NRS 433V Experimental Designs & Sampling Theory in Nursing Paper

NRS 433V Experimental Designs & Sampling Theory in Nursing Paper

NRS 433V Experimental Designs & Sampling Theory in Nursing Paper


Provide examples of experimental and nonexperimental research design. Contrast the levels of control applied to each.


Describe sampling theory and provide examples to illustrate your definition. Discuss generalizability as it applies to nursing research.


NRS 433V Experimental Designs & Sampling Theory in Nursing Paper

Hello class,

All of you are doing a great job and I have enjoyed the class discussions. Your assignment this week will be similar to last week with two exceptions. You will be using two quantitative articles and the Critique Guideline Part II.



  1. Evaluate the components of quantitative research studies.
  2. Compare different types of quantitative designs.
  3. Contrast levels of control between experimental and nonexperimental research designs.
  4. Describe sampling theory.


  • Use the practice problem you chose and TWO quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment to complete this essay assignment.
  • Summarize the two studies, explain the ways in which the findings might be used in nursing practice, and address ethical considerations associated with the conduct of the study.
  • Refer to the resource “Research Critique Guidelines Part II” that is attached to the week three assignment task and this announcement.
  • Use the APA Style Guide and remain within the maximum word count.
  • Headings should be used to organize your writing.
  • There should only be TWO references, which will be the articles you are critiquing unless you would like to add a different article as a source for your introduction.

Please review the rubric and syllabus before beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion. Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


  1. Evaluate the components of a quantitative research study.
  2. Compare different types of quantitative designs..
  3. Contrast levels of control between experimental and nonexperimental research designs.
  4. Describe sampling theory.


Read Chapter 3 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice.


Review “The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses,” by the International Council of Nurses (2012), located on the ICN website.


Read “Sampling Methods in Clinical Research: An Educational Review,” by Elfil and Negida, from Emergency (Tehran) (2017).


Read “Appraising Quantitative Research in Health Education: Guidelines for Public Health Educators,” by Jack et al., from Health Promotion Practice (2010).


Read “What Are the Major Ethical Issues in Conducting Research? Is There a Conflict Between the Research Ethics and the Nature of Nursing?” by Fouka and Mantzorou, from Health Science Journal (2011).


Read “Science, Technology, and Innovation: Nursing Responsibilities in Clinical Research,” by Grady and Edgerly, from Nursing Clinics of North America (2009).


Read “Nursing Research: Differences Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research,” located on the University of Texas Arlington Libraries website.


Read “Research Ethics,” by Adams and Callahan (2014), located on the University of Washington School of Medicine website.


Read the strategies and tips located on “Searching Nursing Databases” on the GCU Library website to assist you in searching the main nursing and health sciences databases. View the associated tutorials as needed.


Reference the “APA Basics” information, located on the GCU Library website, to assist with the APA format and documentation of sources required for the assignment.


Reference the “GCU Library Research Guides: Citing Sources” resource for information on how to cite sources properly.


NRS 433 WEEK 1 PICOT Question and Literature Search


View Rubric

Assessment Description

The first step of the evidence-based practice process is to evaluate a nursing practice environment to identify a nursing problem in the clinical area. When a nursing problem is discovered, the nurse researcher develops a clinical guiding question to address that nursing practice problem.

For this assignment, you will create a clinical guiding question know as a PICOT question. The PICOT question must be relevant to a nursing practice problem.

Use the “Literature Evaluation Table” to complete this assignment. Prior to starting the “Literature Evaluation Table,” complete the following:

  1. Select a nursing practice problem of interest to use as the focus of your research. Start with the patient population and identify a clinical problem or issue that arises from the patient population.
  2. Following the PICOT format, write a PICOT question in your selected area of interest. The PICOT question should be applicable to your proposed capstone project (the project students must complete during their final course in the RN-BSN program of study).
  3. Conduct a literature search to locate six research articles focused on your selected nursing practice problem of interest. Note: This literature search should include three quantitative and three qualitative peer-reviewed research articles to support your nursing practice problem. A mixed methods article can qualify towards meeting a qualitative or quantitative methodology.

Articles must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

The PICOT question and six peer-reviewed research articles you choose will be utilized for subsequent assignments. The PICOT question will also provide a framework for your capstone project.

Note: To assist in your search, remove the words qualitative and quantitative and include words that narrow or broaden your main topic. For example: Search for diabetes and pediatric and dialysis. To determine what research design was used in the articles the search produced, review the abstract and the methods section of the article. The author will provide a description of data collection using qualitative or quantitative methods. Systematic reviews, literature reviews, and metanalysis articles are good resources and provide a strong level of evidence but are not considered primary research articles. Therefore, they should not be included in this assignment.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.



Literature Evaluation Table Example

Student Name:

Nursing Practice Problem (200-250 words):

Pressure ulcers result from prolonged pressure on some pressure areas, such as elbows, heels, and the back of the head. The ulcers/injuries result from prolonged pressure on these areas hence decreased blood and oxygen supply that causes necrosis and wounds. Pressure ulcers are painful, can develop severe sepsis, increase healthcare costs, and lead to death (Zarai et al., 2019). Current statistics show that pressure ulcers reduce the quality of life and patient health outcomes. Pressure ulcer development is a quality measure metric by the Agency for Healthcare Quality and Research important in evaluating care quality and patient safety.

