Hypertension on African Americans Evidence Based Worksheet

Hypertension on African Americans Evidence Based Worksheet

Hypertension on African Americans Evidence Based Worksheet

Attached are forms to evaluate the credibility of an author’s source on hypertension on African Americans


Attach this document to each article you are doing an abbreviated review on – word processed [not hand-written]



Student Name:                                                                                               Clinical Site:


Criteria Student Response Points




Faculty Grading Guide
APA Reference (single spaced) The APA reference can be single spaced for this purpose, and don’t deduct if they don’t indent properly.  Also, don’t deduct if there is no DOI





1 Deduct .1 for each type of APA error in the reference citation.  Deduct .1 for each spelling or grammar error
What type of evidence is this article? Research: ☐ Experimental or Meta-Analysis   ☐ Quasi-Experimental

☐ Non-experimental     ☐ Qualitative or Meta-Synthesis


Non-Research: ☐ Systematic Review   ☐ Clinical Practice Guideline

☐ Quality Improvement/Organizational Experience   ☐ Expert Opinion

☐ Non-systematic Review


2 1.5 pt = correctly identifies research from non-research

. 5 pt = chose the correct type of research or non-research evidence, i.e., qualitative vs quantitative


What is the evidence strength rating? 1 I through V; if they chose the wrong type of evidence in the box above, but completed the strength, deduct .25 (i.e. they put forth an effort)
What is the evidence quality rating? 1 High through Low/Flawed – don’t make any deductions if they put forth the effort, but correct their thinking if it is incorrect
Total Points 5


Student Name:  



Possible Points Earned Points Comments
Full Review Article:
Credibility Analysis










Identifies evidence correctly








Strength of Evidence





Quality of Evidence












APA, grammar, spelling







                                Subtotal Points 10
Summary Scores
Abbreviated Review 1


Abbreviated Review 2


                                TOTAL POINTS 20  


Student Name:

Clinical Site:

Reference (in APA format for reference page but single spaced):


Author Credibility Analysis:







Directions: Choose one of the following types of evidence and complete the appropriate section below it, based on the type of article/evidence:
Systematic Review – LEVEL IV
What question(s) was investigated in this review?


How do you know a rigorous peer-reviewed process was used for the review process?


Are search strategies specified and reproducible?


Are search strategies appropriate to include pertinent studies?


What inclusion and exclusion criteria are specified?


Are details of included studies presented (design, methods, analysis)?


What limitations are identified?


Are the variables in the studies reviewed similar, so that studies can be combined?


The QUALITY of this evidence is (high, good, low/major flaw):


Clinical Practice Guidelines (CPG) – LEVEL IV
1.    What stakeholders were involved in development of the CPG?


2.    Are groups to which guidelines apply and do not apply stated? What are they?


3.    Are potential biases explained and what are they?


4.    How do you know the guidelines are valid (reproducible search, expert consensus, independent review, current, and level of supporting evidence identified for each recommendation?


6.    Are recommendations clear?
The QUALITY of this evidence is (high, good, low/major flaw):




Individual expert opinion, OR case study, OR non-systematic literature review, OR quality improvement article – LEVEL V    
Which of the above is this article?


Was the article based on the experience of an individual?


If the article is an “expert opinion”, how do you know the author is an expert?


For an expert opinion, case study, or QI article, is there a review of literature presented and does it seem to fit with whatever the topic of the article is?


Is the author(s) opinion clearly stated?


Are potential biases acknowledged?


The QUALITY of this evidence is (high, good, low/major flaw):


Complete the following Sections for all types of Evidence:
From your review of the evidence, what do you conclude about what the authors said? (paraphrase – no quotations)


Will the results help in caring for patients/is pertinent to the patient population for the PICO question? Will you include it in your evidence table?




Adapted from:  Johns Hopkins Nursing EBP Model & Guidelines (2010)

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