Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Response

Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Response

Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Response

Whenever a student is researching information for EBP, it is important for the student to use proper databases for such information. Not all search engines are created equal and therefore the student must use credible resources. GCU has supplied students with the GCU library. Within the journal database there are 248 different databases for students to access EBP articles. Two databases within the GCU library are Nursing and Allied Health Collection and Cochrane Library. “The Cochrane Library is a collection of six databases that contain different types of high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making, and a seventh database that provides information about groups in the Cochrane Collaboration” (GCU, 2021). This particular database has a large variety topics that a nurse could look into to help their research to support the Capstone project. Nursing and Allied Health Collection is another database found within the GCU library that “comes to the rescue of nursing students, physician’s assistant students, and researchers in allied health fields who are looking for answers related to the specialized care, treatment, and management of all sorts of patients” (GCU, 2021). This type of database is quite useful for a Capstone project research as it is directly related to helping students looking for answers.

Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Response

While Google Scholar can be quick and easy to use, Google Scholar can have its downfalls and therefore may not be as reliable as the two previous mentioned databases. “Some of the work included in Google Scholar is not peer-reviewed and has been less rigorously scrutinized than the peer-reviewed sources included in Web of Science and Scopus” (Ali, 2021). Another thing for students to consider when using Google Scholar or Google in general is that anyone can put anything on the internet, they do not need to be a scientist, nurse, or doctor. When people put things on the internet they may be untrue, plagiarized and or unethical. When researched EBP, authenticity, factual and ethical sources are going to be the best resources to use.

Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Response


Ali, F. (2021, March 26). How reliable is google scholar? Research HUB. Retrieved from https://researchhub.org/how-reliable-is-google-scholar/#:~:text=Some%20of%20the%20Disadvantages%20include,game%E2%80%9D%20Google%20Scholar%20citation%20counts.

Grand Canyon University. (2021). Find Journal Articles. GCU. https://libguides.gcu.edu/az.php?s=66982


Hammed AgunbiadePosted Date

May 9, 2022, 8:37 PM

Research findings, clinical expertise, critical thinking ability and patients’ preference are the basis of evidence-based practice in nursing (EBP) (McNiff & Petrick, 2018). With that said, it can be inferred that research is a vehicle for advancing the frontier of professional nursing practice. Clinical expertise is highly imperative in evidence-based nursing practice (Conner, 2014) as this shapes nursing judgement in driving patient’s care. Evidence-based research findings have been utilized for several decades to solve health related challenges and having reliable sources of information is imperative in making assertive claims on academic related issues. Grand Canyon University has tailored the Bachelors of Science in Nursing (BSN) program to make BSN prepared nurses research oriented and lifelong learners.


There are several sources of data (database) available in Grand Canyon University Library, CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature), Cochrane Library, PubMed, Natural Medicines, Joanna Briggs Institute EBP, among other (Research Guide at Grand Canyon University, n.d.). As regards the author’s capstone project change proposal, the author considers CINAHL a seasoned data base, reason being it is a research tool for nursing and allied health professionals with access to nursing and allied health journals, that includes more than 1300 journal titles with indexing for more than 4000 journal title, covering more than 50 nursing specialties (Research Guide at Grand Canyon University, n.d.). Also, PubMed is a free database for more than 30 million citations for published articles in the field of biomedicine and health (Research Guide at Grand Canyon University, n.d.). These two data bases contains peer-reviewed articles while google scholars and general internet search does not make distinctions.

Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Response


Conner, B. T. (2014). Differentiating research, evidence-based practice, and quality improvement. American Nurse Today, 9(6). Retrieved from https://www.americannursetoday.com/differentiating…

McNiff, P, & Petrick, M. (2018). Nursing research: Quantitative Research: Ethics, Theory, and Research.https://lc.gcumedia.com/nrs433v/nursing-research-u…

Research Guide at Grand Canyon University. (n.d.). Find journal articles. https://libguides.gcu.edu/az.php?s=66982


Asha ChristianPosted Date

May 9, 2022, 4:49 AM(edited)

Replies to Rashida Bangura

In order to manage new literature and technology, nurses may benefit from evidence-based nursing, which could result in improved patient outcomes. The two Grand Canyon University (GCU) Library Scholarly databases that will help me in finding the best research articles to support my evidence-based proposal are CINAHL (Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature) and PubMed. They offer a wide variety of health books, journals, EBP care sheets, and continuing education modules. These databases are peer-reviewed and contain accurate information. CINAHL has long dominated the market for bibliographic databases for nurses (Shipperlee, Taylor, & Wishart, 2009). CINAHL is a great resource for those looking for learning modules, evidence-based care sheets, and research instruments for nursing. CINAHL covers more than 50 nursing specialties, speech-language pathology, and nutrition. PubMed is useful for health science research in general. It contains over 30 million citations for articles in the fields of biomedicine and health, including articles from the MEDLINE® database that report on National Institutes of Health (NIH) funded research (GCU, n.d.).

GCU’s library CINAHL and PubMed are better databases source of information than Google Scholar or a general internet search because of the following advantages they offer, such as:

· Ability to search subject area.

· Ability to sort results according to date and importance

· Ability to sort results by material type

· Ability to limit the search by a variety of criteria

· Ability to give the free full text of articles

Google Scholar database does not offer the ability to search subject areas or an easy way of sorting articles in the search result list. It does not clearly sort types of material into academic journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. Also, it does not have full criteria to limit search results. Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature. It is not an academic database and does not provide all peer viewed articles. Google Scholar does not provide a complete list of publishers, professional societies, or other organizations that they are partnering with. The results we get from GCU are from people that understand what nurses go through. GCU library has lots of databases, different articles, so many eBooks, expert information finders, and citation creation. They give access to these resources to all students for research and other academic purposes.

Evidence Based Practice in Nursing Response

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