Critically ill patients and elderly patients face significant problems with movement. This population reports the most pressure ulcers due to decreased activity and unconsciousness (Gasper et al., 2022). Elderly patients develop severe wounds that hardly heal due to old-age tissue development and repair changes. Individuals with severe injuries such as cervical vertebrae fractures have mobility issues, and repositioning may be more harmful than harmless.

Usual care in these patients entails two-hourly repositioning to relieve pressure in these areas. The standard routine may be inapplicable in most patient situations, such as neck and head injury patients, and is also severely affected by nurses’ shortage and intention to carry out the procedure. Interventions should, as ripple mattresses, help redistribute pressure in body areas automatically over time. These interventions will help redistribute pressure with minimum patient movement and improve outcomes while maintaining patient comfort. 

PICOT Question: Among critically ill and elderly patients, does using ripple mattresses compared to usual care prevent pressure ulcers and improve their management?

Criteria Article 1 Article 2 Article 3
APA-formatted article citation with permalink Adibelli, S., & Korkmaz, F. (2022). Pressure injury prevention practices of intensive care unit nurses in Turkey: A descriptive multiple-methods qualitative study. Journal of Tissue Viability.


Sachs, M. B., Wolffbrandt, M. M., & Poulsen, I. (2018). Prevention of pressure ulcers in patients undergoing subacute rehabilitation after severe brain injury: An observational study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(13-14), 2776-2784.


VanGilder, C. A., Cox, J., Edsberg, L. E., & Koloms, K. (2021). Pressure injury prevalence in acute care hospitals with unit-specific analysis: results from the International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence (IPUP) Survey database. Journal of Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nursing, 48(6), 492-503.


How does the article relate to the PICOT question? The article evaluates the practices in intensive care units used to prevent pressure injuries/ulcers in critical care units such as ICU and HDU. Routine care, such as two-hour repositioning, is integral in pressure ulcer prevention and nurses’ attitude, thoughts, and deliberations toward the actual practices in intensive care units. The article evaluates the prevention of pressure ulcers in patients receiving rehabilitation care after brain injury. Severe brain injury renders patients weak and reliant on the care providers for most or all of their needs. The article explores the various ways in which healthcare providers prevent pressure ulcers in these patients. Among the methods used are ripple mattresses for pressure distribution and pressure ulcers prevention The International Pressure Ulcer Prevalence Survey evaluated the pressure injury prevalence, risk factors associated with pressure ulcers, and standard prevention practices in critical care units using data from the institution’s database. The essay explores a critical part of the picot; population and evaluates the problem in critical care units.
Is the article qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods?

Justify your selection.

The article uses mixed methods

The study used descriptive statistics to collect and analyze observations and semi-structured interviews.

The article utilized a qualitative method because it used an observation method to collect data and analyze the data using content analysis The article is quantitative. The study collects, analyzes, and reports data using quantitative methods.
Purpose statement The purpose of the study was to examine the thoughts, deliberations, and actual practice in pressure injury prevention in critical care units Assess the interventions by healthcare professionals in pressure ulcers prevention in individuals with severe brain injury and undergoing rehabilitation services To examine pressure injury prevalence, risk factors, and prevention practices of critically ill patients in the US using the pressure ulcer prevalence survey database.
Research question(s) Are nurses’ thoughts and deliberations in line with actual practices of intensive care units in pressure injury prevention? What efforts do healthcare professionals implement to prevent pressure ulcers in severe brain injury patients? What is the overall prevalence of pressure injuries prevalence?

What is the prevalence of HAPI in critical care units in the US between 2018-2109?

What are pressure injury factors associated with more severe HAPIs in critical care unit patients?

What are the differences in prevention practices in critically ill patients with no injuries compared to patients who developed superficial or severe pressure injuries?

Outcome(s) The practice measures do not necessarily conform to the evidence-based recommendations in actual ICU nursing practice due to factors such as Patient/nurse ratios. Healthcare professionals use experience and knowledge to apply interventions for pressure ulcer prevention and provide care that suits every patient’s needs. The overall pressure injury prevalence in critical care units is 14.3%, compared to the 7.78% medical-surgery showing that critically ill patients are at a high risk of pressure injuries. 

The prevalence of HAPI was 2.58% in medical-surgical units and 5.58% in critical care units

Critically ill patients report more severe pressure injuries than patients in other units, with the sacral-coccyx region having the highest number of PIs

Prevention interventions such as technologies in critical care units while patient repositioning by self or the nurse were the most common interventions


(Where did the study take place?)

Three different adult intensive units in United States Hospitals A Danish sub-acute rehabilitation ward in southwestern Denmark US healthcare facilities participating in the IPUP survey 2018/2019
Sample 40 nurses in 25 beds Four patients undergoing severe brain injury rehabilitation 41866 patients in critical care units
Method Variation sampling Convenience sampling to select Voluntary response sampling
Key findings of the study and implications for nursing practice From the study, factors affecting pressure injuries prevention practices in critical care units were support materials, skin care, nurse-patient ratio, patient health condition, interprofessional roles, and individual skin characteristics and vulnerabilities. Four themes were prominent in the study, including organization of clinical practice, professional assessment, and interactions with the patient. The study highlights the importance of clinical knowledge and shows that it is not enough for effective treatment, despite its great significance. Thus, other interventions, such as ripple mattresses, have shown thus be employed for the effective prevention and treatment of pressure ulcers. The study found gaps in pressure ulcer critical care, which are inaccurate risk quantification in this population and the potential unavoidability of PI development. Pressure ulcer development in critical care units is a problem that requires prevention and management.  
Recommendations of the researcher The study recommends institutions and healthcare providers consider evidence-based approaches in ICU pressure ulcer preventive practices and the prevention of pressure ulcers. The researcher recommends that healthcare providers revisit patients’ past lives, pay attention to them, and use the details to improve outcomes. The researcher also recommends interdisciplinary extrapolation of results to in The researcher recommends institutions consult reputable databases and institutions such as the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and Institute for healthcare improvement to improve outcomes in critical care units


