HC2668 Herzing University Clinical Quality HEDIS 2016 Summary

HC2668 Herzing University Clinical Quality HEDIS 2016 Summary

HC2668 Herzing University Clinical Quality HEDIS 2016 Summary

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 30
  • Submitting text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload



Healthcare Effectiveness Data and Information Sets (HEDIS) includes performance measures related to dozens of important health care issues. These measures are often used to determine the overall health of a population. Selected measures include, but are not limited to the following measurable data sets:

  • Antidepressant medication management
  • Breast cancer screening
  • Cervical cancer screening
  • Children and adolescent access to primary care practitioners
  • Childhood and adolescent immunization status
  • Comprehensive diabetes care
  • Controlling high blood pressure
  • Flu vaccinations for Adults
  • Medical assistance with smoking and tobacco use cessation
  • Medication management for people with asthma
  • Plan all-cause readmissions
  • Potentially harmful drug-disease interactions in the elderly
  • Prenatal and postpartum care
  • Relative Resource Use for People with COPD


  • Visit http://www.ncqa.org/hedis-quality-measurement/hedis-measures.
  • Choose one of the HEDIS data sets and determine its effectiveness on the population, wellness, and cost savings (use 2016 data).
  • Answer the following questions using data and support from your research:
    • Does it improve the overall wellness of the population? Why/why not?
    • Is there a cost saving with those that utilize these preventative measures? Why/Why not?
  • Your responses should be at least 250 words per question and utilize information from the data set to support your opinions.
  • Your responses should be in APA format with citations and references.


Unit 2 Assignment – HEDIS Analysis

Unit 2 Assignment – HEDIS Analysis

Criteria Ratings Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent
10.0 ptsLevel 5

Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors.

9.0 ptsLevel 4

Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement, thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed.

8.0 ptsLevel 3

Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial.

7.0 ptsLevel 2

Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement or related contextual factors.

6.0 ptsLevel 1

Demonstrates the ability to explain contextual factors but does not provide a defined statement.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

There is no evidence of a defined statement.

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisPRICE-P
10.0 ptsLevel 5

Organizes and compares evidence to reveal insightful patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

9.0 ptsLevel 4

Organizes and interprets evidence to reveal patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

8.0 ptsLevel 3

Organizes and describes evidence according to patterns, differences, or similarities related to focus.

7.0 ptsLevel 2

Organizes evidence, but the organization is not effective in revealing patterns, differences, or similarities.

6.0 ptsLevel 1

Describes evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

Lists evidence, but it is not organized and/or is unrelated to focus.

10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
5.0 ptsLevel 5

The paper exhibits an excellent command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling.

4.5 ptsLevel 4

The paper exhibits a good command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics or spelling with minor grammatical errors that impair the flow of communication.

4.0 ptsLevel 3

The paper exhibits a basic command of written English language conventions. The paper has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communication.

3.5 ptsLevel 2

The paper exhibits a limited command of written English language conventions. The paper has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communication.

3.0 ptsLevel 1

The paper exhibits little command of written English language conventions. The paper has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the writing to discern meaning.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

The paper does not demonstrate command of written English language conventions. The paper has multiple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader difficulty in discerning the meaning.

5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I
5.0 ptsLevel 5

The required APA elements are all included with correct formatting, including in-text citations and references.

4.5 ptsLevel 4

The required APA elements are all included with minor formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

4.0 ptsLevel 3

The required APA elements are all included with multiple formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

3.5 ptsLevel 2

The required APA elements are not all included and/or there are major formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.

3.0 ptsLevel 1

Several APA elements are missing. The errors in formatting demonstrate a limited understanding of APA guidelines, in-text-citations, and references.

0.0 ptsLevel 0

There is little to no evidence of APA formatting and/or there are no in-text citations and/or references.

5.0 pts
Total Points: 30.0
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