HR 002 Recruitment Strategy Planning Research Paper

HR 002 Recruitment Strategy Planning Research Paper

HR 002 Recruitment Strategy Planning Research Paper



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This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document that includes both parts of the Assessment. Save the document as HR002_firstinitial_lastname (for example, HR002_J_Smith).

This assessment has Three-parts. Click each of the items below to complete this assessment. HR 002 Recruitment Strategy Planning Research Paper


Part I: Challenges of and Strategies for Recruitment and Selection

  • You are a human resources manager working in a large urban hospital. As a result of ongoing changes in the hiring process at your facility, your director has charged you with preparing a plan for supervisors to use when they recruit, select, appraise, and dismiss healthcare employees. Before you can prepare the plan, you must first analyze the challenges involved in the recruitment and selection of healthcare employees. You must also propose strategies to address those challenges.
  • Write an analysis of recruitment and selection processes as follows (3–7 pages):
    • Describe four challenges (i.e., legal, ethical, moral, and operational) related to recruitment and four challenges associated with selection. Include a balance of information on both internal and external challenges and explain how these challenges impact recruitment and selection.
    • Explain the impact of failing to address these challenges on human resources function and hospital performance management.
    • Recommend strategic approaches to address the challenges associated with internal and external factors that affect recruitment and selection. Specifically, describe a strategic approach for each factor you identified, and explain how this strategy will help mitigate the potential challenges inflicted by the particular internal or external challenges. Include best practices from other industries (i.e., information technology, hospitality) in your recommendation. Explain how information from other industries can inform recruitment and selection in the healthcare industry.
    • Identify at least two recruitment sources that the human resources department should use and evaluate their efficiency and effectiveness.
    • Identify at least two candidate selection processes that the human resources department should use and explain why both processes are efficient and effective.

Part II: Recruitment, Selection, Performance Appraisal, and Dismissal Plan

  • Now that you have completed your analysis of recruitment and selection practices, you must write an executive summary outlining a plan for the recruitment, selection, appraisal, and dismissal of healthcare employees that incorporates the strategies you explored in Part I of this Assessment.
  • The executive summary will outline a plan for the recruitment, selection, appraisal, and dismissal of healthcare employees. The plan may include graphic representations, bullet points, etc. It does not need to emulate an APA-style research paper. Refer to the sample template for guidance; however, you can create your own template or plan document. Include the following:
    • A recruitment and selection plan as follows: (1–2 pages)
      • Define at least two key objectives in developing an effective recruitment process.
      • Define at least two key objectives in developing an effective selection process.
      • Explain how candidate selection will be conducted, outlining relevant components of and steps in the selection process.
      • Define at least two key objectives in developing an effective selection process.
      • Explain, in detail, how recruitment will be conducted, outlining relevant components and steps in the recruitment process.
    • A performance appraisal, disciplinary, and dismissal plan as follows (4–5 pages)
      • Describe the specific appraisal methodology and criteria that will be used to measure performance. Your description should include which types of performance information to use and how the information might be used in a performance review. In addition, be sure to describe the optimal methods for collecting performance data. Provide a rationale for your response.
      • Describe an optimal method of conducting an effective performance appraisal interview.
      • Describe effective communication techniques to use during a performance appraisal interview.
      • Explain how often the performance appraisal interview should be conducted, when it should be conducted, and who should participate in the interview and how it may incorporate disciplinary actions.
      • Describe at least one specific dismissal methodology and criteria that will be used to measure readiness for dismissal. HR 002 Recruitment Strategy Planning Research Paper

Part III: Should We Fire Him For That Post? A Small-Business Owner Reacts To a Prized Employee’s Inappropriate Facebook Commentary


Give a brief description of the advantages and disadvantages of using social media in personnel selection for your hospital as depicted in the case study above. Next, describe what strategic approaches you would take to enhance the use of social media in the personnel selection process. Finally, explain your rationale for your hiring decision.

Watson, M. A., & Lopiano, G. R. (2016). Should we fire him for that post? A small-business owner reacts to a prized employee’s inappropriate Facebook commentary. Harvard Business Review, 94(3), 103 – 107. Https://

HR002: Recruitment and Selection: Evaluate recruitment, selection, and dismissal practices for healthcare professionals.