Criteria Article 4 Article 5 Article 6
APA-formatted article citation with permalink Lindhardt, C. L., Beck, S. H., & Ryg, J. (2020). Nursing care for older patients with pressure ulcers: A qualitative study. Nursing open, 7(4), 1020–1025.


Sharp, C. A., Schulz Moore, J. S., & McLaws, M. L. (2019). Two-hourly repositioning to prevent pressure ulcers in the elderly: patient safety or elder abuse? Journal of bioethical inquiry, 16(1), 17-34.


Gaspar, S., Botelho Guedes, F., Vitoriano Budri, A. M., Ferreira, C., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2022). Hospital‐acquired pressure ulcer prevention: What is needed for patient safety? The perceptions of nurse stakeholders. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36(4), 978-987.


How does the article relate to the PICOT question? The article explores a critical component of the PICOT: the population. The study investigated the care interventions implemented for elderly patients and preventing pressure ulcers. The article evaluates geriatric nurses’ experiences and perceptions of pressure ulcer prevention. The article evaluates usual care (comparison for the intervention), two-hourly repositioning on elderly patient outcomes, and safety. The article evaluates the current interventions’ effectiveness and any need for change. The article weighs the benefits and demerits of the intervention and its effectiveness in preventing pressure ulcers. The article explores the problem, the first component of the PICOT. It explores the institutional, patient, and nurse-related factors necessary before intervention implementation to prevent pressure ulcers in hospital units.
Is the article qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods?

Justify your selection.

The study utilized a qualitative approach, data collection was verbatim, and thematic analysis was used in qualitative analysis.  


The article utilizes a quantitative approach because the authors utilize numeric data to evaluate outcomes and uses descriptive statistics and inferences where the data is given in frequencies, percentages, rates, and prevalence The researchers used a qualitative method, as seen in data collection methods (semi-structured interviews) and analysis (thematic and content analysis).
Purpose statement The study’s purpose was to explore the experiences and perceptions of preventing pressure ulcers for geriatric nurses The study aimed to determine the number of elderly patients at risk for pressure ulcers, utilization of two-hourly repositioning, and the prevalence of pressure ulcers in the last week of life The study aimed to explore the perceptions of nurses’ stakeholders regarding pressure ulcer prevention practices and reality in a healthcare setting.


Research question(s) What are the geriatric nurses’ experiences and prevention of pressure ulcers in pressure ulcers prevention? Is two-hourly patient repositioning effective in preventing pressure ulcers among residents in a Residential Aged Care Facility? What are the perceptions of nurses’ stakeholders on pressure ulcer prevention and patient safety and reality in hospital settings?
Outcome(s) Nurses’ perception is an issue requiring attention. Nurses’ perceptions and experiences in geriatric care are influenced by nursing skills, the availability of nursing resources, and new nurses in the ward. Pressure ulcer prevalence does not impact pressure ulcer formation or healing. Patients who were repositioned two-hourly also developed pressure ulcers Expected outcomes were an understanding of:

Pressure ulcer risk assessment

Care providers’ pressure ulcers monitoring

Pressure ulcer risk profiles development; and

Effective interventions in patient safety improvement


(Where did the study take place?)

The geriatric ward of Odense University Hospital.  A Residential Aged Care Facility The study was conducted in a nursing focus group using senior researchers
Sample Six nurses in the geriatric ward of Odense University hospital 80 patients aged 65 and above 11 participants
Method Convenience sampling Random Sampling of the medical records of the residents Convenience sampling (nurses who consented to the study)
Key findings of the study and implications for nursing practice From the study, all the nurses agreed that pressure ulcer prevention in the geriatric ward is crucial. In the theme of experiences, nurses admitted most interventions are ineffective, and it is challenging to balance pressure prevention measures such as tow-hourly repositioning From the study, 91% of the residents were turned two hourly, and 34% developed pressure ulcers. 72% of the residents had behavioral concerns, and 38% were restrained due to behavioral concerns. Two-hourly repositioning and subsequent restraining is unlawful, breaches patient rights, and does not prevent pressure ulcers. Among the participants, the mean years of experience were 15.82 years. 62% had specialized training in wound care and pressure ulcer prevention, 36% were policymakers, and 27% were directly involved in making policies that affect pressure ulcers.

In thematic analysis, the most common factors implicated in pressure ulcer prevention and management include “Understaffing/nursing hours, health policies, electronic health records systems, and clinical language used, access to appropriate equipment and resources, teamwork and clinical support specialist on tissue viability/wound care.” Any interventions to manage pressure ulcers in institutions must consider these factors

Recommendations of the researcher The research highlighted the need for awareness creation on preventing and managing pressure ulcers in geriatric care. The researcher also recommends researching and implementing effective interventions such as bedside teaching, close observations and patient evaluation, and environmental modifications. The researcher recommends care providers eliminate two-hourly patient repositioning. To prevent pressure ulcers, the researchers also recommend providing other interventions, such as air/ripple mattresses. Healthcare providers and institutions should enhance institutional, behavioral change in ‘awareness/knowledge/competence, motivation and opportunity” to improve the care delivered.


