Spiritual Care Responses Essay

Spiritual Care Responses Essay

Spiritual Care Responses Essay

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Kelly Casey 

1 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

When I think about the care I give to my patients concerning their spirituality, I usually start at their emotions; what will make them feel comfortable? At peace? I care for new mothers and their newborns, this is an emotional time and anxieties can run very high. When my patients’ anxieties, stress, and fatigue run high their pain becomes worse, their attitude dampers, and I know I need to intervene. My idea of spiritual care is to recognize their needs. Is their baby in the NICU? Has she slept at all since delivery? Is she realizing just how hard and new motherhood is? My interventions look different to everyone. Maybe she needs me to wheel her to the NICU to spend time with her baby, maybe she needs me to hold her baby while she naps, maybe she just needs to cry to me, and I can validate her feelings. Does she need a quiet time during the day to pray, and to have personal time with her family? I can put a note on the door to not disturb her. I like to start my shift by creating a plan with my patients; what is their goal for the night? How can I help them? Then I tell them what I need to do: assessments, ensure their pain is under control, weights, feeds for their baby. I like to know how they are feeling with every pain assessment, not just their pain, but emotionally (or spiritually).

In our text spiritual care can refer to how someone finds purpose, meaning; to look beyond physical existence to the inner-self (Grand Canyon University [GCU], 2020). This can be a personal religion, but can extend beyond that to family, emotions, values, morals; whatever guides their motivations and choices (GCU, 2020). Spiritual care can also be defined as a professional identifying and allowing one to express their awareness and give space for a patient to practice their rituals (eg. praying). The care professional can ask questions regarding how someone’s spirituality will affect their care, will it play a factor in medical decisions (GCU, 2020)? How does their spirituality provide comfort, and how can we help make this a good experience for them (GCU, 2020)?


Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2020). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision

      making in health care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/phi413v/practicing-dignity-an-





Marisa Edwards 

1 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

My definition of spiritual care would have to be the type of care I provide to my patient incorporating their spiritual and religious beliefs and values on their life, while still providing the medical and scientific side as well to give them the best possible outcome of quality care.

I believe that my definition is on track with what I read in the Grand Canyon text. It incorporates the spiritual and religious beliefs in all aspects of medical care in all stages of life and takes into account the views and values of the patient and their family. It helps to make their care meaningful to them and portrays them as a human being and not just a number of a patient getting standard cookie-cutter care. Care given should be determined on the specific patient and should not be the same for every patient. It includes the patient as a person but also their soul in the now and in their after life. Their spiritual views should direct the care given on a daily basis and should involve the individual at all times (Grand Canyon, 2020).


Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2020). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/phi413v/practicing-dignity-an-introduction-to-christian-values-and-decision-making-in-health-care/v1.1/#/home




Norma Meredith 

1 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1

Spiritual care is giving meaning and purpose to the patient we care for on an individual level. First and foremost, I strongly believe that you must ask yourself how I am feeling, how do I best response and what does the individual want or need. This will allow for a more patient focused approach. If this is beyond what you are capable of delivering, then you may need to seek help from a coworker. Belief in a higher power will inspire hope and purpose. Spiritual care in nursing is very important, but we are often unsure of how to approach and address the need. The same way we are expected to be culturally competent I believe that this competence should also be reflected on a spiritual level. We as the professionals should take the time to know what the patient spiritual beliefs are so that we can be accommodating as much as possible within our scope. Everyone’s spiritual definition may and will be different on a case by case basis. Whether we agree to it or not as long as it does not interfere with safety or facility policy we should be accommodating and nonjudgmental.

Spiritual Care Responses Essay

Often times we think that it will take great effort or planning but sometimes its just a matter of giving them privacy or standing their quietly while they pray for example. Spiritual care can also have great healing effects on the physical healing process. If one is able to cope and have the will to live then they won’t be resistant or non-compliant with medical care in certain circumstances.



Grand Canyon University (Ed). (2020). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/phi413v/practicing-dignity-an-introduction-to-christian-values-and-decision-making-in-health-care/v1.1/#/home




Kristine Collins 

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Re: Topic 5 DQ 1
Spiritual Care Responses Essay

As a nurse, providing spiritual care is as important as providing physical care since their spirituality is part of their everyday life. In the study by Balboni, et al., (2011) is stated patients who had their religious and spiritual needs met while hospitalized, especially during a crisis, felt more supported and less vulnerable. This allowed the patient to experience higher healing and feeling more comfortable. So my definition of spiritual care is leading by example, treating every patient with dignity and respect no matter if they had any sort of religious preference or not. There have been times I had not spoken to a patient due to their tenuous status or seen their family for any portion of their stay to find out any information about them, so providing consistent, respectful care is necessary. When the patient is able to or when the support system arrives, conversations are had to obtain a deeper understanding of one’s spirituality. But I also believe part of spiritual care involves a multidisciplinary approach from all specialities to support a patient while under our care. This is not only beneficial for that patient but also as a learning experience for the healthcare providers.