Assessment Rubric



Rubric Criteria



Needs Improvement



Meets Expectations



Exceeds Expectations

Part 1: Challenges and Strategies for Recruitment and Selection
Learning Objective 1.1:

Describe the challenges related to recruitment and their impact on healthcare organizations.

Response does not describe, describes fewer than four challenges related to recruitment, or the response describes irrelevant challenges.


Or response does not clearly explain the impact of recruitment challenges on the healthcare organization.


Response is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant.

Response thoroughly describes four relevant challenges, including a balance of internal and external challenges, related to recruitment.


Response clearly explains the impact of recruitment challenges on the healthcare organization.


Response is supported by academic/professional resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Response identifies one example and describes why it is the most difficult of all challenges when it comes to recruitment at a large urban hospital.

Learning Objective 1.2:

Describe the challenges related to selection and their impact on healthcare organizations.

Response does not describe or describes fewer than four challenges related to selection, or the response describes irrelevant challenges.


Response does not clearly explain the impact of selection challenges on the healthcare organization.

Response thoroughly describes four relevant challenges, including a balance of internal and external challenges, related to selection.


Response clearly explains the impact of selection challenges

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Response identifies one challenge and describes why it is the most difficult of all challenges when it




Rubric Criteria



Needs Improvement



Meets Expectations



Exceeds Expectations

  Response is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant. on the healthcare organization.


Response is supported by

academic/professional resources.

comes to selection at a large urban hospital.
Learning Objective 1.3: Explain the impact of neglecting recruitment and selection challenges on human resources (HR) function and hospital performance. Response does not provide or provides a vague explanation of the impact of neglecting recruitment and selection challenges on HR function and hospital performance, and/or the response does not provide a specific relevant example.


Response is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant.



Response clearly explains the impact of neglecting recruitment and selection challenges on HR function and hospital performance, using a specific, relevant example. HR 002 Recruitment Strategy Planning Research Paper


Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Response assesses the impact of neglecting recruitment and selection with current examples from scholarly journals.

Learning Objective 1.4:


Describe strategic approaches to address challenges associated with internal and external factors that

Response does not describe or describes an inappropriate or illogical strategic approach for each identified challenge associated with internal and external factors.


Response provides a vague explanation of how each

Response describes one appropriate strategic approach for each identified challenge associated with internal and external factors.


Response clearly explains how each recommended

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Response includes one additional example form another industry.




Rubric Criteria



Needs Improvement



Meets Expectations



Exceeds Expectations

affect recruitment and selection. recommended strategy will help alleviate the potential challenges. Response does not include best practices from at least one other industry.


Response is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant.

strategy will help alleviate the potential challenges.


Response includes one best practice from another industry and thoroughly explains how information from other industries can inform recruitment and selection in the healthcare industry.


Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.

Learning Objective 1.5: Evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of various recruitment sources. Response does not identify or identifies fewer than two appropriate recruitment sources, or the response identifies two inappropriate recruitment sources.


Response provides an incomplete evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the recruitment sources.


Response provides a vague explanation of which of the methods is most effective.

Response clearly identifies two appropriate selection processes.


Response provides a comprehensive evaluation of the efficiency and effectiveness of the selection processes, including information about effectiveness and efficiency.


Response clearly explains which of the methods is most effective.

Response demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Response clearly identifies two additional appropriate selection processes and compares the efficiency and effectiveness of candidate selection between the identified selection processes.




Rubric Criteria



Needs Improvement



Meets Expectations



Exceeds Expectations

  Response is not supported by academic/professional resources or the resources are not relevant.  

Response is supported by relevant academic/professional resources.




Rubric Criteria


Needs Improvement


Meets Expectations


Exceeds Expectations

Part 2: Recruitment, Selection, Performance Appraisal, and Dismissal Plan
Learning Objective 2.1: Define key objectives in developing recruitment processes. Recruitment and selection plan does not define or defines fewer than two key objectives in developing an effective recruitment process, or the three objectives are irrelevant or not applicable. Recruitment and selection plan accurately and thoroughly defines two key objectives in developing recruitment processes. Recruitment and selection plan demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:



Response accurately and thoroughly define two additional key objectives in developing recruitment processes and incorporate human resources information system

recruitment data.