Zarei, E., Madarshahian, E., Nikkhah, A., & Khodakarim, S. (2019). Incidence of pressure ulcers in intensive care units and direct costs of treatment: Evidence from Iran. Journal of tissue viability, 28(2), 70-74.

Sharp, C. A., Schulz Moore, J. S., & McLaws, M. L. (2019). Two-hourly repositioning for prevention of pressure ulcers in the elderly: patient safety or elder abuse? Journal of bioethical inquiry, 16(1), 17-34.


Collapse All ResourcesCollapse All

Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice

Read Chapter 1 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice.


Focusing on the Fundamentals: A Simplistic Differentiation Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Read “Focusing on the Fundamentals: A Simplistic Differentiation Between Qualitative and Quantitative Research,” by Rutberg and B

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EBP: Evidence Based Practice

Read “EBP: Evidence Based Practice,” located in the Student Success Center.


To Make Your Case, Start With a PICOT Question

Read “To Make Your Case, Start With a PICOT Question,” by Echevarria and Walker, from Nursing 2014 (2014).


Appraising Quantitative Research in Health Education: Guidelines for Public Health Educators

Read “Appraising Quantitative Research in Health Education: Guidelines for Public Health Educators,” by Jack, Hayes, Scharalda, S

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Problem Identification: The First Step in Evidence-Based Practice

Read “Problem Identification: The First Step in Evidence-Based Practice,” by Stannard, from AORN Journal (2021

… Read More


What Are Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods? A Brief Introduction

Read “What Are Quantitative and Qualitative Research Methods? A Brief Introduction,” by Chalmers and Cowdell, from Derma

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Be the Change: Understanding Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods in Holistic Nursing Research

Read “Be the Change: Understanding Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods in Holistic Nursing Research,” by Vinson, from

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Life After PICOT: Taking the Next Step in a Clinical Inquiry Project

Read “Life After PICOT: Taking the Next Step in a Clinical Inquiry Project,” by Granger, from AACN Advanced Cr

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The Underappreciated and Misunderstood PICOT Question: A Critical Step in the EBP Process

Read “The Underappreciated and Misunderstood PICOT Question: A Critical Step in the EBP Process,” by Gallagher Ford and Meln

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Nursing Resources: Qualitative vs Quantitative

Read “Nursing Resources : Qualitative vs Quantitative,” located on the University of Wisconsin- Madison Libraries website


Template for Asking PICOT Questions

Utilize the “Template for Asking PICOT Questions,” in this week’s topic.


Rubric Criteria

Summary of Nursing Practice Problem 

Criteria Description

Summary of Nursing Practice Problem

  1. Target


A nursing practice problem is thoroughly described.

  1. Acceptable

PICOT Question

Criteria Description

PICOT Question


A PICOT question is provided, and the PICOT question format is applied accurately. An answerable and researchable question is presented.

APA-Formatted Article Citations With Permalinks

Criteria Description

APA-Formatted Article Citations With Permalinks

  1. Target


Article citations are accurately presented in APA format and permalinks are correct.

Relationship of Articles to the PICOT Question

Criteria Description

Relationship of Articles to the PICOT Question

  1. Target

12 points

Each article clearly relates to the PICOT question. The articles provide strong support for the PICOT question.

Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Method Articles

Criteria Description

Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Method Articles

  1. Target


Identification of quantitative, qualitative, or mixed methods is correctly identified and includes a thorough justification for the identified methodology for all articles.

Purpose Statements


Criteria Description

Purpose Statements

  1. Target

Purpose statements are accurate and thoroughly summarized.


Research Questions

Criteria Description

Research Questions

  1. Target


Research questions are accurate and capture the fundamental question posed by the researchers in each study.

  1. Acceptable


Criteria Description


  1. Target


Research outcomes are accurate and described in detail for each article.

  1. Acceptable



Criteria Description


  1. Target


The setting in which the researcher conducted the study is detailed and accurate for each article.

  1. Acceptable


Criteria Description


  1. Target


The sample is indicated and accurate for each article.

  1. Acceptable



Criteria Description


  1. Target


A thorough discussion on the methods utilized in the study for each article is presented.

  1. Acceptable

Key Findings and Implications for Nursing Practice 

Criteria Description

Key Findings and Implications for Nursing Practice

  1. Target


Discussion of study results, including key findings of the study and implications for nursing practice, is thorough with relevant details and extensive explanation.


Recommendations of the Researcher

Criteria Description

Recommendations of the Researcher

  1. Target

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

  1. Target



Criteria Description

Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.


Template for Asking PICOT Questions



In ____________________(P), how does ____________________ (I) compared to ____________________(C) affect _____________________(O) within ___________(T)?





In __________________(P), what is the effect of __________________(I) compared to _____________ (C) on ________________(O within _____________(T)?




In ______________ (P), how does ___________________ (I) compared to _____________(C) influence __________________ (O) over _______________ (T)?




In ___________________(P) are/is ____________________(I) compared with _______________________(C) more accurate in diagnosing _________________(O)?





