SC 270 Herzing University Environmental Literacy Plan Project

SC 270 Herzing University Environmental Literacy Plan Project

SC 270 Herzing University Environmental Literacy Plan Project

Unit 1 Assessment – Environmental Literacy Plan – Phase I

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 85
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload





In this first phase of the Environmental Literacy Plan Project, you will be collecting information about your community. The term “community-based environmental protection” clearly implies that it is just that – community-based. It must draw upon the community’s experience and reflect its member’s values and interests. So if you are to develop strategies that address specific environmental concerns, you need to know what those concerns are, why they are important and who considers them important. Use this phase to identify what information will help you understand your community and its interests.

Research the following about your community (A community would be a township, city, town, or village where you live.):

  • Take five (5) pictures of the environment in your community, including parks, ponds, nature reserves, etc. Label these images with a title and location.
  • What is the current population of the community? Locate census data for the population of the community over the last 5 years. Plot it on a graph to show how the population has changed over the last 5 years. Based on this information, can you predict what the population will be 5 years from now? Include the prediction on the graph as well.
  • What is the population per square mile?
  • Other demographic information to locate includes: Does the community attract a seasonal population (e.g. university students, wintering retirees, or summering vacationers)? Why would this be a danger to the environment of the community? What are the basic population statistics (e.g. size, density, spatial distribution, age distribution, ethnicity, typical family size, and structure) in the community?
  • How does the demographics of a community affect the environment? Provide three (3) examples.
  • How would you describe the economic health and vitality of the community (e.g. what is the average per capita income)?
  • Using Google Earth, locate your community. Take a screenshot of your community from an aerial view. Mark the habitats on the map. Make note of habitat degradation, fragmentation, and destruction.
  • Does your community have an environment center or group? Make sure to note their information and what they do for the community.
  • Are there community events in your area (or surrounding area)? Trash pickups in community areas, leaf pickup, mandatory recycling, etc.
  • Do a local media search to see what types of environmental issues have been covered. Include a summary of three (3) articles that you find and describe the nature of those issues.
  • What is the impact of the choices of the community on the habitats and environment around you?

Format this information using the template provided or create your own template. You may also modify the template layout as long as it meets all of the assignment requirements.

Validate your statements and opinions with supporting evidence (citations and references) in APA form.


  • Environmental Literacy Plan – Phase I for your community (PDF or Word document)

Estimated time to complete: 5 hours

Assignment Files

Environmental Literacy Plan Template – Phase I [Word Document]


SC270 Unit 1 Assignment – Environmental Literacy Plan – Phase I

SC270 Unit 1 Assignment – Environmental Literacy Plan – Phase I

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContentSC270-CO2
25.0 ptsLevel 5

Expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and culturally respectful manner.

23.0 ptsLevel 4

Expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and culturally respectful manner with minor weaknesses in one or more of the areas.

21.0 ptsLevel 3

Partially expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose. Expresses ideas in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and culturally respectful manner with weaknesses in these area.

19.0 ptsLevel 2

Partially expresses content knowledge with the assignment purpose. Ideas are partially expressed in an organized, professional, and culturally respectful manner with major weaknesses in these areas.

16.0 ptsLevel 1

Expresses limited content knowledge with the assignment purpose. Ideas are not expressed in a complete, organized, clear, professional, and/or culturally respectful manner.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

The assignment was not completed or there are no constructed concepts that demonstrate analytically skills and no evidences to support the content does not align to the assignment instructions

25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisPRICE-P
25.0 ptsLevel 5

Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating strong analytical skills with strong evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.

23.0 ptsLevel 4

Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating strong analytical skills with evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.

21.0 ptsLevel 3

Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating analytical skills with some evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.

19.0 ptsLevel 2

Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating weak analytical skills with minimal evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.

16.0 ptsLevel 1

Constructs concepts related to course content, demonstrating inadequate evidence of analytical skills. There is minimal or no evidence to support professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

The assignment was not completed or there was no evidence of constructed concepts that are supported by professional and personal subject knowledge through details, supporting evidence, and idea differentiation.

25.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTechnology
17.0 ptsLevel 5

Manipulates multiple technological resources to effectively implement all assignment requirements.

15.0 ptsLevel 4

Manipulates multiple technological resources to effectively implement most assignment requirements.

14.0 ptsLevel 3

Manipulates multiple technological resources to effectively implement some assignment requirements.

12.0 ptsLevel 2

Manipulates multiple technological resources for some assignment requirements.

11.0 ptsLevel 1

Manipulates technological resources to minimally meet some assignment requirements.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

The assignment was not completed or difficulties with technological manipulation were evident. The assignment submitted does not meet requriements.

17.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
13.0 ptsLevel 5

The assignment exhibits a excellent command of written English language conventions. The assignment has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling.

11.5 ptsLevel 4

The assignment exhibits a good command of written English language conventions. The assignment has no errors in mechanics, or spelling with minor grammatical errors that impair the flow of communication.

10.0 ptsLevel 3

The assignment exhibits a basic command of written English language conventions. The assignment has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communication

9.0 ptsLevel 2

The assignment exhibits a limited command of written English language conventions. The assignment has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communication.

7.0 ptsLevel 1

The assignment exhibits little command of written English language conventions. The assignment has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the writing to discern meaning.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

The assignment does not demonstrate command of written English language conventions. The assignment has multiple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader difficulty discerning the meaning.

13.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I
5.0 ptsLevel 5

In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included with no errors.

4.0 ptsLevel 4

In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included but have 1-2 minor APA errors.

3.0 ptsLevel 3

In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included but have 3 – 4 minor APA errors.

2.0 ptsLevel 2

In-text citations of sources and references in proper APA style are included but have more than 4 errors.

1.0 ptsLevel 1

The errors demonstrate limited understanding of in-text citation and reference requirements

0.0 ptsLevel 0

There are no in-text citations AND/OR references.

5.0 pts
Total Points: 85.0


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