Learning Objective 2.2: Explain efficient and effective Recruitment and selection plan does not provide or provides an unclear or vague explanation of efficient and effective recruitment strategies. Recruitment and selection plan clearly explains efficient and effective recruitment strategies. Recruitment and selection plan demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


recruitment strategies. Recruitment and selection plan provides a vague outline of components and steps in the recruitment process, or the components and steps provided are irrelevant or not applicable. Recruitment and selection plan clearly outlines the relevant components and steps in the recruitment process.  

Recruitment and selection plan clearly outlines the relevant components and steps in the recruitment process and assesses the effectiveness and efficiency of the plan as supported by current resources.

Learning Objective 2.3: Define key objectives in developing an effective selection process. Recruitment and selection plan does not define or defines fewer than two key objectives in developing an effective selection process, or the two objectives are irrelevant or not applicable. Recruitment and selection plan thoroughly defines two key objectives in developing an effective selection process. Recruitment and selection plan demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Recruitment and selection plan thoroughly defines two additional key objectives in developing an effective selection process and incorporates the critical incident approach and assesses the defined objectives on the basis of reliability and validity.

Learning Objective 2.4: Explain the steps in the selection process. Recruitment and selection plan does not explain or vaguely explains the steps in the selection process, or the response provides irrelevant or inapplicable components and steps in the selection process. Recruitment and selection plan clearly explains how selection will be conducted, including relevant components and steps in the selection process. HR 002 Recruitment Strategy Planning Research Paper Recruitment and selection plan demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


      Recruitment and selection plan incorporates the critical analysis including effectiveness of the recruitment components and steps supported by current academic sources.
Learning Objective 2.5: Describe specific appraisal methodology and criteria. Performance appraisal and dismissal plan does not describe or describes fewer than five specific strategies for measuring performance, or some of the strategies are irrelevant or not applicable.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan explains irrelevant or inapplicable source of performance information to use in a performance review.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan describes fewer than two optimal methods for collecting performance data.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan provides a vague description of the types of information that should be obtained in a performance appraisal.

Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly describes five specific strategies for measuring performance, including positive and reinforceable feedback.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly explains which sources of performance information to use in a performance review, describes two optimal methods for collecting performance data, the types of information that should be obtained in a performance appraisal, and the type of information the chosen method(s) will generate, and why this method promises effective appraisal results.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan provide a clear

Performance appraisal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly describes three additional specific strategies for measuring performance, including positive and reinforceable feedback.


  Performance appraisal and dismissal plan provides a vague description of the type of information the chosen appraisal method will generate, and why this method promises effective appraisal results.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan provides an illogical rationale for why the data collection method is appropriate.

and logical rationale regarding why the data collection method is appropriate.  
Learning Objective 2.6: Describe effective methods for conducting performance appraisal interviews. Performance appraisal and dismissal plan does not provide or provides a vague description of an optimal method for conducting an effective performance appraisal interview. Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly describes one optimal method for conducting an effective performance appraisal interview. Performance appraisal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly describes two additional optimal methods for conducting an effective performance appraisal interview.

Learning Objective 2.7: Describe effective communication techniques for distributing performance appraisal feedback. Performance appraisal and dismissal plan does not provide or provides a vague description of an effective communication technique for distributing performance appraisal feedback.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan vaguely describes

Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly describes one effective communication technique for distributing performance appraisal feedback.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly

Performance appraisal demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly describes one additional



  how often performance appraisal feedback should be provided, how often it should be reassessed, and who should participate in the feedback. describes how often performance appraisal feedback should be provided, how often it should be reassessed, and who should participate in the feedback.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly explains how disciplinary actions will be incorporated.

effective communication techniques for distributing performance appraisal feedback.
Learning Objective 2.8: Describe dismissal methodologies and criteria. Performance appraisal and dismissal plan does not provide or provides a vague description of dismissal methodologies, or the dismissal methodologies describes are inappropriate.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan provides a vague description of criteria to be used to measure readiness for dismissal, or the criteria described are illogical or inappropriate.

Performance appraisal and dismissal plan clearly describes at least one appropriate dismissal methodology.


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan describes logical criteria to be used to measure readiness for dismissal.

Performance appraisal and dismissal plan demonstrates the same level of achievement as “Meets,” plus the following:


Performance appraisal and dismissal plan describes one additional dismissal methodology.


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