Are____________________ (P), who have ____________________ (I) compared with those without ____________________(C) at ____________ risk for/of ____________________(O) over ________________(T)?





How do _______________________ (P) with _______________________ (I) perceive _______________________ (O) during ________________(T)?



Adapted from the PICOT Questions Template; Ellen Fineout-Overholt, 2006. This form may be used for educational & research purposes without permission.

Short Definitions of Different Types of Questions

Intervention/Therapy: Questions addressing the treatment of an illness or disability. Etiology: Questions addressing the causes or origins of disease (i.e., factors that produce or

predispose toward a certain disease or disorder).

Diagnosis: Questions addressing the act or process of identifying or determining the nature and cause of a disease or injury through evaluation.

Prognosis/Prediction: Questions addressing the prediction of the course of a disease. Meaning: Questions addressing how one experiences a phenomenon.

Sample Questions:

Intervention: In African-American female adolescents with hepatitis B (P), how does acetaminophen (I) compared to ibuprofen (C) affect liver function (O)?

Therapy: In children with spastic cerebral palsy (P), what is the effect of splinting and casting(I) compared to constraint- induced therapy (C) on two-handed skill development (O)?


1) For patients 65 years and older (P), how does the use of an influenza vaccine (I) compared to not received the vaccine (C) influence the risk of developing pneumonia (O) during flu season (T)?

2) In patients who have experienced an acute myocardial infarction (P), how does being a smoker (I) compared to a non-smoker (C) influence death and infarction rates (O) during the first 5 years after the myocardial infarction (T)?

Diagnosis: In middle-aged males with suspected myocardial infarction (P), are serial 12-lead ECGs (I) compared to one initial 12-lead ECG (C) more accurate in diagnosing an acute myocardial infarction (O)?

Etiology: Are 30- to 50-year-old women (P) who have high blood pressure (I) compared with those without high blood pressure (C) at increased risk for an acute myocardial infarction (O) during the first year after hysterectomy (T)?

Meaning: How do young males (P) with a diagnosis of below the waist paralysis (I) perceive their interactions with their romantic significant others (O) during the first year after their diagnosis (T)?

Adapted from the PICOT Questions Template; Ellen Fineout-Overholt, 2006. This form may be used for educational & research purposes without permission.

NRS 433 Week 2 Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

Assessment Traits

Requires Lopeswrite

Assessment Description

In this assignment, you will write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two qualitative research studies.

For this assignment, use the nursing practice problem and two qualitative peer-reviewed research articles you identified in Topic 1 (or two new articles based on instructor feedback in Topic 1). In a 1,000-1,250-word essay, summarize two qualitative studies.

Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part I” document to organize your essay.

You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


NRS-433V-RS-T2-ResearchCritiqueGuidelinesPart I.docx



Rough Draft Qualitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations – Rubric

Qualitative Studies


Qualitative Studies

  1. Target


Two articles are presented. Both articles are based on qualitative research.


Two articles are presented. Of the articles presented, only one article is based on qualitative research.


Introduction of Nursing Practice Problem, Purpose, and PICOT Question

Criteria Description

Introduction of Nursing Practice Problem, Purpose, and PICOT Question

  1. Target


Introduction includes the nursing practice problem and purpose of the essay in a comprehensive manner. The PICOT question is concise, accurately written, and includes all elements.

  1. Acceptable


Introduction of the nursing practice problem, purpose of the essay, or PICOT question is not included.

Background of Studies 

Criteria Description

Background of Studies

  1. Target

Background of studies, including problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research questions, is thorough with substantial relevant details and an extensive explanation.

  1. Acceptable

Articles Support of Nursing Practice Problem

Criteria Description

Articles Support of Nursing Practice Problem

  1. Target

A thorough discussion on how articles support the PICOT question is presented. The articles demonstrate strong support in answering the proposed PICOT question. The interventions and comparison groups in the articles strongly compare to those identified in the PICOT question.

  1. Acceptable

Method of Studies

Criteria Description

Method of Studies

  1. Target

A thorough discussion on the method of study for each article and the comparison of study methods is presented. A benefit and a limitation of each method are presented. The discussion demonstrates a solid understanding of research methods.

  1. Acceptable

Results of Studies

Criteria Description

Results of Studies

  1. Target


A discussion of the results of each study, including key findings and implications for nursing practice, is thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation.

  1. Acceptable

Ethical Considerations

Criteria Description

Ethical Considerations

  1. Target


Ethical considerations when conducting nursing research is comprehensively discussed. Discussion of how the researchers accounted for ethical considerations is thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation.

  1. Acceptable

Thesis, Position, or Purpose 

Criteria Description

Thesis, Position, or Purpose Communicates reason for writing and demonstrates awareness of audience.

  1. Target

The thesis, position, or purpose is clearly communicated throughout and clearly directed to a specific audience.


Development, Structure, and Conclusion

Criteria Description

Advances position or purpose throughout writing; conclusion aligns to and evolves from development.

  1. Target


The thesis, position, or purpose is logically advanced throughout. The progression of ideas is coherent and unified. A clear and logical conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.

  1. Acceptable

11.84 points

The thesis, position, or purpose is advanced in most aspects. Ideas clearly build on each other. Conclusion aligns to the development of the purpose.


Criteria Description

Selects and integrates evidence to support and advance position/purpose; considers other perspectives.

