Nursing Research Methodologies Discussion
Nursing Research Methodologies Discussion
The choice of research methodologies is based on a thorough understanding of the scientific process and the desired research outcome. Identifying a problem or observation, formulating a working hypothesis based on the observation or problem, and reviewing the work of others in the field, are key perquisites for the correct choice of research methodology. The hypotheses to be tested should be based on a research design that provides the answers needed. Thus, the choice between qualitative and quantitative approaches depends on the ability of each to provide the research answers (Creswell, 2014). Qualitative research is a design approach that is more exploratory by nature and is used by researchers to determine the answers to ‘how’ and ‘why’ type questions. Thus, the advantage of qualitative research lies in its ability to provide a better understanding of a phenomenon. For example, if I was interested in examining the perceptions of nursing professionals regarding social distancing policies during the COVID-19 pandemic while engaged in health care management of nursing home residents, a qualitative research design would be appropriate. Scholars note, however, that qualitative research can face the disadvantage of difficulty in identifying which variables are involved in the study (Walker, 2011). Thus, a careful consideration of desired research outcomes is crucial for the correct methodology choice, which can involve a mixed methods approach.
Tags: Qualitative nursing research methodologies