H 333 Herzing University Patient Cheat Sheet

H 333 Herzing University Patient Cheat Sheet

H 333 Herzing University Patient Cheat Sheet

Unit 1 Assignment – Patient Cheat-Sheet

Submit Assignment

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 65
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload




Estimated time to complete: 3 hours

Managed care can be very confusing for patients. It can be hard to understand what plans are available, what plans cover, and what plans offer to consumers. Create a patient cheat sheet that highlights the important components of three managed care plans.

  • Create a graphical patient cheat-sheet to highlight the key points of managed care plans (HMO, PPO, and POS) as well as the limitations and exclusions of the plans.
  • Use the readings from this unit as reference material, citing at least two specifically in your work.
  • For each managed care plan provide information the details for each of the following categories:
  1. Costs (e.g., copay, deductible, premium, etc.)
  2. Coverage Limitations and/or Exclusions
  3. Flexibility (in choosing services and providers: require PCP, referral, pre-authorization, out-of-network?)
  4. Pre-existing conditions considerations
  5. Other categories deemed necessary
  • Select how to graphically display the information. Options include PowerPoint presentation, a table in Word, Venn Diagram, organizational chart, etc.)

For help with working in Microsoft Word or PowerPoint, see the tutorials in the links below:


HC333 – Patient Cheat Sheet

HC333 – Patient Cheat Sheet

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent: Graphic
50.0 ptsHigh Proficiency (5)

Graphic contains correct information for HMO, PPO, and POS for cost, coverage limitations/exclusions, flexibility, pre-existing condition considerations and other important factors.

50.0 ptsLow Level Proficiency (2)

Elements of both Moderate Proficiency and Non-proficient are present

50.0 ptsModerate Proficiency (3)

Graphic contains information for HMO, PPO, and POS for cost, coverage limitations/exclusions, flexibility, pre-existing condition considerations and other important factors but 1-3 errors in the accuracy of information are present OR 1-3 pieces of information are missing.

50.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency (4)

Elements of both High Proficiency and Moderate Proficiency are present

50.0 ptsNon Performing

Student did not submit the assignment

50.0 ptsNon-proficient (1)

Graphic contains information for HMO, PPO, and POS for cost, coverage limitations/exclusions, flexibility, pre-existing condition considerations and other important factors but 4+ errors in the accuracy of information are present OR 4+ pieces of information are missing.

50.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeGraphic presentation
10.0 ptsHigh Proficiency (5)

Graphic is easy to interpret and understand. Information is presented clearly.

10.0 ptsLow Level Proficiency (2)

Elements of both Moderate Proficiency and Non-proficient are present

10.0 ptsModerate Proficiency (3)

Graphic is somewhat easy to interpret and understand. Information is presented in a somewhat clear manner.

10.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency (4)

Elements of both High Proficiency and Moderate Proficiency are present

10.0 ptsNon Performing

Student did not submit the assignment

10.0 ptsNon-proficient (1)

Graphic is not easy to interpret and understand. Information is not presented in a clear manner.

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTechnical Requirements
5.0 ptsHigh Proficiency (5)

Spelling and grammar are accurate, standard American English and professional writing style used.

5.0 ptsLow Level Proficiency (2)

Elements of both Moderate Proficiency and Non-proficient are present

5.0 ptsModerate Proficiency (3)

Spelling and grammar are mostly accurate (1-2 errors), standard American English and professional writing style used (1-2 errors).

5.0 ptsModerately High Proficiency (4)

Elements of both High Proficiency and Moderate Proficiency are present

5.0 ptsNon Performing

Student did not submit the assignment

5.0 ptsNon-proficient (1)

Spelling and grammar are not accurate (3+ errors), standard American English and professional writing style used (3+ errors).

5.0 pts
Total Points: 65.0


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