  1. Target

Specific and appropriate evidence is included. Relevant perspectives of others are clearly considered.


Mechanics of Writing

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.

  1. Target


No mechanical errors are present. Appropriate language choice and sentence structure are used throughout.


Criteria Description

Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.

  1. Target



Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice

Read Chapter 2 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice.


Nursing Ethical Considerations

Read “Nursing Ethical Considerations,” by Haddad and Geiger, from National Center for Biotechnology Information NCB

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The Research Ethics Involving Vulnerable Groups

Read “The Research Ethics Involving Vulnerable Groups,” by Gonzalez-Durante, Zambrano-Gonzalez, Medina-Franco, Alberu-Gomez, Dura

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Adherence With Reporting of Ethical Standards in COVID-19 Human Studies: A Rapid Review

Read the Background and Introduction sections of “Adherence With Reporting of Ethical Standards in COVID-19 Human Studies: A Rapid Re

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Legal and Ethical Issues in Research

Read “Legal and Ethical Issues in Research,” by Yip, Han, and Sng, from Indian Journal of Anaesthesia(2016).


The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses

Read “The ICN Code of Ethics for Nurses,” by the International Council of Nurses (2021), located on the ICN website.


Introduction to Qualitative Nursing Research: This Type of Research Can Reveal Important Information That Quantitative Research Can’t

Read “Introduction to Qualitative Nursing Research: This Type of Research Can Reveal Important Information That Quantitative Research

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Should the Regulation of Research Misconduct Be Integrated With the Ethics Framework Promulgated in the Belmont Report?

Read “Should the Regulation of Research Misconduct Be Integrated With the Ethics Framework Promulgated in the Belmont Report?” by

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Qualitative Methods in Health Care Research

Read “Qualitative Methods in Health Care Research,” by Renjith, Yesodharan, Noronha, Ladd, and George, f

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How to Appraise Qualitative Research

Read “How to Appraise Qualitative Research,” by Moorely and Cathala, from Evidence-Based Nursing (2019).


Research Ethics: What Nurses Need to Know

Read “Research Ethics: What Nurses Need to Know,” by Schroeter, from American Nurse Today (2020).

Research Critique Guidelines – Part I Qualitative Studies Example

The problem of interest is pressure ulcers among elderly and critically ill patients. Pressure ulcers are injuries to pressure areas caused by prolonged exposure to pressure, primarily due to a lack of turning. Critically ill and elderly patients have serious musculoskeletal issues, are mostly unconscious, and face coordination problems. Studies show that elderly and critically ill patients report the highest prevalence of pressure ulcers and are prone to severe pressure ulcers. Pressure ulcers are prone to infections, and such pressure ulcers take long periods to heal due to the decreased blood supply to the skin. Pressure ulcers can progress to gangrene and affect bones such as the sacrum and calcaneus (heel bone) (Bazaliński et al., 2018). According to Bazaliński et al. (2018), infections to bone, skin, and muscle secondary to pressure ulcers are always serious and carry an increased risk of patient death.

Patient turning and routine skin care are the standard procedures in patient care. Nurses turn patients, wash, massage, and apply skin care products (Mitchell et al., 2018). The procedure can be effective when carried out routinely. However, patient turning is difficult, especially due to the global nursing staff shortage, and patient conditions such as injuries limit the procedure’s application. Pressure ulcer prevalence is a safety and care quality indicator in healthcare institutions showing the importance of managing it. Pressure ulcers thus pose a threat to patient safety and patient care outcomes hence the need for care interventions that reduce pressure ulcers. The goal is to relieve pressure off the vulnerable areas and promote proper circulation in pressure areas to prevent pressure ulcer development.

The PICOT question of interest is Among critically ill and elderly patients, does using ripple mattresses compared to usual care prevent pressure ulcers and improve their management?”

Background of Studies

Sachs et al. (2018) evaluated how nurses prevent pressure ulcers for patients undergoing subacute rehabilitation after severe brain injury. The article aimed to observe the healthcare professional’s intent to prevent pressure ulcers. The article adds to existing knowledge and helps determine gaps in care delivery and patient safety. It points out the factors affecting pressure ulcers; “mobility, perfusion, skin/pressure ulcer status, skin hydration, age, hematological measures, nutrition, and general health” (Sachs et al., 2018). The study shows a gap between national guidelines in preventing pressure ulcers and implementing these interventions. A major research question in this study was to determine professionals’ utilization of evidence-based strategies recommended by the relevant bodies and institution leadership.

Gasper et al. (2018) studied the perceptions of 11 Portuguese nurses’ stakeholders regarding pressure ulcer prevention practice and reality in the hospital setting. The study focused on understanding how nurses perceive pressure prevention. The themes evaluated were PU risk assessment, monitoring, profiles, and effective interventions to improve patient safety. The research question was to determine if nursing knowledge and practices were adequate to prevent pressure ulcers. The article evaluated current professional and institutional practices that aim to improve care delivery. The propeller of the study was the constantly high prevalence of pressure ulcers in healthcare settings, which indicates poor healthcare service delivery. The study identifies that healthcare institutions and relevant bodies develop evidence-based strategies, but the prevalence of pressure ulcers remains high, hence the need to evaluate the reasons. The article is significant to nursing because it unearths the major causes of the underutilization of evidence-based strategies developed.

How Do These Two Articles Support the Nursing Practice Problem You Chose?