I believe my definition is in line with what our chapter discusses regarding patient’s spiritual care not only from a physical standpoint but all portions of their holistic care. Spiritual and physical care go hand in hand so finding the time to tie spiritual care into the policies and procedures of other care is just as important. My takeaway is every patient I take care of is independent of another. God made us in his image and all our patients have a spirituality that they recognize or not (Evans, 2020). Nurses, as lifelong learners must seek out ways to further understand ways to promote care for our patients, particularly in regards to spiritual care.

Spiritual Care Responses Essay


Balboni, T., Balboni, M., Paulk, M.E., Phelps, A., Wright, A., Peetet, J., and Prigerson, H. (2011). Support of cancer patients’ spiritual needs and association with medical care costs at the end. Cancer, 117(23), 5383-5391. doi:10.1002/cncr.26221

Evans, K. (2020). Intervention, ethical decision-making, and spiritual care. In Grand Canyon University (Ed). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian values and decision making in health care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/phi413v/practicing-dignity-an-introduction-to-christian-values-and-decision-making-in-health-care/v1.1/#/chapter/5



Judith Noameshie 

4 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1
Spiritual Care Responses Essay

Spiritual care to me is enhancing the positive aspect of what defines a patient’s sense of “self” and his/her relationship to the surrounding world. It is helping patients express their deepest emotions and thoughts and help provide care that will positively affect the medical outcome. For example, I had a patient who was admitted for gastrointestinal issues that were once severe but were starting to resolve. However, he was so anxious that it affected his breathing. And though his oxygen levels were above 95% on RA, and all tests came back negative to justify the difficulty in breathing, he would have moments where he would hyperventilate and be on the brink of passing out. He kept asking for more drugs and more tests to be done, and the doctor refused to cause there were no physical reasons for it. It was at the height of the COVID19 infections, so no visitors were allowed. I asked him about what helped him cope when he is faced with difficult situations. I asked him about calling his family on the phone to pray with him and pray for him. He explained he couldn’t do that because he was “impure”. He was having bodily discharges as well, so I think according to the Muslim faith he wasn’t pure. I couldn’t pray with him because I am not Muslim. I did pray for him in my spare time. I also encouraged him to think about things that made him happy. Or call family members and share good stories about the past to help him relax. I don’t know if he did it, but he thanked me for caring for his spiritual state.

Evans (2020) describes spiritual care as considering “what the person is experiencing internally even as nursing care primarily focuses on physical care.” As nurses, we are aware that a patient’s worldview determines how he responds to care given by healthcare workers. Since the goal of both patient and the medical team is to get the patient better, then incorporating a spiritual assessment in nursing care is important. And it has been proven through research that there is a beneficial association between spirituality, health, and well-being (Hall, Hughes, & Handzo, 2016 as cited by Evans, 2020). So, the nurse can ask basic questions about what helps the patient cope, but the nurse also must show empathy, compassion, and be an active listener. I hope I can always provide those important elements to my patients even if they are from a different religion, and especially if I am having a crazy busy day.

Spiritual Care Responses Essay


Evans, K.A. (2020). Intervention, Ethical Decision-Making, and Spiritual Care. In GCU’s Practicing Dignity: An Introduction to Christian Values and Decision Making in Health Care. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/phi413v/practicing-dignity-an-introduction-to-christian-values-and-decision-making-in-




Jennifer Smith 

3 posts

Re: Topic 5 DQ 1
Spiritual Care Responses Essay

As a nurse, when providing care it is important to not only care for a patient’s physical needs, but also their spiritual needs to promote the best possible outcome. Spiritual care to me means focusing on the religious and or emotional needs of patients and providing support in these aspects. If an individual is struggling anxiety and having difficulty coping this most definitely can impact their healing process and even drive to get better. I have sat with patients and let them cry on my shoulder, prayed with them, requested the hospital priest or pastoral care to come to their room and remained with them at the patient’s request, etc. This provides patients support they need crucial to healing and helps focus on what is important to the individual. What do they need specifically to meet their spiritual and emotional needs? Per the text, a person’s spirituality is influenced by their worldview and holds humanity’s needs for meaning, understanding life’s purpose, belonging, and transcendence (Evans, 2018). Spirituality is not specific to one’s religious or non-religious beliefs. I can agree with the text that spirituality relates to one’s need of having meaning and a purpose. With a devastating new diagnosis, or physical change from complete independence to dependence after a stroke for example, one may have an even more difficult time getting through it if their emotional needs or spirituality are not met and everyone’s needs are individualized and in line with their beliefs, values, etc.

Evans, K. A. (2018). Intervention, ethical decision-making, and spiritual care. In Grand Canyon University (Ed.). Practicing dignity: An introduction to Christian views and decision making in healthcare. Retrieved from https://lc.gcumedia.com/phi413v/practicing-dignity-an-introduction-to-christian-values-and-decision-making-in-health-care/v1.1/#/chapter/5


Spiritual Care Responses Essay

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