and uplifting to better understand the Christian origins of the nursing profession. The nurse’s position, “grew out of a Christian understanding of the human person as created in the image of God and viewed the body as a living unity and the “temple of the Holy Spirit” (1 Cor 3:16)” (Shelly & Miller, 2006, P. 16). As time passed, the nursing profession began to morph as new concepts and theories were introduced, moving further away from the intangible aspects of nursing care, to focus more of the physical aspects. Many of the theories that developed were rooted in science (specifically naturalism), as the profession of nursing enter academia. As this shift occurred, the nursing profession began to change and has become the profession we know today. While I do believe there is the essential need for a thorough and comprehensive understanding of science as it directly relates to our ability to provide effective care, it does not mean we should dismiss the religious and spiritual aspects of nursing care.
Health is a broad term, as it relates to more than just the physical being. Our health goes beyond just the absence of disease. A narrow view of nursing where the sole focus is on achieving optimal biological functioning and disregarding the spiritual and emotional well-being of an individual leads to flawed, inappropriate, and non-comprehensive care (Shelley & Miller, 2006, P. 67). Complete health goes beyond the physical or psychological and includes the spiritual. Depending on the individual’s views, one may consider themselves healthy based on spiritual health alone, especially if the individual believes in eternal salvation. Therefore, as professionals we must recognize these aspects and how vital the emotional and spiritual aspects are in providing care. “If that is the case, nursing cannot work toward the goal of health without including the clear proclamation of the gospel, as well as providing physical care with a servant attitude. Nursing as a vocation, or calling, from God, must return to its roots in the church and Christian faith in order to work toward the goal of true health. Furthermore, if we hope to maintain a strong Christian worldview in nursing, our faith must be nurtured in a Christian community and informed by a clear theology. True nursing cannot be divorced from the Christian story” (Shelly & Miller, 2006, P. 24-25).PHI 413N Nursing Correlation with Christianity
6.2 – The role of spirituality in healthcare is the most interesting aspect of the topic of reading. In this reading, it is evident that physicians have tried to balance their care over the past few decades by reclaiming the more spiritual roots of medicine and recognizing the linkage between spirituality and modern healthcare. The search for truth is the main contribution of spirituality in contemporary healthcare; thus, God’s belief affects how people require health care and understanding of healthcare and disease among the providers. (Andrade & Radhakrishnan, 2009).
My views on the analysis of disease and healing stem from various factors that spur debates between individuals who consider nursing art and those who view it as a science. On the subject of healing, it has continued to confuse its understanding, yet it is the primary focus in delivering quality healthcare (Firth et al., 2015). Since healing is a transformative process involving the recovery and repair of the mind from a specific disease, the nurses should mandate a holistic approach when listening to the patient’s case. On the contrary, individuals view illness as a condition that can be eliminated through healing and curing (Andrade & Radhakrishnan, 2009). Healthy life stimulates human beings, both spiritually and psychologically; therefore, the healthcare sector’s focus should be the elimination of the disease through efficient healing processes.PHI 413N Nursing Correlation with Christianity