Sachs et al. (2018) support the problem by identifying one of the most common problems in healthcare settings that negatively impact patient safety and care quality. The article also shows the importance of caring for critical care patients while ensuring they do not develop pressure ulcers. It also shows that pressure ulcers are expensive healthcare events and are prevalent in primary and secondary care. The articles show that severe brain injury affects consciousness and subsequent mobility, and patients require assistance with turning to prevent them from developing pressure ulcers. The study identifies that the problem can be managed through professional evaluation/ assessment, clinical practices, and interactions with the patient. The study will thus be used to explain the importance of the intervention in critically ill patients and help determine the effectiveness of routine versus selected intervention. The article provides a template for the evaluation n of the effectiveness of the intervention by determining if it is evidence-based, acceptable, and increases patient interaction (Sachs et al., 2018).

Gaspar et al. (2018) also support the nursing practice problem of pressure ulcers. It identifies that pressure ulcers affect patients in all healthcare settings. The article also shows that the problem exists in healthcare institutions and that nurses play a vital role in preventing these pressure ulcers. The article evaluates themes related to the problem, as shall be discussed later in this paper. The article also states that pressure ulcers lead to poor quality of life, which is costly yet avoidable. The article emphasizes the importance of healthcare professionals’ efforts in preventing pressure ulcers. The global burden of pressure ulcers is rising, and current interventions begin prevention in patient assessment to management of these pressure ulcers. The article supports the nursing practice problem and states that despite the goring body of research and evidence-based practices, the prevalence of pressure ulcers is rising, making it a growing concern requiring containment. The article will thus be used to determine the reasons for the current practices’ failure and what changes the new intervention will bring to pressure ulcers.

There was no intervention or comparison group for the two articles because no intervention was implemented. Gasper et al. (2018) evaluated pressure ulcer prevention among nursing stakeholders, who are the implementors and evaluators of the desired intervention. Sachs et al. (2018) evaluated four patients in a rehabilitation unit after severe brain injury. In addition, Sachs et al. (2018) used a population akin to the population of interest: critically ill and elderly patients. The two articles thus differ in their study participants.

Method of Studies

Sachs et al. (2018) utilized a qualitative and non-participant observational study. A major limitation of the study relates to bias in collecting and entering data. The participants understand they are being observed; thus, their performance may not be affected by being watched. Observations also fail to capture all details in a research study where the researcher does not participate. In addition, they enter and report data based on their understanding which could be wrong. Non-participant observational studies are extremely difficult and uncomfortable for the researcher and subjects. Gasper et al. (2018) utilized an in-depth qualitative interview using semi-structured interviews with nursing stakeholders. In-depth interviews are suitable qualitative research methods but time-consuming because they require transcription, organization, and analysis and require experienced interviewers to succeed (Coleman, 2019).

Results of Studies

Sachs et al. (2018) identified four vital themes in pressure ulcer prevention: “professionalism expressed by implemented intervention, patient involvement, feasible clinical practices, and professional pride.” The study showed that evidence-based practices are available, but their utilization to promote better patient outcomes is questionable. These themes should be considered when implementing any healthcare intervention.

As mentioned earlier, Gasper et al. (2018) focused on four themes on which they collected data from the nurses. Regarding motivations, “interest, responsibility, autonomy, leadership, and prioritization” were the major contributing factors. Concerning competence/awareness/knowledge theme, “Braden scale operationalization, undergraduate degree education, continuous professional education, missing care, and reliability of patient records and clinical characteristics” were the major contributing factors. More so, “understaffing, health policies, EHRs and clinical language used, access to appropriate resources (equipment and staff), teamwork, and specialist availability” were the major factors identified as opportunity areas.

Ethical Considerations

Ethical considerations in research include respect for persons that entails informed consent and full disclosure. Hasan et al. (2021) note that all research participants should be given information regarding the research, after which they consent or decline participation. Research should also be based on voluntary participation, and no participant should be deceived or coerced into participating in any research study (Hasan et al., 2021). Any risk for harm should be disclosed, and no information should be concealed. In addition, an internal review board should review any research intervention for which the author is affiliated/studies/works—for example, education institutions, healthcare institutions, and private research bodies’ internal review boards. Dissemination of information is also critical. Any information given to research professionals should be used for the intended purposes only to enhance confidentiality. In addition, information should be deidentified to maintain anonymity.

The researchers in these two articles ensured internal review boards in their respective institutions before they proceeded with the studies. All their participants were informed before their participation, and informed consent was sought from the nurses and the patients. Sachs et al. (2018) did it give informed consent because the patients did not meet the criteria for giving informed consent. The participant information was also deidentified in both studies, and no participant information could lead to their discovery. The researchers also published their articles for educational purposes and in reputable journals. Thus, the research studies followed the ethical considerations using human subjects.


Qualitative studies present vital perspectives into patient care and nursing practice problems’ mitigation. Pressure ulcers, the problem of interest, affects patient safety and negatively impact patients’ health and quality of life. The major interest is pressure ulcers among elderly and critically ill patients in healthcare facilities. The two qualitative studies present vital perspectives to pressure ulcer prevention, such as factors leading to increased prevalence and those preventing success I n their management. They add to the nursing knowledge and clinical practice, and using their perspectives will enhance the management of the practice problem and implementation of the PICOT.


