Healthcare Providers Essay

Healthcare Providers Essay

Healthcare Providers Essay

Coffee County, Tennessee is a predominantly rural county in southern middle Tennessee with a population of just above 56,500 people in 2019 (Sycamore Institute TN, 2020). Within the practice setting of a local community clinic in Coffee County, it is reported by the treating physician that one of the most prevalent health problems encountered in this community is hypertension. For this practicum, the population at risk will be hypertensive patients who visit the community clinic in Coffee County, Tennessee.

One gap in care that often impacts the treatment of hypertension in this population is the concept of therapeutic inertia. Therapeutic inertia is essentially when a healthcare provider does not increase the prescribed therapies (for instance, antihypertensive medications) in the setting of unfulfilled treatment goals (Patil et al., 2020). As an example, suppose a patient comes into the clinic who was started on amlodipine 3 months ago when her blood pressure at the clinic was 145/96. Today she returns to the clinic for follow-up with a blood pressure of 142/92. The doctor does not increase her dose of amlodipine nor change her to a different medication because he is not convinced that this is a true representation of the patient’s blood pressure control over the last 3 months, especially since the patient cannot produce any consistent blood pressure readings from home due to lack of equipment. The doctor is hesitant to change her medication regimen until more at-home readings can be recorded, as he believes her pressures could possibly just be elevated in the clinic due to “white coat syndrome.” While there are still debates on whether this sort of postponement of treatment is acceptable or whether it constitutes inapt care (Mata-Cases et al., 2020), it directly affects the population of hypertensive patients at this clinic and presents opportunities to measurably improve health outcomes in this community.

The social determinants of health in this community and among this specific population that will be highlighted during this practicum are access to health care services, availability of community-based resources, and social support (Office of Disease Prevention, 2020). Social factors that impact health outcomes in a particular community also include the physical environments where people live out their daily lives and activities (Office of Disease Prevention, 2020). For this practicum, in particular, the physical environments that will be considered more specifically are churches, recreational settings, and the community clinic itself.

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