The Personal Hygiene Lesson Plan for Preschool Learners

The Personal Hygiene Lesson Plan for Preschool Learners

The Personal Hygiene Lesson Plan for Preschool Learners

DQ1 (150 words) -Explain how you will use your content area knowledge, as well as the Arizona Early Learning Standards (or the standards in your state) to create meaningful and challenging curriculum for each child.

DQ2- From the Arizona Early Learning Standards, or the standards in your state, what would you consider the three most critical reading or writing standards? List the three standards and explain your rationale.


Benchmark – Differentiated Lesson Plans -For this benchmark, create a preschool and a second grade early literacy lesson plan for specified groups of students.


Based on the information and data provided on the “Class Description” and the “Class Profile,” create an early literacy lesson plan that includes a whole group circle-time activity and at least two different center activities. Your center activities should include early literacy activities related to the topic and theme of your circle time activity. Your lesson should be sufficiently differentiated to accommodate all individual students on the “Class Profile” and their specific abilities, needs, and background factors. Your lesson plan should also include the following:

A description of your theme or big ideas to be covered, any facilitating techniques, and a description of the two center activities that would be utilized during center-time group rotations, informed by each child’s individual learning needs and goals.

Problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills that can be utilized by students with and without exceptionalities;

An explanation of considerations made to support literacy development of individuals with exceptionalities.

  • Use strategies to enhance language development and communication skills.
  • The strategies you will employ to facilitate the type of literacy development you are targeting for all students.
  • The types of assistive technology that would be needed for this lesson to support literacy development.
  • Use the “COE Lesson Plan Template.”
  • Second Grade
  • Based on the information and data provided on the “Class Description” and the “Class Profile,” create an early literacy lesson plan for this diverse group of students. Your lesson should be sufficiently differentiated to accommodate all individual students on the “Class Profile” and their specific abilities, needs, and background factors. Your lesson plan should:

Specify the content of your lesson, any teaching techniques, and align your learning objectives with the Arizona Early Learning Standards, informed by each student’s individual learning needs and goals.

Support the literacy development of individuals with exceptionalities.

Include strategies you have learned about in this course that are appropriate for the literacy areas you are developing.

Include the types of assistive technology that would be needed for this lesson.

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