Bazaliński, D., Więch, P., Kaczmarska, D., Sałacińska, I., & Kózka, M. (2018). Use of controlled negative pressure in the management of phlegmon caused by a fulminant complication of pressure wound: A case report. Medicine, 97(28), e11319.

Coleman, P. (2019). In-depth interviewing as a research method in healthcare practice and education: Value, limitations, and considerations. International Journal of Caring Sciences, 12(3).

Gaspar, S., Botelho Guedes, F., Vitoriano Budri, A. M., Ferreira, C., & Gaspar de Matos, M. (2022). Hospital‐acquired pressure ulcer prevention: What is needed for patient safety? The perceptions of nurse stakeholders. Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences, 36(4), 978-987.

Hasan, N., Rana, R. U., Chowdhury, S., Dola, A. J., & Rony, M. K. K. (2021). Ethical considerations in research. Journal of Nursing Research, Patient Safety and Practise (JNRPSP) 2799-1210, 1(01), 1-4.

Mitchell A. (2018). Adult pressure area care: preventing pressure ulcers. British journal of nursing (Mark Allen Publishing), 27(18), 1050–1052.

Sachs, M. B., Wolffbrandt, M. M., & Poulsen, I. (2018). Prevention of pressure ulcers in patients undergoing subacute rehabilitation after severe brain injury: An observational study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 27(13-14), 2776-2784.  

NRS 433 Week 3 Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations

In this assignment, you will write a critical appraisal that demonstrates comprehension of two quantitative research studies.

Use the practice problem and two quantitative, peer-reviewed research articles you identified in the Topic 1 assignment (or two new articles based on instructor feedback in Topic 1) to complete this assignment.

In a 1,000–1,250-word essay, summarize two quantitative studies.

Use the “Research Critique Guidelines – Part II” document to organize your essay.

You are required to cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years, appropriate for the assignment criteria, and relevant to nursing practice.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.



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Rough Draft Quantitative Research Critique and Ethical Considerations – Rubric

Rubric Criteria

Quantitative Studies


Criteria Description

Quantitative Studies

  1. Target


Two articles are presented. Both articles are based on quantitative research.

Introduction of Nursing Practice Problem, Purpose and Picot Question

Criteria Description

Introduction of Nursing Practice Problem, Purpose and Picot Question

  1. Target


Introduction includes the nursing practice problem and purpose of the essay in a comprehensive manner. The PICOT question is concise, accurately written, and includes all elements.

Background of Studies 

Criteria Description

Background of Studies

  1. Target


Background of studies, including problem, significance to nursing, purpose, objective, and research questions, is thorough with substantial relevant details and an extensive explanation.

Articles Support of Nursing Practice Problem

Criteria Description

Articles Support of Nursing Practice Problem

  1. Target


A thorough discussion on how articles support the PICOT question is presented. The articles demonstrate strong support in answering the proposed PICOT question. The interventions and comparison groups in the articles strongly compare to those identified in the PICOT question.

Method of Studies

Criteria Description

Method of Studies


A thorough discussion on the method of study for each article and the comparison of study methods is presented. A benefit and a limitation of each method are presented. The discussion demonstrates a solid understanding of research methods.

Results of Studies

Criteria Description

Results of Studies


A discussion of the results of each study, including key findings and implications for nursing practice, is thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation.

Ethical Considerations

Criteria Description

Ethical Considerations


Ethical considerations when conducting nursing research is comprehensively discussed. Discussion of how the researchers accounted for ethical considerations is thorough with substantial relevant details and extensive explanation.

Thesis, Position, or Purpose 

Criteria Description

Communicates reason for writing and demonstrates awareness of audience.

Development, Structure, and Conclusion

Criteria Description

Advances position or purpose throughout writing; conclusion aligns to and evolves from development.


Criteria Description

Selects and integrates evidence to support and advance position/purpose; considers other perspectives.

Mechanics of Writing

Criteria Description

Includes spelling, capitalization, punctuation, grammar, language use, sentence structure, etc.


Criteria Description

Uses appropriate style, such as APA, MLA, etc., for college, subject, and level; documents sources using citations, footnotes, references, bibliography, etc., appropriate to assignment and discipline.


Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice

Read Chapter 3 in Nursing Research: Understanding Methods for Best Practice.


Science, Technology, and Innovation: Nursing Responsibilities in Clinical Research

Read “Science, Technology, and Innovation: Nursing Responsibilities in Clinical Research,” by Grady and Edgerly, from Nursing

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Research Ethics

Read “Research Ethics,” by Adams and Callahan (2018), located on the University of Washington School of Medicine website.


Sampling Design in Nursing Research

Read “Sampling Design in Nursing Research,” by Curtis and Keeler, from American Journal of Nursing(2021).


Ensuring Data Fidelity in Quantitative Research

Read “Ensuring Data Fidelity in Quantitative Research,” by Siegmund and Siedlecki, from Clinical Nurse Special

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Ethics and the Reporting of Research Findings

Read “Ethics and the Reporting of Research Findings,” by Milton, from Nursing Science Quarterly(2019).


Essential Versus Nonessential: The Ethics of Conducting Non-COVID Research in a Population of Persons Living With Serious Illness During the COVID-19 Pandemic

Read “Essential Versus Nonessential: The Ethics of Conducting Non-COVID Research in a Population of Persons Living With Serious Illne

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Experimental (Trial) Research

Read “Experimental (Trial) Research,” by Stoica, from Salem Press Encyclopedia (2021).


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